Tag Archives: anti-America

National Day of Action Protest: End U.S. Wars at Home & Abroad – NYC

U.S. HANDS OFF SYRIA! Sunday, April 15, 2-4 pm – Herald Square, NYC [FaceBook]

This was an interesting adventure, glad we made a last minute decision to head down to Herald Square to catch the bait and switch escapades of the American Marxist tools.

The usual memes polluted the the air: “Out of the Middle East! End U.S. Aid to Israel! Solidarity with Gaza!End U.S. Wars @ Home & Abroad” [FaceBook]

​Speakers included Medea Benjamin of Code Pink, Ajamu Baraka of the Black Alliance for Peace, Chris Silvera, Secretary Treasurer of Teamsters Local 808 and many others …. We Are United! (8 short videos in the play list)

The Marxist palaver rang through the air from speaker after speaker (and was also passed out to the unknowing passersby.) See pdf of the Workers World:

  • Oppose all U.S. wars, nuclear threats, sanctions, coups and bases
  • Fund Human Needs, Not Endless Wars

* Solidarity with oppressed peoples under attack at home and oppressed people all around the world [SpringAction2018.org]

The CPUSA (Communist Party USA) … and Friends …  ranted for two hours, supposedly about U.S. HANDS OFF SYRIA (Out of the Middle East).

But, it was more obviously an anti-U.S. meme, not just a plea to end all war.

The TRUTH squared: oppose all things Western, Capitalist, U.S based and of course, Israeli.

The Good News: American Patriots were there countering the Marxist lies. Patriot Jim McDonald was interviewed a couple of times, once by a Marxist passerby pretending to be reasonable.

Another interview with Jim McD was with Radio wNYC.

More from the Marxists and their anti, anti everything message: UNACpeace.org  called for:

  • End U.S. overt and covert wars, drone wars, sanction/embargo wars and death squad assassination wars.
  • Close all U.S. bases on foreign soil. Dismantle all nuclear weapons.
  • Bring all U.S. troops home now. Self-determination, not military intervention. U.S. hands off the Middle East, Africa, Asia and Latin America.
  • End military aid to apartheid Israel. Self-determination for Palestine. The U.S. cannot be the cop of the world.
  • $Trillions for human needs … for jobs and social services, quality, debt-free education and single payer health care. No to anti-union legislation. For $15 and a union now.
  • Defend the environment against life-threatening, fossil-fuel-induced global warming. For a just transition to a 100 percent clean, sustainable energy system at union wages for all displaced workers.
  • No to white supremacy, police brutality/murder. End racist mass incarceration. Black Lives Matter.
  • No human being is illegal. No to mass deportations. Yes to DACA [Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program] and TPS [temporary protective status].
  • End all Wars at Home and Abroad! [unacpeace.org]

Scroll through a Flickr slide show of  the COMMUNIST RALLY/PROTEST, where NO American Patriots were welcomed.

commies usa 1. jpg

The signs and banners, a mind-numbing example of what our media and educational institutions swallow as fact from the agit-prop machine of anarchy.

Some personal observations. At 1:45, the Communist sympathizers quietly assembled in front of Macy’s at 34th and Broadway. Hip-hop type music was blasted as this happy group of anarchists greeted each other; smiling, laughing.

I was left unchallenged (in a public square) for easily 30 minutes or more. Usually Sara Flounders (of IAC)  assigns someone to chase me away (today this didn’t happen til about 3:15 pm) So, I wandered, taking pictures of the many signs.

The protest is supposed to be about SYRIA, but sign after sign regurgitates all the many familiar anti-U.S. and anti-Israel memes.

Anything they can hang on the American DEVIL they will put on a poster. This is a protest against America.  Against Israel.

Then I saw our eponymous patriot, Jim McD boldly going where many in Manhattan fear to go: offering support for President Trump AND for AMERICA. I watched Jim and the Commies for about 15 minutes and then … Patriots of many colors and ages began to join him!

Eventually, the anti-Capitalistas surrounded the Patriots with the agit-prop signs and Syrian 2-star flags (the Commies are not represented by the Syrian 3-star flag) while spirited exchanges – some actually civil- took place for about an hour. (No police seemed concerned by the swarming of the patriots.)

The swarming was finally addressed around 3:25 pm. The police began to build a ‘wall’ of barricades – separating both sides with a never ending stream of police barricades. (Seemed a bit late since the march to Trump Tower would begin in about 30 minutes) But the separation of the factions – the push-back was on ….

Observed high emotions from some; seemed the barricades made a few of the Commies more angry than the sight of the patriots, arguing AGAINST the police creating any kind of barrier. (How dare they)

Some final thoughts from the LEFT on why they gathered this day and their “ALL OUT AGAINST WAR! STOP U.S. Bombing of Syria” campaign.

“The bombing of Damascus is underway.  With no legal authority and in clear violation of international law, the Trump Administration has started its criminal attack on the people of Syria with the largest U.S. Navy task force, including U.S. nuclear aircraft carriers and nuclear submarines, since the attack on Iraq in 2003. Trump and the Pentagon’s criminal attack on Syria endangers us all.

It is time for all of us to express our strong opposition to the U.S. bombing of Syria and the endless U.S. wars.The time is now to return to the street to make our voices heard … to challenge the war makers and defend humanity. The future is in our hands. Not Another War!”

LINKS: Spring Action 2018; No Foreign Bases; UNAC Peace; IACenter; CPUSA.

[Pictures and Videos Property of Pamela Hall]

Next up will be May 1 – May Day – aka COMMIE Day… USA (see Workers World)


al-Quds Day LIES Returned to Times Square 2017

al-Quds Day, June 23, 2017. The anti-Israel LIES and agitprop returned to Times Square. Again.

Every year. Same ol’, Same ol’. (Rinse. Repeat)

Commies and their anti-Israel chums (Muslims and the Neturei Karta) gathered on Seventh avenue to proclaim – LOUDLY- that the Holy Land. Israel. Jerusalem (al-Quds). The Temple Mount (al Aqsa mosque). The City of David. ALL are the ‘ancestral’ property of those “Palestinain”  pretenders from Jordan (“victims’ of the Jews).

The Big LIE, claiming to be “Palestinians”. You name it. They  claim it. “From the River to the Sea”.

In Arabic, Jerusalem is known as al-Quds :  “The Holy” or “The Holy Sanctuary”.

Quds Day (Jerusalem Day; Quds is Arabic for Jerusalem), an annual event held on the last Friday of Ramadan …. initiated by the Islamic Republic of Iran in 1979 to express support for the Palestinians and oppose Zionism and Israel,[1] as well as Israel’s “occupation” of Jerusalem and Jewish settlements in Israeli- occupied territories[2][3]. Nominally, it exists in opposition to the Jerusalem Day (Yom Yerushalayim) celebration instituted by Israel in May 1968.” [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quds_Day]

The videos begin with al-Quds Day chants and pep-talk speeches (of course).

 The usual anti-Israel, anti-Zionist LIES made by the delusional Neturei Karta were countered vociferously by the The New Jewish Defence League NYC.

The New JDL-NY counter-protest had legs, determined to confront the LIES, still — even the truth confused some and irritated others.

But, the JDL-NY  had a permit so their counter-protest was not buried blocks away. The Commies got Alinskied! (Right back ‘atcha)

 The al-Quds Commies displayed “outrage” as they shouted (screamed) their Fakestinian agitprop across 42nd and 7th.

Lead by the usual culprits: Ramsey Clark’s IAC (International Action Center Commies) and WWP ( Workers World Party), Sara Flounders .

Also from IAC and WWP (Workers World Party),  Larry Holmes .

Veteran Communist organizers ran the ‘show’ along with Cyrus McGoldrick (once head of NY-CAIR) ….

Most of the speakers SCREAMED their message of HATE , except for Sara Flounders. She spewed just as much hatred for Israel and America, but in an oddly quiet-tone. Either way, it’s still HATE. “It is Right To Rebel- Israel Go To Hell” (at approx 1:35) But, TODAY, they did not “OWN the streets”, just their hatred.

As the JDL- NY counter-protest continued, walking back and forth, with the JDL and Israeli flags, sullen was added to the Communist demeanor.

Now the al-Quds protest-leaders slipped profanity into their pro-forma, anti-Zionist, anti America diatribes. They were not happy.

Even the always confident Cyrus McGoldrick seemed to grow weary of the JDL-NY commotion.

The JDL-NY contingent, like gnats on a hot summer-night, were annoying but legal.

…. just keep walking …

So the Israeli, American, Trump in 2020 and JDL flags strolled back and forth.
Including an “al-Quds is HATE” sign.
The whistles. The rams horn. The acoustic megaphones. The jeering back at the speakers. It all worked. But, next time, I’d recommend MORE WHISTLES (maybe more cowbell!)

The JDL-NY counter-protest was unrelenting. Countering the LIES. A new day was dawning.

 The NK – holding HORRID Nazi signs – were confronted by passersby, the JDL and a guy in a truck draped with Israeli flags.

He stopped his truck right beside the Neturei Karta, shouting at them in Hebrew.

Then, he drove SLOWLY down 7th. Next to the protest pens.

Yelling at the protestors, they yelled back and threw signs, as well as other small detritus at his truck. [caught this action in the video at about 1:38] All while NYC Students for Justice in Palestine organizer, Nerdeen Kiswani,was screaming hatred from the stage.

Soon after, very soon, the the police closed that traffic lane next to the barricades. No way would he, or anyone else, make a second pass.

  Seems the war-of-flags and banners led to an arrest on the Left.  No matter. Lefties LOOOVE anything that gets them more attention. Especially arrests.

The arrestee was activist Nick Maniace of Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network. The Maniace arrest in picture below includes two of his co-horts, the woman in the  green hajab and Sara Flounders of International Action Center

Arrest Report from Samidoun : NYPD illegally arrests Samidoun organizer at al-Quds Day rally in Times Square

Nick’s arrest took place midway through Joe Catron’s speech for the Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network.  A small team of demonstrators engaged in jail support arrived with Nick to the al-Quds Day Iftar organized by NYC Students for Justice in Palestine after the demonstration, meeting with cheers and strong solidarity and support.

photo: Joe Catron of Samidoun and NYC Free Al-Quds

Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network
denounces the unjust and illegitimate arrest by the NYPD of Nick Maniace.

Such attacks are in no way surprising from a police department engaged in daily terror against Black people and other oppressed communities. This incident reflects ongoing NYPD support for Zionism and racism and the framework of repression and surveillance targeting the Palestine movement and Arab and Muslim organizing and community existence.

We urge full support for Nick Maniace at his scheduled court date on 28 August and, most importantly, continued and intensified organizing, protest and action against racism, Zionism, imperialism and colonialism, from NYPD repression on the streets of New York to Zionist settler colonialism in occupied Palestine.

In my own words, as I watched Sara Flounders argue against the arrest and JDL-NY’s permit.

JDL-NY  had a PERMIT, not a sound permit, but an NYPD permit allowing them to protest across from the al-Quds protest; challenging the al-Quds lies, relentlessly. This annoyed dedicated Ramsey Clarke Commie, Sara Flounders. So she confronted an NYPD captain.

I over heard Sara arguing with the Capt. “Why was the JDL allowed to be so close to their protest?” (shouting – WHISTLING)

She waved her permit form. The Captain responded, “They (JDL-NY) have a permit, too.”  Sara (shocked) “THEY have a permit?” (Capt) YES! ( Sara) flustered. annoyed. Jammed her cell phone to her ear – making a call (to someone) They do this a lot when manipulating the police. BUT- heh- nothing worked!

The Captain waved her away. Crossed back to the al-Quds pen, on the east side of Seventh Ave, telling an officer to get her out of the street. She was blocking traffic. (sweet)

As for that ARREST, remember: Commies LOVE to be arrested : victimology 101.

More on the arrest in a comment from the “belly-ache” of the beast:

While we’re on “Fact or Fiction” reportage- found an odd reference while  searching Google for “Israel”.  WHAT pray tell is THIS?  Google- protesting history?


Definition: of Deprecated- a recommendation against using it “to express disapproval”

Perhaps the sponsors dedicated to spewing these FREE al -Quds LIES, might also work for GOOGLE. (friends in ‘high’ places?)

The list of  sponsors for al Quds

Names and organizations: Students for Justice in Palestine organizer Nerdeen Kiswani. Speakers included Kiswani of NYC SJP, Joe Catron of Samidoun, Sara Flounders of the International Action Center, Bernadette Ellorin and Mike Legaspi of BAYAN USA, longtime activist Esperanza Martel, Richard Kossally of Peoples’ Power Assembly, Mike Bento of NYC Shut it Down, Syed Istafa Naqvi of the Islamic Association of North America, Shahid Comrade of the Pakistan USA Freedom Forum, Larry Holmes of the Workers World Party and Lawrence Hamm of the Peoples Organization for Progress, reflecting an alliance of social justice movements.
They do not relent. Neither should we. The TRUTH must be heard.  No matter what the Commies and Muslim “fakestinians’ claim, these inconvenient (and IGNORED) FACTS remain what they are : FACT- NOT LIES!

“… there are no records to support the Palestinian narrative. In history, art and literature there is no trace at all of any Muslim people referred to by anybody as “Palestinians.”

Records show that it was 19th and 20th century Jewish settlement and the resulting employment opportunities that drew successive waves of Arab immigrants to Palestine. “The Arab population shows a remarkable increase ….. partly due to the import of Jewish capital into Palestine and other factors associated with the growth of the [Jewish] National Home..” (The Peel Commission Report – 1937)

“..in the Jewish settlement Rishon l’Tsion founded in 1882, by the year 1889, the forty Jewish families settled there, had attracted more than four hundred Arab families…. Many other Arab villages had sprouted in the same fashion.” (Joan Peters – From Time Immemorial p. 252 – referenced further as: FTI)

British PM Winston Churchill said in 1939: “.. far from being persecuted, the Arabs have crowded into the country [Palestine]..”

Before the Six Day War in 1967, when Jordan controlled the West Bank and Egypt ruled in Gaza, there was never any suggestion on the part of the “Palestinians” that they wanted independence in their ancestral homeland. The reason was that the “Palestinian” nation hadn’t been invented yet.

In fact, before the State of Israel was born, the term “Palestinians” was used by the Jews to refer to themselves and their organizations. “The Palestine Post”, the Palestine Foundation Fund, Palestine Airways, and the Palestine Symphony Orchestra were all purely Jewish enterprises.

We first hear of Arabs referred to as “Palestinians” when Egypt’s President Nasser, with help from the Russian KGB, established the “Palestine Liberation Organization” in 1964. It was only during the 1970s that the newly minted “Palestinians” began to promote their narrative through murder and assassination. The Arabs have justified their attacks as acts of the indigenous people struggling for national liberation.[snip]

The claim that “Palestinians” are the indigenous people of Israel and that most of the present Palestinian Arabs have lived in these lands since time immemorial is a total fraud. “

[Pictures and videos property of Pamela Hall]

Follow links to  Part 1 flickr slide show

June, 23, 2017 – Lies Lies and more LIES.


                                          Part 2 Flickr slide show.



Immigration Protestors-Thousands Jam Battery Park NYC

This was a protest ignited and  led by FAKE News.  Fake threats. Fed by unwarranted Fears.

January 29, 2017 – 2 pm


I arrived, surrounded by scores of eager “fools and tools”, pathetic do-gooders, who RUSHed down the narrow side-streets of Lower Manhattan, signs in hand, faces laughing (and/or passionate).

They were coming to a “Yuge” Immigration protest against “all things TRUMP.” The disaffected youth. Their angry elders. PULLED like the brain-dead Eloi of HG Wells OR … like mindless lemmings- to-the-sea… choose one or all of the above… it was a PARTY!

(It was BIZARRE)


Once again – just as the Womens’ Hate March and Michael Moore’s equally hateful Pre-Inauguration protest have revealed- this Battery Park event was, also, a coming together of white, educated- bored elite.

Yes, you will see a smattering of people-of-color assembled by the SEIU-Workers Party/Soc/Commie factions. (I saw this as I left)

The facts are: this is a WHITE fascist-led, down-with-America crowd. Giddy-gleeful with this new-found purpose-for-living.

And sad. Misled.


But … by whom?


There was one brave patriot who stood calmly within the crowds, holding his signs high.

Eventually some within the crowd made it their sacred duty to cover his sign with signs and even bags.  ( … they tried …)

Part 1- Flickr slide show


I saw “red people” – at Battery Park – Commies. LOTS of them. Comrades-in-arms.

Soc.Commie. Prog. Facisti, manipulating protest after protest.


If what just happened at NYU and Berkeley, riots to end all forms of free speech, if they accelerate – aided by the “non violent” thousands filling our parks and streets, then the future of our Republic is seriously at-risk.

These are the “fools”who  dutifully bring their hand-made signs and …

…. stand for hours, cheering their 1984 news-speak leaders on to more and more rebellion.

Created by decades of naivete, rolling over, looking away, believing everyone has good intentions and foolishly believing that what has happened in Europe couldn’t happen here.

Well, it has. Even these snowflakes may finally realize they too are no longer safe from real, hard-core anarchy.  The VIOLENT anti-fa factions have exploded on the State-side scene. They will eat their own if necessary .

It is NOT a game. Not for these black-clad and MASKED terrorists. Anarchists who never sleep.

Part 2 – Flickr slide show


Can the Trump Presidency turn back the clock on what has burrowed deep into our culture? Can the America that voted for him HOPE to see that CHANGE happen? Is it too late.

Part 3 – Flickr slide show


So many foolish faces. Stern, intense. 10,000 the police say. The Resistance intransigent. Unwillingly to compromise.

Their attacks on America grow stronger each day. They are RIGHT and GOOD – Every one else is bad

Part 4 – Flickr slide show


WILL there be war in the streets of America. Will there be a Banana Republic uprising. Like the Bolsheviks (a minority) took control.  They have a plan.

First up – murder the anti-fas (you can’t control them – they’ve done their job)  Next, disarm the kulaks –  the middle class (Che-style) The soc/COMMIE/ facisti will be “In CHARGE”…  Or… Maybe NOT.

America has said NO to Left at the ballot-box. WE are the Revolution! If the Republicans hold firm against the jaws of anarchy. We can win.

The Time to act is NOW …. To Save the Republic. “Whose Streets- Our Streets” … think about it….

[Pictures and videos property of Pamela Hall]

Women’s Hate March Against America – NYC


The over hyped ‘take back’ America insurgency – planned by an American Sunni Muslim, Linda Sarsour.


A woman beloved by the Left (so I thought).

Sarsour has been grooming  herself for public office, perhaps the next Brooklyn Borough President; no small accomplishment for a woman, especially a Muslim woman in hijab.

But, even with this calculated stealth-move, aligning herself with the Soros Women’s Hate March, she may have reached too far, too hard and too fast. [see link – HT- Pamela Geller]

This is what they represent. “Bi*ches UNITED”

Some acting so cute- others screaming like little girls- but their signs tell the real story behind the lies.

An anti-America, anti- (straight) male mindset behind this gross manipulation of media and a gullible populace. It congratulated itself with one pithy sign after another

And the necessary  photo shop  – fun fun fun – wonder if Putin has grown to  ever regret that photo op:

[SEE video playlist – 5 short videos]

Saturday morning. January 20. 10 am. heading cross town on a bus that was chatteringly alive with females (and a couple of men in pink ‘pussy’ hats).

Can  NO get how disgusting their argument has become?

A few  of the Lefty-hating “Grannies for Peace  Brigade “boarded the bus proclaiming. Laughing. Proud.  “We DID IT. the UN-united States of America. We’re here.”

Destroying America one protest at a time … starting with….Trump’s horcruxes FYI a Horcrux :  an object in which a Dark wizard or witch has hidden a fragment of his or her soul for the purpose of attaining immortality.” YEAH That’s the ticket!

Hey! Cell phones. Are they a HORCRUX?  I can hear her now, “Mirror Mirror on the wall …. ”

Once at 47th and 2nd avenue, this woman – who was going unnoticed in the crowd revealed that not ALL were happy with the event planning

Well someone made sure there was at least one group that was NOT neglected see sign on orange pole, ” Women’s March PSYCH & Medical Resources”

I stayed around for hours, my eyes sickened by this foolish display of unrelenting hatred for America. And self hate

Really – is this LOVE?

I left thinking, “Please, don’t let our daughters grow up to be feminazis!

There is so much more in each slide show . Part 1 slideshow is at 47th and 2nd ave


At the end (for me) 2:30.  Had enough of smug joy. Females. Young. Old.White. Black. Educated. The children. The collegiate elites. The faith leaders.

Men – gay and straight. “PINK-clad & glad” to be …. pussys…

Sad. All of it.

Part 2 slide show as I headed for Trump Tower and also a look at the 55th st desitination


The Soc -Commie-Facist-Progs  Soros’ Puppets. Deconstructing America in what was clearly a hate-on – no way was this a love-fest.

They claim to protest the 45th President of the United States- as he is sworn in. They protest a peaceful transference of power. They protest what has made a AMERICA GREAT.

The future is in their hands? G-d save us all.

++ all pictures and videos property of Pamela Hall++

“Dump Trump” Prayer Protest- Commies & Muzzies – AGAIN (NYC) 12-20-15

December 20, 2015 – NYC- Trump Towers. Fifth Avenue and 56th st. NO TO “RACISM”, “NO TO TRUMP AND HIS MEDIA MEGAPHONE”, “NO TO HATERY.”






As I arrived, I observed a coalition of Prayer-Protesting Muslims and Communist facilitators,  Bill Doares (below) of Workers World
… and their Communist “led and fed” students.
Also, the usual “anti-war” agitators (from multiple groups)
… pro-ILLEGAL trespassers (also members of multiple groups)
and VILE, angry “anti-racist”aka hard-core Black Commie RACISTS gathered outside Trump Towers. (see Kim Ortiz  below , a lead organizer for NYC Shut It Down and Black Lives Matter )
The Muslim protestors said they, too, were there to oppose the “racism” promoted by Trump’s campaign.

The FACT that Islam is not a Race goes unmentioned.

But, since the Muslims billed this as a Prayer Protest, that’s what a small group of Muslims did (for two hours).

While a hard-core group of (atheistic) Commies and militant Muslims shouted slogans and preached hatred against Trump, America, Israel and the police (all of these groups were ANTI-Police) 
But, how about some history: Pre-Islamic history. These Indonesian Muslims were invaded,CONQUERED by the “Sword Of Islam”. Like the Copts of Egypt. The Jews of the Holy Land. The Persian Zoroastrians of Iran. Why don’t the Indonesians DEMAND their history and culture back with shouts of  ISLAM INVADERS GET OUT. Nope. They go silent. (sort of)
At moments like these, all must forget Al Qaeda. The Taliban. The Islamic State. Jihadis. “The Donald” is the focus of their ‘fear’ and anger as they PRAY to their Moon god, Allah, to rid the world of  “That Racist pig – Donald Trump.”
Get WISE. Get Smart. Like this costumed chap who warns we should only FEAR Fox News and that “Shit Stain“, Donald Trump.
Or this guy – with a few CLUMPS of ?? (for sale) Perfect stocking stuffers for Christmas. Just $12 and be on your way! (Whatever) Even the anti-Capitalism Commies do NOT waste a moment to make-a-buck.
The Commies had an interloper. But, never fear,  Commie – thug, Bill Doares, made sure this loud, whistle-blowing purveyor of conflicting messages was NOT in their pen.  A threatening ,“We don’t want you here” is usually Doares’ first line-of-attack. 
The interloper (uninvited) stepped outside the enclosure, cautiously, where he hung around awhile …
…til he decided to whistle-assault the NY ICE protest on the Fifth Avenue side.
Back to 56th Street. Costumes. Pithy signs and LOTS of speakers. Muslim speakers. Commie speakers. Angry Black and “illegal trespasser” speakers. Come one, come all. (not really)
Throughout the  protest, the Commies walked the perimeter; keeping watch over their flocks (like Tony Murphy below). They don’t let just anyone join their protests.Naming just a few that I captured on-the-job:  Sara Flounders, Andy Pollack, Tony Murphy, Imani Henry, Kim Ortiz (of the very angry Black Lives Commie) and the ever scowling, Bill Doares (seen earlier – up top). ANGER . Scowls. de reguerre.
They Orchestrate. “Control and Patrol” the photo-ops. Making sure the media has plenty to record: Anger. Passion… “Humor”…. 
And Prayers. Muslims-in-prayer. Muslims chanting against terrorism. Everyone chanting, parroting, droning …. on and on …. and on.


There was even this faux march of Muslims to NO WHERE (held within the enclosure)


No photo-ops go unanswered.
Playing to the cameras, the Muslims were eager. Buoyant. Even playful. Unfortunately, as the videos reveal, their accented English made the chants mostly unintelligible.


At 3:30, as I left the festivities, I took one last look at the protest on the 56 st side. The agitated and outraged speakers were still bellowing through their VERY LOUD amplification while the prayer-protest continued on silently.


The actual protest had started at 2 pm. It was still 30 minutes til the 4 march. This unsavory group was going to tie-up lots of the NYPD (to protect them? or to protect the public?). Whatever, these officers are ‘off-patrol’ – not able to keep our city safe – while these anarchists marched to Fox News and CNN.  Unlike the police, I was able to skip the march. It’s the same ol same ol. If you’ve seen one march, you’ve seen them ALL.

Playlist of 5 VIDEOS (Muslims and Commies) 56th st & Fifth Ave.

Two slide shows of pictures [please place cursor on picture to access slideshow] Part 1 is the Muslim prayers that began at 1:30 as they were setting up.

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Part 2 is  a look at the Commie side of the prayer protest

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NY ICE lead a spirited counter protest on Fifth Avenue, in front of Trump Towers, that was invaded a few times by the Commies from the 56 st street protest.

A slideshow of NY ICE ( the Commies) and the counter Protest [please place cursor on picture to access slideshow]

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a Playlist – 4 Videos (Fifth Avenue and 56 St)


Food For Thought : Two articles


And then, in closing, Sara Flounders (of Ramsey Clark’s International Action Center), stern warning to her Comrades as she inspired them to Dump Trump:

“Whenever fascism rears its ugly head, it is the duty of all progressive forces to unite in solidarity and struggle against it. On December 20 (2015) let’s join together and say ENOUGH! Join the Unity Rally!” 














Also, a rally-for-the-cause VIDEO.

Deep thoughts on Fascism from Comrade, Tony Murphy, a Workers World sponsor

Finally: the VERY LONG list of Coalition Partners (from the flyer above). Welcomed in our colleges and our media newsrooms, the damage caused by these insurgents rolls on ….. They are EVERYWHERE …

Al-Awda USA: The Palestine Right to Return Coalition
Al-Awda NY: The Palestine Right to Return Coalition
Al Quds Day Committee
American Muslim Alliance
American Muslims for Palestine (AMP NJ)
American Muslim Taskforce on Civil Rights & Elections
American Islamic Committee for Woman & Child
ANSWER Coalition
Asia Tribune NY & NJ
Ayotzinapa Student Front
Addicted To War
Bail Out the Peoples WI
Bangla Bazar Jame Mosque, Bronx
BMCC Students Without Borders
Brooklyn Anti-Gentrification Network – B.A.N
CCNY Students Without Borders
Chelsea Coalition on Housing
Community Advocate & Development Organization Brooklyn
Community Labor United with Postal Jobs & Services
Coordination Dessalines (KOD)
Council on American Islamic Relations – CAIR NY
December 12 Movement
Egyptian Americans for Democracy & Human Rights NY/NJ
Equality for Flatbush
Eztudio 43
Fight Imperialism–Stand Together
Free Mumia Abu-Jamal Coalition
Friends of Human Rights
Guyanese American Workers United
Haiti Action Committee
Haiti Liberté Newspaper
Humanist Society of Metro NY
Immigrant Advocacy Project IL
International Action Center
Internt’l Concerned Family and Friends of Mumia Abu-Jamal
International League of People’s Struggle-U.S.
Jersey City Peace Movement
Jews for Palestinian Right of Return
Justice for Aiyana Jones Committee
La Voz de los de Abajo Chicago
Labor Against Racist Terror
Laundry Workers Center
May 1st Coalition for Worker & Immigrant Rights
Michigan Emergency Coalition Against War and Injustice
Millions March NYC
Moratorium Now! Coalition to Stop Foreclosures, Evictions & Utility Shutoffs
Mosque of Islamic Brotherhood
Movement to Protect the People
Muslim Alliance in North America
Muslim American Society – MAS NY
National Congress of Black American Indians
NYC Shut It Down
NYC Students for Justice in Palestine
New York University Students for Justice in Palestine
Party of Communists USA – NY Metro Branch
Palestine Youth Movement
Pakistan USA Freedom Forum
Parents to Improve School Transportation
Peace Action – Manhattan
People’s Organization for Progress
People’s Power Assemblies
Postal Defenders
Progressive Democrats of the Santa Monica Mountains
Queens Peace Council
Revolutionary Student Coordinating Committee
Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network
Seattle Anti-war Women In Black
SI-Solidarity with Iran
Solidarity with Ukraine Antifascists Committee
Solidaridad con las Autodefensas Mexicanas desde NY
South Asian American Parents, Teachers & Children
South Asian Fund for Education, Scholarship & Training
Students for International Peace & Justice
Students for Justice in Palestine at Hunter College
Students for Justice in Palestine at St. Joseph’s College
Students for Justice in Palestine at College of Staten Island
Students Without Borders at Hunter College
Southern Christian Leadership Conference – Baltimore SCLC
Syrian American Forum
Team Solidarity-United School Bus Union Workers
Teamsters Local 808 IBT
United National Antiwar Coalition-UNAC
U.S. Peace Council
USW Local 8751 Boston School Bus Union
Why Accountability
Women’s Fightback Network
Workers World Party



“Syrian Refugees Welcome” & “Dump Trump” Columbus Circle (12-10-15)

Thursday – Dec 10, 2015 –   NYC . “Stand in Solidarity with Iraqi and Syrian Refugees” – Columbus Circle

Lurking in the background,  COMMUNIST and PROUD, the white and mostly Jewish Communist/Soc/Prog facilitators …
From Daniel Greenfield: ‘The Left’s Muslim Replacement Theology for Jews . Muslims are the new Jews; time to get rid of the old Jews.


 As I arrived – agitprop – screeds – chants – droned on and on to the ubiquitous beat of a drum

It was United Nations “Human Rights Day” held under the statue of that “racist, murdering Christoforo Columbo.
Even Obama was getting slammed by some in the crowd, “Trump Slanders Muslims, Obama Bombs Them”
Their voices rang loud and clear through-out the noisy traffic circle:  “Dump Trump “,”There is no Debate, Trump Equals Hate”,”Say it Loud, Say it Clear, Refugees Are Welcome Here”,”From Mexico to Palestine, Border Walls Are A Crime”, etc, ad nauseum.
I spotted almost immediately, one protestor’s sign (Keep Syrians Out) peering confidently above the crowd

Part 1  video – chants as the event was beginning –

More than one angry young woman, mostly Muslimas, indicted the United States as imperialist and racist . The signs below suggests, “Will Trade Refugees For Racists” and “Grief has no Borders”.


Another sign held by a Muslima, welcomes us all to the Fourth Reich.
Sign after sign carried on about that “Racist Donald Trump”, Wall Street (and Donald Trump), Migrant workers (and Donald Trump) and the Central Park Five – with a picture of Donald Trump (whatever)

For an hour and a half this crowd chanted while laughing and making merry, I guess, about the virtues of atheistic Communism.  Even so, one Christian Leftie (she seemed to be a Pastor of some sort) managed to carry a pithy Bible sign.

 Mirna Haidar, lead organizer at the Arab American Association of New York, claimed that anti-Muslim comments like Trump’s are about far more than words.

“It’s violence,” argued Haidar (speaking above) a refugee from Lebanon who came to the United States in 2010.

Haidar says she’s frightened by the recent political climate, combined with the rise in hate crimes targeting MuslimsLittle did I know that here, I will face fear, xenophobia, Islamophobia, and arabophobia

The Most Dangerous Terrorist groups in the USA
are the Republicans and Democrats”?  But…what about the  Isis. Daesh. The Muslim Brotherhood. Al Qaeda!! ” FREEDOM FROM FEAR” proclaims the signs.

Other signs: “Can You Hear the Beating Heart of every Refugee” and “The Jewish Community is United Against Fascism”

While ” on the pedestal-turned-stage, seasoned Syrian activist Hamid Imam led the crowd in chants (“Dump Trump” and “Donald Trump, Listen Here. Refugees are Welcome Here”) He gave an impassioned speech calling for the dismantling of both ISIS and the Assad regime. “The only way to end the suffering is to end the war,” urged Imam, a refugee from ar-Raqqah who now studies social work at Rutgers.”

PART 2  video :  [please note at 00:43 and 2:32 the counter protestor holding up a sign “Keep Syrians Out]


Hussam, a refugee from the besieged Syrian city of Homs who came to New Jersey four months ago, exposed the cowardly racism of the fear-mongers by describing the actual events driving millions of people from their homes. An activist in the movement against the dictator Bashar al-Assad, Hussam talked about the last protest he attended, where the regime fired live ammunition on the crowd.

“I fled the country for my children, to take them away from the killings,” he said to the crowd through a translator. “But we hope to God we will go back.” As Sarah Aziza reported for Bedford and Bowery, after that last comment, many in the crowd shouted back, “Yes, you will!”

 Hosam stressed that he considered himself a victim of ISIS, and emphasized that “anyone who thinks ISIS is Islam is very wrong. Islam is a religion of peace. We greet one another by saying, ‘Peace to you.’

Linda Sarsour, executive director of the Arab American Association of New York which co-sponsored the rally , spoke like she was running for office (and those in the know) have no doubt that’s where she’s headed : Elected Office.

Hate is not going to divide us,”. “People need to be held accountable for this hate speech. These are not just words; they are words that are inspiring actual violence against innocent people who have nothing to do with these terrorist attacks happening.”

Sarsour told Salon, in the past few weeks, as presidential candidates like Donald Trump and Ben Carson have ramped up their Islamophobic rhetoric and proposed explicitly anti-Muslim policies, there has been a rapid increase in the number of attacks and threats against Muslim Americans.

“We absolutely have to take responsibility for” the refugee crisis. Our flawed foreign policy in the Middle East has created the fertile ground for groups like ISIS and al-Qaeda. We can’t act like we have nothing to do with that.”

Linda Sarsour, the safe face of  a ‘moderate’ Islam.  Just don’t read or listen to her racist screeds and the electorate can remain blissfully unaware . (Link to her video from multi-faith menorah lighting on Dec 12)

  tweeted – “This country right here was built on the backs of black people and immigrants”

America – BAD.  (The Donald VERY Bad)

They have the answers –  bloviating from every sign:

Another sign : “If you stop bombing and OCCUPYING their countries, there won’t be MILLIONS of refugees…. etc”

As I left, this banner below caught my eye:  Halkların Demokratik Kongresi. The HDP is seen as the Turkish variant of the Greek SYRIZA and the Spanish Podemos parties, similar in their anti-capitalist stance

DSC_6122 copyThe Peoples’ Democratic Party originates from the Peoples’ Democratic Congress (Halkların Demokratik Kongresi, HDK), a platform composed of various groups including left wing parties Revolutionary Socialist Workers’ Party, Labour Party, Socialist Party of the Oppressed, Socialist Democracy Party, Socialist Party of Refoundation, the Greens and the Left Party of the Future DSC_6122 copy2

Human Rights. The U.N. vs the U.S. Accusations of oppression by those who are the real oppressors. (Not the US) Which begs these final questions, “Who are the actual oppressors? Who is actual purveyor of racism and hatred?”







Pamela Geller asks, “Do Muslims Around the World Really Hate the United States? Yes.”

The hatred of infidels is a religious imperative in Islam. No matter how fast we dance, appease, pay, accommodate, and submit, the hatred and holy war will not cease. On the contrary, the more we submit and reward the hatred and terror, the more we will have to surrender.

SLIDE SHOW of pictures

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NEXT post – a raucous Dump Trump Protest held the next afternoon (Friday Dec 11) at the Plaza hotel.


Commies Crash “Red Bill” de Blasio’s Re-Election Fundraiser (pics/vids) 2015

A Crash the Gala Protest : From The Left (Oct. 29, 2015)

 ANSWER Coalition Act Now to Stop War and End Racism) had this to say:

… come out and shut down Bill de Blasio’s re-election fundraiser. A mayor who pushes Broken Windows policing, continued torture at Rikers, gentrification-lite and calls himself the ‘defender’ of Israel might choke on his champagne when he sees NYers aren’t falling for his ‘progressive’ mirage.

Participating Groups: Coalition To End Broken Windows, Black Lives Matter. NYC Shut It Down: The Grand Central Crew, Why Accountability, Afrikans Helping Afrikans, New Yorkers Against Bratton, NYC Jails Action Coalition (JAC), NYC Students for Justice in Palestine, MTOPP – Movement to Protect the People, Brite Leadership Coalition/East New York, The Brooklyn Anti-gentrification Network – BAN, Peoples Power Assemblies, Answer Coalition and Copwatch Patrol Unit – CPU”.

From their Face Book Page:

Mayor de Blasio’s thinking re-election this week with a fancy fundraiser gala at the Sheraton Hotel.”

Donations can go as high as $4,950 but the cost of shutting down this empty suit: priceless.

Almost two years into his administration we recognize how willing BdB is to sell out our communities by working hand in glove with developers, hospital executives and a racist police commissioner while using the language of social justice.

We want to make it clear that this so-called ‘progressive’ mayor is not only NOT our ally, but works against all of our collective interests:

– His support for Broken Windows policing
– Giuliani-style crackdowns on the homeless
– A continuation of the status quo at Rikers Island
– Bloomberg-style selling out of NYCHA to private developers
– An ‘affordable housing’ agenda real estate interests love.
– Proclaiming himself ‘defender’ of Israel, where he was last week.

MORE from the Coalition To End Broken Windows

“The return of Bill Bratton, welcomed back by the faux-progressive Mayor de Blasio, signaled a return and continuation of racist policing policies and philosophies that affect so many of the black, Latino and working class voters who voted for de Blasio.

Bratton’s racist and unproven Broken Windows theory continues to target the vulnerable New Yorkers de Blasio’s empty ‘Tale of Two Cities rhetoric promised to fight for.”

– New Yorkers Against Bratton

“The police continue to be purveyors of violence, and de Blasio continues to back them. The mayor made this clear when he chose to use taxpayer money to hire 1,300 new police officers instead of investing that money into needed social services like education and affordable housing. New York’s Black and Brown youth need better education and jobs not more police harassment!”

– People’s Power Assemblies

“BdB repeatedly rubber-stamps proposals made by his Department of Correction (DOC) Commissioner Ponte, the most recent of which include DOC and NYPD collaborating to conduct comprehensive background checks on visitors to Rikers Island [… ] Commissioner Ponte’s vision for NYC jails could potentially go unchecked, giving DOC free reign to implement “reforms” that perpetuate oppressive systems and promote practices that are dehumanizing and deemed torturous by U.N. standards.”

– Jails Action Coalition NYC Jails Action Coalition (JAC)

“Just as Bill de Blasio avidly supports the settler-colonial state of Israel, he also promotes imperialist and white supremacist policies within New York City […] In addition, through crackdowns on the homeless living in the streets of the city, plans for the privatization of the NYC Housing Authority, and the designation of Business Improvement Districts (BIDs), DeBlasio has continued to promote the interests of real estate developers and gentrifiers and has disregarded oppressed people all over the city who are being pushed out of their communities and out of New York City.”

– Students for Justice in Palestine NYC

A comment on face bookDebra Goodman

“Did you guys know the occupy people are supporters of de Blasio?

 How come so many of the groups are run by same people? Aren’t you guys getting tired of the same old thing that doesn’t work? Who are you? Please identify the organizers of the group. Why does every action have the same 30 people at it?

Why organize on Facebook? Don’t you know it’s an NYPD surveillance tool. How many of you are working with the groups started by people from the occupy “movement?”

The protest blocked the sidewalk in front of the Sheraton for a few hours. Oddly, the police never moved them to the ubiquitous ‘pens’.

++ PART TWO : Some of what I observed (pics and videos) at the Gala Crashing  ++

(Place cursor on picture to see slideshow of pictures)

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Part 1 of 3-The usual carousel of hateful, racist chants from the Commie hoards as they protested Mayor “Red Bill” deBlasio, NYPD Commissioner Bratton and (of course )Israel

Part 2 of 3 – The “Fakestinians” decided to deny free speech rights to moi – following me and blocking my camera. Made them even more insane when I stepped inside their sidewalk-blocking-circle to film Imani Henry’s Commie-blather. Silly little provocateurs…

Part 3 of 3-The usual chants from the Commie hoards as they protested Mayor “Red Bill” deBlasio, Israel, NYPD Commissioner Bratton and tragically their actions will most likely send the Central Park horses to the slaughter-houses in Mexico.

Their guy WON and NOW they don’t want him in office.

Seems “Red Bill” broke with the Party Plan when he sided with the  City Council decriminalization proposal, “I agree with NYPD’s Bratton on ‘broken windows” – 
Yep. And now, they are very,very angry. How could Bill even think of siding with that ‘Nazi’, Bill Bratton.

Has “Red Bill” really become  a ‘bad little commie?” Not likely. ‘Tis all part of the  Commie-game. Make it look like there is division in-the-ranks – but the goals FOR ALL remain the same:


(some reading material from Cliff Kincaid, Accuracy In Media)

The Sword of Revolution and the Communist Apocalypse

Point of Information: The Commie-Marxist cabal that elected “Red Bill” –  buried the truth about Red Bill’s past when he was running for Mayor in 2013.6a00d8341c60bf53ef019b003f7d4a970c-700wiThe media did not cover (as they should have) this very informative pre-election press conference; a detailed exposé on Comrade Bill.

++ PART THREE –  Two Reports on the Sheraton Crash Action (from both sides) ++

Politicians stay away from de Blasio’s re-election fund-raiser (NYPost)

Among those notably absent at the Sheraton Times Square Thursday night were city Comptroller Scott Stringer and Public Advocate (of the Working Families Party) Letitia James, potential de Blasio rivals in 2017. Both instead attended the Queens Democratic Party’s annual dinner at Antun’s banquet hall in Queens Village.

Sources at de Blasio’s fund-raiser said it was attended by no more than 150 people — most of them lobbyists. The de Blasio campaign put the count at 300 and said it raised $1 million.

And From Press TV (aka Iran Commie TV) :

NY protest slams mayor over pro-Israel policy, police brutality

Activists and protesters stage a demo outside the venue of Mayor De Blasio’s fundraiser for re-election in New York, on October 29, 2015. (Courtesy of New York Post)

They only protest ‘one of their own’ when convenient.  Most likely, this too will fade and they’ll all be comrades again … soon …

Anarchists, Syrian “Refugees” & a NO BORDERS Union Square Rally – NYC (9-12-15)

SEPTEMBER 12, 2015 – Anarchy NEVER Rests.
The copy that follows is from their face book event page:

Call for a No Borders and Antifascist contingent to the 9/12 Syrian Refugee solidarity demonstration

In Budapest, Lampedusa, Lesvos, Berlin, Calais, Kobani, Manus Island Melilla, the Negev, Yarmouk, Rafa, Santo Domingo, San Antonio and Nogales, we see the same crisis, the same dehumanizing rhetoric. We are told those fleeing violence and poverty of in Latin America, North Africa, and the Middle East are contagions of instability, that in order to defend our national character, we must build walls and detention camps, and ruthlessly exploit the chosen few we allow in.

They call this the worst refugee crisis since World War II. And today, just as Jews, Roma, Queers and others were turned away by the Allies, the thousands of Syrian, Iraqis, Kurds, and Afghans now fleeing ISIS, Assad and Erdogan are labeled pariahs and infiltrators.

In Turkey, Hungary, Germany, Britain, Sweden, France, Greece, Israel and the United States, nationalist politicians and fascist groups have used the crisis to heighten the friend/enemy and inside/outside rhetoric that props up their disgusting militarism, bigotry, and ethnic cleansing.

Over the last four years, sections of the United States have begun to wake up and take to the streets, confronting the bourgeois state and the murdering racist police that protect it.

In New York this Saturday, hundreds will call for the United States to take in Syrian refugees. We will stand with them to push that rhetoric even further:

– Solidarity with all those displaced by bombs, markets, or discrimination
– Abolish borders, and the nationalism and racism that depend on them
– Free entry for Syrian refugees, and everyone else!

Invite friends! Bring your crew… you’ll know us by the antifa and black flags!

Long live social revolution! Down with tyranny!


A member of NY-ICE gave me a heads-up on this rally. Glad I caught it.

SEIU was on hand— as always-

 As was NY-ICE ( New Yorkers For Immigration control)

The age of the rally participants was YOUNG, obnoxious and very ANTI- America.

Followed by the older die-hard ‘seniors’ who won’t rest til America (and Israel) are both destroyed.

The more recent addition: the Muslims.

ALL working  together to deconstruct-America by brainwashing our youth. One Day. One Class. One meeting at a time.

There is a sickness in our colleges. Our schools. Our text-books. A disease fed and nurtured by the soc/commie/progs (ALL of whom are welcomed by our media and our educators)

ANARCHY breeds contempt (for America)

Contempt and  the death of FREEDOM (they just don’t  ‘get’ that—yet—)

Union Sq. Sept 12, 2015


Part 1 video – This guy chose (who said “YES, I am an AMERICAN”) Challenged the agitprop glaring from sign after sign, “There are enough people here already. Homeless. No jobs”

Of course there were the usual Commies, Socialistas, a mix of Muslims/Syrians and pro ‘fakestinians’. They say, “WELCOME THE REFUGEES, KICK OUT NAZIS, POLITICIANS AND COPS”

Part 2 video – The Anarchists’ spokesman gave a detailed propaganda diatribe regarding Obama, Syria and the Muslim refugees.


Bringing Even 10,000 Syrian Migrants To America Is A Mistake

John Hawkins | Sep 12, 2015 – As millions of Syrian migrants stream into Europe, the Obama Administration has announced that the United States will be taking in 10,000 refugees… if we were picking nations to recruit new Americans from, Syria would be pretty close to the bottom of the list.

People speak Arabic there, not English… it’s a dictatorship… the people of Syria have little experience with democracy, freedom of the press or the rule of law….Syria is not a fertile breeding ground of the sort of people who are going to fit into the culture of a country like America and make a big contribution…

Syria is also an ISIS stronghold and the terrorist group has publicly promised to use the migrant crisis to sneak its members into Western countries. This is not an idle threat.

… the United States has already done more than any nation in history to help nations in the Middle East… We already take in 70,000 refugees a year, we have north of 5 million illegal immigrants here using their kids to live on the dole (and that’s a VERY conservative estimate), we spend billions we don’t have in foreign aid every year and the American people give more to charity than any other group of people on earth. When is enough, enough?

… It’s time that we let other nations do their fair share for once instead of risking the next 9/11 by taking in Syrian migrants.


In closing,a look at, what for now, is the  local political front:

Embedded image permalinkI missed the ubiquitous  Linda Sarsour. I left after the main speech. Look at the picture behind her. That display must have come with/for Sarsour’s speech. (she is being groomed to run for political office in Brooklyn) so manipulating the hearts and simple-minds of the indoctrinated…is pro-forma.

Next up – I’m off to the Annual  Muzzie Day Parade – 2015 –


Slide Show of the Anarchists’ Rally

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NY Commies Protest Schumer’s “No Nuke Iran’ (& Trash Israel)

Monday, August 10, 2015. NYC. Our call to rally in support of Sen. Schumer was on short notice. (He announced his position on Friday). But, deciding to counter the Soc/Commie/Progs (who were demanding Sen. Schumer change his vote) was easy. Those who could make it to this counter-protest made a MIGHTY NOISE.

But, the Soc/Commie/Progs were not happy. They were heard to whine and whimper about our presence as they paraded their anti-Semitic signs and banners.

Guess they wanted the police to make us go away – Snarling – they were heard to say, Why don’t you get your own protest”, and, “You shouldn’t be here.

Since they couldn’t get rid of us, they went to Plan B: Clog the sidewalk with signs, people and cameras.

Their purpose: To block our signs and banners from the passersby.

BUT, they couldn’t block our very large mushroom cloud!


As the Commie/Progs  marched in opposition to Sen. Schumer we heard “Death to America” repeatedly as well as lots about “Diplomacy, Not War”.

One woman screamed at our group, jabbing her finger in our faces, “You.You. YOU are burning babies”. (see video above at 6:19)

“The Commie/Progs” say they are anti-Nukes (nuclear power etc) BUT they support giving nukes to the anti-Semitic/anti-America and VERY genocidal Iran. How is that anti-Nuke?

To support their lies about nuclear parity, they had a map filled with nuke ‘facts’ .

Schumer was slandered by snarky anti-Semitic signs, insinuating he is a pawn of Israel

Yet the allegiance of the Soc/Commie/Progs is with murderous regimes like Hamas, Hezbollah AND Iran: All enemies of America and Israel.


The Commie/Progs have burrowed deep within City Hall (de Balsio’s minions) and through out Obama’s White House. (Not good)



Found a great article from Daniel Greenfield exposing the hypocrisy of these commie agitators.

“When Muslims Burn Jews”

As for the press at this rally, there were lots of cameras but little reporting to be found.I saw WOR radio and the NY Daily News.

Oddly their lede was the Neturei Karta?

I saw ONE Neturei Karta. ONE! At the END of the MAIN protest from 1 to 2 pm. (amazing)

Did the media miss the large protest, the signs, the loud exchanges and chanting  from noon to 1 pm.A crowded, animated and contentious protest. Typical – the mean-spirited demeanor of the Commie-Left (Commie-Jews) from Brooklyn and the Upper West-Side who were there in SUPPORT of a Nuclear Iran. (Slideshow)

But, the protestors in SUPPORT of Schumer’s  “NO Nukes For Iran” were equally animated.The report that follows in an excerpt came from Americans For a Safe Israel (AFSI), one of the groups that rallied in support of Schumer’s decision:

The  AFSI newsletter – “Despicable

Our opposition: protesters from MoveOn.org and Peace Action and other dyed-in-the-wool leftists, who were protesting against Senator Schumer’s rejection of Obama’s deal with Iran.

Their true colors came out: Chuck is the enemy because he supports Israel over the US. Chuck is the enemy because he is in the pocket of AIPAC and the Jewish lobby. Chuck is the enemy because he supported the Iraq war (as did many Democrats – including Hillary – along with Republicans). We, who were protesting against the deal were the enemy because we supported Israel over the US. We were the enemy because we supported Bibi over Barack.

WE WERE THE ENEMY BECAUSE WE WHO OPPOSE THE DEAL WITH IRAN, SUPPORT ISRAEL, WHICH SUPPORTS THE BURNING OF BABIES!  These words were yelled at us, along with the foam and spittle, from one angry woman’s mouth.

Their anti-Semitic venom came roaring out. They couldn’t argue the merits of their position so they resorted to that time-tested alternative: blame the Jews, and of course today, blame Israel, the Jew of the nations. Their moral bankruptcy was plain to see as they resorted to name-calling, racial slurs and epithets. 

For the media, NOPE, no story here…Do the Commie/Progs REALLY believe Obama? Or do they just hate America and Israel so much that this is a  convenient meme.

The Presidents Arguments For The Nuclear Deal

As usual with Obama, opposition to his policies is “partisan.” But support for his policies is non-partisan.

-Obama: “The bottom line is, if Iran cheats, we can catch them, and we will.”

In fact, the Iranians are already cheating. As Bloomberg reported last week: “The U.S. intelligence community has informed Congress of evidence that Iran was sanitizing its suspected nuclear military site at Parchin, in broad daylight, days after agreeing to a nuclear deal with world powers.”

There are so many loopholes that we will awaken one day to find out that Iran is testing nuclear weapons just as North Korea did after signing its nuclear agreement with the United States

The NY Post’s Andrea Peyser : Ugly hate slime vs. Schumer

Is this country turning into France?

A sick cartoon posted by the American leftist political Web site the Daily Kos depicts New York Democratic Sen. Charles Schumer as an eyeglass-wearing critter. In the comic, “Senator Woodchuck
Schumer’’ is interviewed by a cartoon dog about his opposition to President Obama’s nuclear deal with Iran.

In one panel, he stands beside an Israeli flag as his front paws grow claws and the interviewer asks,

“TRAITOR SAYS WHAT?’’ A traitorous beast? Seriously?

As a Post editorial noted, Schumer’s bold stance against the nuke deal has made him the target of European-style anti-Semitic slurs throughout America, including MoveOn.org writing that “our country doesn’t need another Joe Lieberman in the Senate.’’ (Schumer and Lieberman are both Jewish, get it?) White House favorite Fareed Zakaria on CNN advanced the anti-Jewish stereotype that Schumer is motivated by “money’’ — the potential loss of campaign contributions. The president reportedly blamed pro-Israel lobbyists for stirring up divided loyalties.

It chills me to the bone.


So, WHAT CAN WE DO: NOW: to debunk  The myth that this is the best we can do

(From Kieran Michael Lalor, a Republican member of the New York State Assembly.)

Obama broke with the bedrock American principle of not negotiating with terrorists. He did so without preconditions… The Iranians knew they were dealing with a weak president when Obama refused to speak out for reform in repressive Iran…Meeting and negotiating with Iran…treating them as a respected member of the community of nations… because Iran is more dangerous than a terrorist organization. As a state sponsor of terror it has greater resources and more deadly capabilities than does a stateless organization.

… we should strengthen sanctions to further weaken the Iranian economy, increase espionage and cyber sabotage efforts with regard to Iranian nuclear ambitions and encourage the reformers…tell the Iranians that we will never permit them to build nukes….avoid the inevitable Middle East arms race that will occur when Egypt, Jordan and Saudi Arabia are faced with an Iran that is strengthened militarily, economically and on the road to becoming a nuclear power as a result of this deal…

Tell Sen. Schumer to do more than cast a politically calculated “no” vote when he can help stop the deal. Sen. Schumer can and must do more than cast a vote against the deal.

It’s time to GET INVOLVED!
