Tag Archives: columbus circle

Worldwide Rally For Freedom from Vaccine Mandates -Columbus Circle to Times Sq

September 18, 2021. 1 pm.  The “Say No to Vaccine Mandates and Vaccine Passports” protest began at Columbus Circle.

Before the march, a few people spoke to the eclectic crowd. VIDEO 1

Once the march started for Times Square, I was surprised how large the crowd had grown. VIDEO 2

NYC is mad as hell and will NOT comply. Slide show 1


At 43rd and 7th avenue the crowd was packed tightly, so I wasn’t able to hear the speakers. No matter, enjoyed the signs –Slide show 2


Interesting- a COVID 19 VAX booth on the crowd’s periphery. (coincidence ?)

Perhaps the “My Body My Choice” Battle Cry of the Many will finally conquer the Tyranny of the Few.

We can hope.

[Pictures and videos property of Pamela Hall-VSB]

Leftists “March Against NYPD Violence and Rioting” at Columbus (LENAPE) Circle

LEFTISTS Marched Against NYPD Violence and Rioting
1 pm – Saturday, November 14, 2020
Columbus Circle aka Lenape Circle – New York City
[American-Indian names are the new /old identifiers.
Columbus Circle – they demand – be changed to Lenape Circle

VOCAL New York claimed:

“The NYPD has notoriously attacked black-led protests for years. Notable upticks have occurred since this summer’s #DefundThePolice uprisings. We condemn police violence and treating protest as a crime.”

Hard-core LEFTists like BLM, Socialist Alternative NYC,  Trump/Pence Out Now and Rise and Resist gathered in “Lenape Circle” to OPPOSEDFascism.

 Jay W. Walker (who organized this protest) is an organizer-activist  and co-founder of the Reclaim Pride Coalition, Gays Against Guns, Rise and Resist and Refuse Fascism (a front group for the Revolutionary Communist Party.)

Before they marched into Central Park, he spoke against police violence aimed at protestors. As always, the soc/commies are victims of the FASCIST police.

Jay Walker video transcribed: “Democratic, Liberal movements take a stand against police rioting thru out this city. The People of NY aught to take a stand. Some protestors they “protect”, and others – outside agitators – are “violent insurrectionists”; leftists mobs. Nothing could be further from the truth. Every activist group in this city has been working in concert for four years to rid this country of the Trump administration. We have been working non-stop throughout all of that time.

We must end police violence against  communities of color; religious minorities; against women; all women around this country; against ICE and government violence against all of our communities. We have stood united since November 2016 and the NYPD cannot. ever. divide us. (cheers/jeers)[1:59]

Over the course of the last week  we have seen the NY media be complicit in spreading lies and propaganda. They have not been doing journalism as they have covered these police riots against protestors.

They have been putting out propaganda. [2:28]

We know that they have been putting out propaganda because they release statements from the police without ever interviewing a single organizer of a single protest at which the police have chosen to herd and deter. And we will not stand for it. ( cheers/jeers) [2:52]

So we are out here today to hold the NYPD to account. We are out here today to hold the NYC media to account.

A quick note to all of these protest movements, “Do not be afraid of the press.” The press is there to get your message out. [3:20]

Don’t let the press use you. YOU use the press to get your message out. (cheers/jeers)

Now, we’ve seen all the lies. We’ve seen all the distortions. We’ve seen cops obstruct protestors, search their belongings and then say, “Oh, they weren’t armed.”  And then we see a media that doesn’t say, “Well, were they brandishing these weapons or were they just locked away in their back pack?” cause you would never have known about them if you hadn’t attacked and brutalized them.

This is the kind of journalism that we expect people who have gone through these great ivy-league , J-school(journalism) programs, who have these media studies mastered; who are reporting from local or national news stations to do and yet they do not. WE must hold them accountable. (crowd- YES!)” [End Video]

The NYPD officers, waiting for the march, were ridiculed and  assailed with accusations of violence.

Walker was pleased to announce they had ‘tricked’ the NYPD into placing vehicles and officers on the south side of the park, knowing they were marching north to Central Park’s Seneca Village (near 72nd St and 5th Ave)

“Seneca Village existed from 1825 through 1857.  Seneca Village was Manhattan’s first significant community of African American property owners. By the 1840s, it had become a multi-ethnic community African Americans, Irish, and German immigrants, and perhaps a few Native Americans. In 1855 … within two years, Seneca Village would be razed and its identity erased by the creation of Central Park.”

As for the NYPD, they still seem committed to “protect and serve”, in spite of the lack of support received from our communist-loving Mayor de Blasio.

Flickr Slide Show


Unfortunately, Mayor “deBozo” continues to deconstruct the city with lock downs as he relentlessly works to neuter the NYPD. Most recently, de Blasio is removing the NYPD from certain emergency calls. His pilot program will send Mental Health workers to lead/replace the police in what they describe as non-violent emergency calls. It  will debut in Feb. 2021 (good luck with predicting who’s armed)

A pilot program in New York City will be launched to replace police officers with mental health professionals when responding to emergency mental health calls, New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio announced on Tuesday, Gothamist reports.  The pilot will begin in February.

Meanwhile, this day in DC, over a million MAGA patriots gathered PEACEFULLY. Image may contain: one or more people, crowd and outdoor

But they were attacked viciously by the LEFT. Some questioned whether the DC police were able or willingly to protect and serve the peaceful citizens who were just trying to go home.

In Conclusion: The Communist/Socialist insurgents have worked relentlessly for over a hundred years to take down our constitutional government.Their hatred for our independence has never waned, generation after generation.  Decade after decade they have mocked and stripped our “By the People and For the People” government of its strength.

“WE The People”, like the brainless Eloi, have walked passively into our 2020 prisons; imprisoned by the rules of tyrants, government by fiat. We have no say in our future.

Mayors and Governors have shut down our economy; closed our schools; restricted travel and NOW, they plan to restrict what we do in our homes; how we gather privately. Americans are no longer independent. No man’s home is his castle, not anymore.

Face diapers at the ready, Americans have become a compliant culture willing to suffer the bleakness of a totalitarian economy. Is this is our future?

Perhaps not. Perhaps a Civil War is brewing: Us against the Soc/Commie tyrants.

“My Declaration of Independence”. I will not be subservient to the “Rule of these Tyrants.” Ten months and counting, I proudly declare, “I resist!” Whenever and wherever I can.I refuse the idea that face diapers are necessary. They are a symbol of mental and physical slavery. I will fight this tyranny, relentlessly. I will not go quietly.”

As I observed the PRIVILEGED Soc/Commie ‘victims’ of an America they hate, claiming falsely that they suffer abuse, I feel anger. Frustration. Dismay. For those of us who refuse to live under this tyranny,  it’s not the Soc/Commies who are being victimized: AMERICA Must Fight back.

[Where indicated, Pictures and Videos Property Of Pamela Hall (VSB)]

Leftists claim GOP Destroys Democracy at Columbus Circle : “Take it Back”!

Wed. Feb 5, 2020. Columbus Circle.
We are tired, we are angry, but we will continue to fight Trump (and the GOP) until we drive them out of office

All this wailing came from the Marxist-Socialist Left.

[Face Book] “Rise and Resist, and 1000s of New Yorkers, will take to the streets on Wednesday, February 5th, at 5:30pm; 90 minutes after the Senate is scheduled to vote on Trump’s articles of impeachment. The verdict will most likely be an acquittal, but that doesn’t mean the resistance is over.”

“We are tired, we are angry, but we will continue to fight Trump (and the GOP) until we drive them out of office.”

“This is not just about Ukraine or election interference, but about corruption and authoritarian rule.”

Tell the world we know that Trump is guilty.
That the GOP is destroying democracy.
That we need to flip the Senate.
That we need to take back our democracy.

Rise and Resist and March for Truth

FLICKR Slide Show – Part 1 – After the acquittal was announced, TDS (Trump Deranged Syndrome) was hard core.

rip it up

The Leftists were very annoyed that Trump 2020 flags could be seen so easily in Columbus Circle.

They begged police to move patriots out of sight. Claimed police were treating the Trumpers with favoritism.

Part 2 Flickr slide show –
The Patriots did not move.


Leftists were furious that Pres. Trump was acquitted, so EIGHT of their comrades volunteered to be arrested. The police got a heads up: Game on for the cameras.

The soc/commie/progs claim to march FOR democracy.

As the Leftists marched through the streets to Trump Tower, the Trump Patriots followed along.

Part 3 FLICKR slide show – The pre-arranged arrests and march


.Post-march Face Book comments from the Leftists:

Thank you for coming out last night! From beginning to end, we had about 2,000 people ( they claim)  with the march four blocks long (they walk REAL slow) at one point.

Rise and Resist We’re not allowed to have metal poles for banners and posters (it’s a NYC law), but every march I’ve been to the Trump trolls bring gigantic banners on 10 foot tall metal poles(NOT. It’s PVC pipes) and the cops do nothing (not true). We need to see what we can get away with too! (This is a NEWBEE) 

FYI EVERYONE! The 8 arrestees from tonight’s action in Columbus Circle are at the 7th precinct on Pitt Street and Broome! PLEASE, if you have a few hours to spare tonight head down there to support these brave warriors! They need all the help we can give them! (Ridiculously unaware. The cities new law lets everyone out- even murders – the new no bail excuse to put everyone back on the streets)

 Short videos  – Part 1 – the protestors gather in Columbus Circle

Part 2 – the pre arranged photo-oped arrests

Part 3 – The march to Trump Tower – finally.

.[https://youtu.be/kM8gspVOuw0] Linking to Barely Informed With Elad video. He interviews the Communist tools as they marched. It’s a little long but easily captures the indoctrination of the Marxist/Socialist Left. (some quotes follow)

Woman #1: Mitch is a Russian asset. Bernie a Socialist. She doesn’t know if Socialism leads to Communism. GOP election fraud. She: Injustice no trial. No idea if Dems doing good job in Iowa cause she’s  focusing on “OUT Now”.

Guilty as Charged chants

Guy with(GOP) Hammer/Sickle sign – GOP is selling out to Russia. Putin’s Puppet. Elad asks are GOP Commies? Do you think Communism is bad? (Silence, then a  reply) GOP sold out to Russia. Re Mueller report – the protestor claims GOP happy to receive help from Russia. (No answer re Dems – mouth agape)

Commie leader (Jay Walker) lead the “stupid maggots” chant aimed at Elad.

Guy with Sign(he’s an Aussie or Kiwi) We are in dictatorship. Repubs. Senate. Trump can do anything he wants. He’ll cancel the 2020 elections.

Elad: How is he a dictator? Man says: electoral college does not represent people. Elad: If he is a Dictator, why no wall? Man says: The people have stopped it. We need to give AID to Mexico etc. then no problems. (he claims) Democratic Socialism- Socialism – is helping poorer people.

(Woman says Elad is a troll, don’t talk to him. Man says, I know) 8:53

Man sign: No King Never a Kingdom. Says Trump like a King- a tsar- a vassal Tsar. Elad asks: Build the wall … a King would have built the wall. Man: that’s ridiculous question – they said they can do whatever they what on floor Senate- Trump disrespects law enforcement. Elad: was he honestly elected? Man: He lies- is anyone above the law- Ukraine is not about Joe or Hunter Biden- it’s a smoke screen- allegations about corruption- it’s a private business.

Woman- Repubs did not want to hear truth. (Elad asks about Bill Clinton) She doesn’t want to talk about that. Elad: How is Trump screwing country. Woman: So many ways- he ruined relationship with allies-. Elad: You don’t think America is better than others?  Woman: No.  Says there is no dictatorship – yet- Doesn’t accept 2016 results. Hillary got popular vote. Elad: You don’t like our Constitution? Woman: She’s against Electoral College- Trump is illegit. Our constitution based in racism- Electoral based on States not cities – People in cities much more aware.

Again: He’s a TROLL

Another woman: This demo being pushed into the park – police had (Marxist) demo pushed into park- Who did that!

Elad: Trump reached highest approval rating – 49%

Woman: People are remarkably ignorant – less and less educated – some are smart but vote with pocket book – others don’t understand how BAD he is making it for them

Criminal justice reform – IF he’s really done anything – he CLAIMED he did something.

And again: He’s a TROLL . Elad asks: Why am I a right wing troll?

Woman: I’m from the tribe, too (TRIBE?) You know what I mean. He’s making things worse, she says. Elad: Any anti-semites on Left  (She just can’t admit this) Woman: LINDA (Sarsour) is NOT an anti Semite. Elad: Tamika. Ilhan? Woman: They had to step down- still involved and they are NOT anti-semites.  (she asks) What did they DO? Elad: Please look it up.

Stop the cover up. Trump is guilty

Woman: Convicted of TREASON – He should be jailed – Democracy DIES. (Elad: If Trump re-elected, will that represent the country? Would he be accepted?) She: IF the  election is fair. No FOREIGN interference.  (Elad: He’s already illegit?) SHE: No, he won by illegit means. (She won’t say who she would like to win.)

SHE: Didn’t watch speech. Had a migraine. PROUD of Nancy. Elad: (on tearing speech) Was that mature?  Woman:  It was HONEST.

“Keeping America Great” means “Take it Back”. Save Democracy from the Soc/Commie/Progs on the Left. VOTE Trump 2020!

Where indicated Pictures and Videos Property of Pamela Hall (VSB)


“Kirsten Gillibrand in 2020” has poor turnout on home turf

Columbus Circle 11 am. March 24, 2019. NYC   Kirsten Gillibrand’s poorly attended 2020 presidential rally outside Trump Hotel. “Bravery” was the theme of her campaign that sparked low interest. Text BRAVE, maybe it’ll help….

Gillibrand vowed to stand up to President Trump (and those within the Democrat Party). She also called for Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s report on Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election to be made public.

She’s gonna need help getting her message to the country at large. But, since even NYC wasn’t even interested in her candidacy, she’s gonna need some help- .

BLOCKS were roped off, and all she managed was about a half a block (if that) – jammed up to the stage for the pictures.

Video 1 – JDL-NY and fellow patriots gathered in support of President Trump outside the poorly attended rally that was Kirsten Gillibrand’s 2020 media opp for her Presidential run. There were some lively exchanges with the passersby, and not ALL were against Trump.

Two DACA dreamers and immigrant activists led the roster of speakers because … they are #BRAVE.

They announced proudly, WE ARE DREAMERS (aka illegals) Lisdy Contreras-Giron (a Pace Univ. grad, who came here at 5 yrs old from Guatemala) and  Monica Sibri

Flickr slide show


20 Dem candidates so far? Let the games begin.

CNN full video : [https://youtu.be/hUkvRh1wtjc] if … you must….

[Pics and vids property of Pamela Hall]

Women’s March NYC 2018 … They’re baaack…

January 20, 2018. Columbus Circle. The march was scheduled for 11:30 am (so I thought).

Arriving early (10:30) I saw the hoards – ‘eloi’ ascending from the subterranean depths —

 … “sheeple” dragging themselves from 60th street up to 71st st, past Trump International Tower.

Happy lemmings laughing their way up Broadway

pink pussy hats – oh my

Read that eventually the Hate Trump Fest stretched all the way to 86 st – final tote 200, 000 (really?)

I wound up leaving around 1:30 … before the march finally took off … but I don’t think I missed anything. Seemed like I saw it all walking up Broadway.

Part 1- Flickr Slideshow:


The crush of bodies. So many foolish WHITE people.

People of color?  a few ‘midst this gathering of UWS whites.

 So many dilettantes in love with Socialism.




 Children. (Who needs a father when Mom is in charge.)

Young and old  …. WHITE people.

Snarky signs and chants, announcing how much they STILL hate Trump.

A group belly-ache – moaning of imagined slights in a world where THEY are the privileged. THEY are the successful women of the 20th and 21st century and where THEY are the NAZIS.

Part 2 Flickr Slideshow:


Whatever they wish, they CAN achieve. No one holding them back but themselves.

HY-PO-CRITES …. with too much time on their hands … teaching the little children.

VIDEO short compilation: 

THE VIDEO: January 20, 2018. NYC. approx. 10:45, outside Trump International Hotel (as the lemmings worked their way from 60th st to 71st ( the entrance for the march) Another view was at the subway exit- the programmed “eloi” ascending from the depths – met by an Pro Trump/Ivanka flag.

Then we crossed to the Central park side of Columbus Circle where the JDL and friends assembled in support of President Trump, EXPOSING sharia-loving Linda Sarsour. They were surrounded by vociferous marchers with their anti- trump signs, obsessed with their hatred for Trump – missing the real message – marching for women abused around the world.

There were those who supported President Trump .

Their signs made the “NICE” people – who march – go INSANE.

 A two-sided flag: Trump in 2020 and Ivanka in 2024 greeted the protestors.

Part 3  Flickr Slide show: On the Central Park Side of Columbus Circle, the JDL and friends held their Pro – Trump signs and flags high above the heads of these STOOPID pussy-hatted protestors.


 Always a day for celebrities to get out and make speeches. But, was surprised that a woman standing beside me – in the park- having just lobbed a couple of verbal swipes at the guy holding the Trump in 2020 flag – was Christie Brinkley – with her daughter. (Brinkley’s hat says LOVE.)

Part 4. Flickr slideshow. Never managed to get a full-faced picture of Brinkley (whatever) Finishing this bunch of pics with more signs and the police as they WAITED for the delayed march to begin.


In conclusion: what was missing- as always – is AWARENESS that there are women in this world, suffering under Islam, who actually NEED their support; their help. This young woman – CLUELESS.

Women in Muslim countries without freedoms, rights and safety. The book “Breaking The Chains”. Where is the outrage for the women and children who suffer under Islam. (Not Here)

The homosexuals who suffer under Islam – No outrage here either.

Islam is The Beast. Sharia to be feared. But, not according to these NASTY women.

The voices of women suffering under Islam are silenced by the ROAR of privileged American women … ranting against TRUMP.

The Elite women of the West turn a blind eye and deaf ear to those who suffer in the 21st century …. proudly sporting graphic, snarky signs.

CRICKETS as they joyfully marched down the streets of Manhattan.

The foolishness of the ignorati.

I’m not impressed (though clearly THEY are).

So many STOOPID people with PUSSY hats (and pom-poms hats?)


[Pictures and Video Property of Pamela Hall]

NOT My President Day Leftists return to Columbus Circle NYC

Presidents’ Day. NYC.  Feb. 20, 2017. RENAMED (by the rabid Left) NOT MY PRESIDENT DAY

Location: Start at Columbus Circle. Assemble outside Trump International Hotel. 61st St & Central Park West. Time: 12pm – 4pm

This was announced as a peaceful demonstration. A rally, not a march (though plenty of Leftards marched up Broadway)

There was a congressional recess on February 20th that aligned with President’s Day. SO, “Let’s rally while our federal representatives are back in town and remind them who they represent.”

But, today was NOT just any Presidents Day.

Officially, the holiday is called Washington’s Birthday, to honor the first American president, George Washington. The date was established by Congress with the Monday Holidays Act, which went into effect in 1971.

But,  just say “President Trump” and watch the temper tantrums from the Left begin.

That’s all they needed to “gather like children”, screaming , “Trump is NOT my President.”  Pathetic.

                                                   (click to enlarge)
AMERICA , however, did not remain silent. There were pockets of confident patriots scattered from 60th to 65th st.

Not just ‘white’ America the Left loves to smear with cries of racism.

People of color. Diversity. THIS is what democracy looks like.

Polite (mostly). FIRM in their convictions that Donald  Trump IS our President. YOU LOST. Get over it!

Heading towards the subway, I felt weary from yet another YUGE temper tantrum. So much snarky ill-will.

Yet, the civilized street debates offered up by those brave patriotic Americans, also left me encouraged.

Kudos to the patriots who had the courage to stand amongst so many smug Fools and Tools and retained their composure. Bravo.

For the Leftards, who suck the life out of everything, while preaching hatred for all things Republican: a major Razzie award to you all.

Where is MOM when you need her.

“Time out.” “Go To your Room.” (if only that would work)

Video Playlist: 7 short vids – 4  are the patriot street debates

Pictures Flickr slide show:


After the Rally, the Leftists filled their Face book and Twitter feeds with the expected self congratulation. BUT so did the Patriots!!

Thank you to EVERYONE that came out. We made a stand and it was great. The Spirit of ’76 was alive yesterday and we totally messed up the libs day. So proud of everyone!

By the way, the next event will be on March 4th – I believe at Trump Tower. It’s called “March 4 Trump” and they will be happening in several cities. Thanks again.

The LEFT says they’re winning. Yet, after reading their “mission statement”, methinks hubris may sink their ship (Hoping)

Face book statement on WHY they rallied for NOT MY PRESIDENT Day:

Donald Trump is literally our President, but figuratively, he has attacked every value New Yorkers embody and does not represent our interests. We will be staging a rally at Columbus Circle to protest the un-American policies of the current White House:

– He plans to cut federal funding to our state in an attempt to turn us against our immigrant population, funneling money away from important public institutions.

– He wants to use our tax money to build a wall that no one wants.

– He attacked our Muslim communities and instituted an Islamophobic religious ban.

– He approved a pipeline that threatens to destroy sacred lands.

– His administration opposes a woman’s right to choose and purged the White House website of information pertaining to police brutality and LGBTQ rights.

– His party doesn’t take climate change seriously and undermines our state’s efforts to combat it.

Donald Trump stands against the progress we have worked hard to enact. He does not represent our interests. He was voted in by a minority of the American public but governs as if there’s no resistance. But there is — and on February 20th, we will honor previous presidents by exercising our constitutional right to assemble and peacefully protest everything Donald Trump stands for.

++ Pictures and video property of Pamela Hall ++

Links to  other media reports:

NBC News






Michael Moore’s “Declaration of War” Against America – NYC

January 19, 2017 “We Stand United Rally – NYC “  Columbus Circle [6-8 pm]

They gathered to “Protect Shared Values” on the Night Before Trump’s Inauguration,” to “send a message to President-elect Trump and Congress that New York City will protect the rights of residents and will continue to make real progress on important issues such as health-care, climate change, social justice and immigrant rights.”

G-d save us all from the chaos of these malcontents, insurgents and misguided ‘do-gooders’

Playlist of 4 short videos: includes Rosie Perez, Mayor de Blasio and a DeNiro (excerpt)

62nd street and Central Park West. 5:30 pm. As I entered the enclosure for the protest/rally. the Michael Moore (Soros funded) insurgency was going hot and strong.

This first block was nearly half-packed already with people pressing towards the stage making access for any press nearly impossible. (the stage was a block north of the Trump InterNational Hotel starting at 61st st)

The Upper West Side. Important not just because of Trump real estate. This is the breeding ground for brain-dead libtards. Like the Eloi, heads craned passively towards the jumbo-tron…they did not disappoint.

Coming in programmed droves to “Stand in Solidarity” with people-fighting to “advance” the causes of “racial, social, environmental and economic ‘justice’ “. (arggh)

Much more to see in the Flickr slideshow:


Having found new purpose as they, the white,educated elitists,proclaimed Trump to be an illegitimate POTUS  … just because THEY said so.

Their Fascist mantra, “Not my President” pierced the night air. And the press was giddy with ‘enlightenment’.

They may not have been close to the stage, but they had plenty of soc/commie/prog/fascisti to interview. And they DID. (Note Debbie Almontaser in the gray hooded coat- She of Intifada NYC infamy)


Almontaser waiting along with her fellow “Faith Leaders” to be interviewed ….

Threatening to “Take Back THEIR Socialist America“, Moore announced there will be co-ordinated nation-wide assaults;  a hellish rage of protests, riots and see-you-in-court actions” planned by these domestic terrorists to hobble Trump’s first 100 days in office. (This is ‘love’?)

Flashback November 2008 – One of these things is NOT like the other.


Obama and his 8 years of insurgency. Mass Unhappiness. It, too, was there. Not all rejoiced. A malaise ran deep. BUT, there were no riots-in-the-streets. No Republican insurgency threatening to ‘Take Down Amerikkka’. Instead – We Came Together –  peacefully- at the ballot-box.  WE TOOK BACK the real America. Legally.

AND now, as expected, the Leftards are RIOTING. In the streets. Again. Insurgents. Deconstructing America, brick by brick. Yearning for a government the Comintern might recognize …. and love …

An addendum: My friends – patriots all- some were for Trump, some merely accepted his presidency – but ALL came out to support him, to support America  that night. The patriots expressed a deep concern, having experienced first-hand a swelling of hatred most disturbing towards their quiet display of patriotism.


Predictable, since I noted the usual soc/commie/prog/facisti through out the crowd. Despite Michael Moore’s proclamation of fealty this was was a passionate gathering worthy of a Fascist Bund , NOT a pro-America assembly.

What I took away was disgust. 7pm. What more was there to see and hear.

Surrounded by hatred. Smug anger. Bizarre glassy-eyed insurgent- joy. The fools, too easily fed and lead by the media, know nothing –  pawns of the Soros puppeteers (the TOOLS) It’s going to a bumpy ride.

++ Pictures and video property of Pamela Hall++


Church World Services “Rally for Refugee Re-Settlement” Columbus Circle (6-19-16)

WHAT: World Refugee Day 2016  – “Rally for Refugee Re-Settlement”

“Refugees Welcome Because One World ♥’s “

Location: Columbus Circle – NYC – June 19, 2016- 11 am
Event Name: Rally for Refugees
Organization: Church World Services “A Global Humanitarian Agency for The Vulnerable and the Displaced”  [CWS is the relief, development and refugee assistance arm of the National Council of the Churches of Christ]

“This June, dozens of communities across the United States gathered to celebrate (Muslim) refugees from California to Atlanta”

WHY: From  UNHCR  & the UN Refugee Agency

“In 2000, the United Nations General Assembly established June 20 as World Refugee Day to recognize and applaud the contribution of refugees throughout the world and to raise awareness about the growing refugee crisis …. celebrate World Refugee Day with an event, prayer service, or other activity.”

CWS asks you to  Join the Refugees Welcome Campaign

#WithRefugees petition will be delivered to UN headquarters in New York ahead of the UN General Assembly high-level summit to address large movements of (Muslim)refugees and migrants, on September 19, 2016.


The petition asks governments to help the (Muslim) refugees :

  • Ensure every refugee child gets an education.
  • Ensure every refugee family has somewhere safe to live.
  • Ensure every refugee can work or learn new skills to make a positive contribution to their community.

Statement by the President Obama on World Refugee Day (2016)

“Protecting and assisting refugees is a part of our history as a Nation and we will continue to alleviate the suffering of (Muslim) refugees abroad, and to welcome them here at home, because doing so reflects our American values and our noblest traditions as a Nation, enriches our society and strengthens our collective security.”

HOWEVER: Mercy. Compassion … Do unto others …. Western values. Anathema to Islam (it’s in the Quran)

                                         “The Infidels must Die!”

The Christian population in Iraq has now diminished to an alarming 50,000 to 250,000, compared with 1.4 million in 2003. They were either massacred by jihadists or abducted.

Christians have faced being forced to convert to Islam, pay a high living tax (jizya, mandated in the Qur’an) to the Islamic State, or abandon their ancestral homes. Many were enslaved or murdered.

Reverend Canon Andrew White, (aka “The Vicar of Baghdad”) known for his love of humanity, stated of Islamic State jihadists: “When I invited ISIL to dinner they said, ‘Yes, we’ll come, but we’ll chop off your head.’ Rather kind of them to warn me.”

The gentle and kind Reverend White … has witnessed the worst atrocities on the ground against his fellow Christians, minorities and Yazidi girls who are taken as sex slaves, and he finally declared:”

“I have looked through the Quran trying to find forgiveness… there isn’t any. If you find it, tell me. This makes it very difficult to talk to ISIS because they can show you quite clearly that it is what Allah wants. They can justify their position when Allah says you should combat and fight the infidel and they say, ‘Well, these are infidels.’ So the question is, how can you prove that these are not infidels? And you can’t.” [Jihad Watch]

YET, the misguided do-gooders at CWS preach-on ….

Overheard at Columbus Circle, a mother telling her young daughter (simplistically) that the purpose of the CWS event was to teach us “to be kind to all people”.  So… “Rebecca, Stands With Refugees”

The mother sees what she wants to see, the Happy (feel-good) Faces of dedicated (misguided) do-gooders: It’s World Refugee Day!

But, how kind is ignoring the Christian refugees while Muslim ‘refugees’ go to the head-of-the-line.

I watched. Took a few pictures. Knowing a dialogue about the Christian victims of Islam would be met with plastic smiles …. and silence…

But, one brave voice stood firmly in front of them- facing their table. His message perplexing for the do-gooder, as it does not compute, “Say NO to Refugees”

A message lacking nuance, perhaps, but they should have opened a door and talked with him. Instead, CWS holds firm. CWS is GOOD. Bringing Social Justice to the Muslim World.
That protestor is a BAD man. A Racist. Islamophobe. Bigoted. Hater. Ignore him. (hands to ears- lalalala)
CWS (CHRISTIAN World Service)
outreach goes first to Muslim “refugees” of Syria. To save them from “Islamophobia” .

That “One World – Social Justice” from CWS offers kindness, empathy,  Social Justice. (to some) The Christian Victims of Genocide must go to the back-of-the-line.
Protecting Muslim refugees comes FIRST because Muslims are “threatened  by imagined Islamophobia”

Within the United States, the welcome of (Muslim) Syrian refugees is being challenged. This type of fear-mongering (against Muslims) has no place in our society. People of all faiths must stand in solidarity with refugee and migrant communities.

BUT, are the “important and very needy” Muslim “refugees” properly vetted? (If at all). CWS claims they are.

 More from CWS as they Welcome the (Muslim) Syrian “Refugees”


‘Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for by doing that some have entertained angels without knowing it.’
– Hebrews 13:2 (NRSV)

Join CWS in refugee resettlement – welcome arriving families as contributing members of our communities….

Take a collection to help Syrian refugee families cover basic expenses.

CWS will connect these funds with arriving Syrian families for housing, utilities and basic needs as well as CWS Syrian crisis advocacy.

Refugees often arrive with little more possessions than the clothing on their backs.

Collect the household goods one family will need to start a new life in the U.S.

Ship boxed items to a city across the U.S. … household items will be provided to arriving refugees from Syria, Burma, Iraq and other countries.

Located near a CWS resettlement office? Contact your local affiliate to serve as a welcome team or to find local volunteer and donation needs.

Sadly, CWS with holds aide to the Christians of the Middle East (and Yazidis, as well) slaughtered and enslaved throughout the 21st Century Muslim World.  It’s a puzzlement…

Which brings us to a WARNING From Refugee Resettlement Watch  on Church World Services and Federal Funding. [Posted by Ann Corcoran  January 7, 2016]

CHRISTIANS BEWARE of  the Social Justice Do-Gooders

If you are new to RRW, there are nine major federal refugee resettlement contractors (they call themselves Volags!) and Church World Service is one of them.

They are largely funded with your tax dollars!  And, it was Church World Service whose subcontractor Virginia Council of Churches first brought this whole secretive and costly resettlement program to my attention in 2007.

See my latest report on CWS at American Resistance 2016! where we tell you about how CWS is going to illegally hide aliens sought by ICE.

Don’t you think that, if they go forward with their announced plan and break federal law, their federal funds should be immediately cut off?

By the way, if the name Church World Service rings a bell for you locally.  Know that they might be raising funds from your church through their annual “Crop Walks!”

Crop walk

Their charitable work for hungry people is, in my view, just a cover for their political ambitions.

Church World Service member churches are here.  Be sure your church isn’t planning to hide those sought by ICE.

 (Also, from Refugee Resettlement Watch)

” Frankly, we have made a grievous error in taking the Muslim refugees, Somalis in particular, who have no intention of becoming Americans. They are here to change America. 

Unfortunately, political correctness and a worshipful attitude toward multiculturalism have blinded us.

It is my view, that the ‘diversity is strength’ line is way overused, and mostly hogwash.”

PDF – 2016 a Report on the Christian Genocide  [You can scroll through the embedded (detailed) PDF below ]

“Shouldn’t we first help the Christian victims of Mideast genocide? If we want to accept refugees in flight from Arab and Muslim war zones, why not start with the most persecuted victims?”

 Why not bring Christians and Yazidis from the Muslim world here first? Why not bring Muslim dissidents, ex-Muslims, and Muslim homosexuals here second?

before we extend visas, green cards and asylum to Muslim boys and men? [Phyllis Chesler]

IN CONCLUSION: The misguided fools and tools at CWS need an awakening, before it’s too late for the Christian Refugees of The Middle East.  These hapless do-gooders should ask more probing questions of CWS.Are we doing enough to help the Christian victims suffering under the boot of terrorism?A pretty smile to passersby is not enough.

++ Christian Genocide. It’s Real ++

PART TWO:  Impassioned voices from THE CHRISTIAN REFUGEES of the Middle East, the Yazidis of Iraq , who need re-settlement. Lost in the wilderness, they desperately need JUSTICE. NOW.

[Stop Islamization of Nations Conference on Sept. 11, 2012]

Video 1Ashraf Ramelah (Voice of Copts)

Video 2Joseph NasrallahCoptic Christians

Video 3Father Gabriel Nadaaf  Christians of Jerusalem – “The Disappearance of the Christians under Islam”

[AFDI Rally for Israel, Minorities Under Islam]

Video 4 – Yazidi Leader,  Haider Elias -Worldwide Plea at AFDI Rally for Israel “Minorities Under Islam “

[AFDI and David Horowitz Foundation at Temple University]

Video 5- Simon Deng, enslaved at the age of 9 in Sudan. Christian slavery, in the  21st century, continues- sanctioned by Islam and ignored- in the Sudan. Genocide. Slavery. It’s a world wide scourge.

** An Addendum** As I try to end this post. ** I find. I can’t.**

The reports. The abuses. The cruelty. The Human Tragedies. The pleas for aide and mercy –  Silence has lead to No JUSTICE. No Peace.

The horrors do not end.  The pain goes on.

1.Christians Facing Extinction in Iraq

2. “An Appeal From a Yazidi Leader

3. “Libya abducts Christian Women, Makes Them Slaves

afdi ad christian nyc“Horrifying mob of 5,000 attacks Christians for BUILDING CHURCH shouting ‘Egypt is Islamic,’” by Katie Mansfield, Express, July 2, 2016 (thanks to The Religion of Peace):

A MOB of 5,000 attacked a group of Christians as they attempted to build a church, the latest in a string of violent attacks in Egypt.

Vigilantes torched and looted homes in Baidaa village after hearing rumours worship was taking place. [ Interfaith dialogue in Egypt ]

While Church leaders in the U.S. are too busy holding Ramadan dinners and issuing statements about how Islam is “peace” to take much notice of how Christians in the Middle East are being persecuted. Shame on them!

[Presbyterian Church USA Offers Prayers to allah]

I depart with a  short slide show of the CWS small and very quiet (Muslim) refugee outreach at Columbus Circle. “Saving the Refugees from “Islamophobia”. One World. One Day. One empty out-reach program at a time.

++ It’s a bizarro world we live in ++

“Crush Trump” – A look at the “Wild Side” Part 2 (vids/pics) 2016

March 19, 2016. Columbus Circle.
“Crush Trump!” (Part 2)
[Part 1 from “Crush Trump” is HERE]
12801456_223717434642895_7917728175019713628_n A day of  “snark and hubris”.
(You’ve seen one, you’ve seen them all)
But repetition breeds complacency, so bring it on.The “Dump/Crush Trump” protestS. Redux. Rolls-on. Ad nauseum.

April 2, 2016,   “democracy” SPRING,  will be launched.

These same players (and maybe the  5000 no-show anarchists)will spread their chaos in-the-streets nation-wide. However, on March 19, the mischief-makers gathered slowly, VERY slowly, never reaching the trumpeted throng of 5,000.
YET,  “LOVE” was in- the-air.High Noon. Start time. The press, lingering, wondering, where’s the 5000 who were on-call to fight FASCISM?The student-majority, mostly a happy “throng”; laughing, singing, drumming …. and chanting… lined-up with a banner and a few pithy signs.

SLIDE SHOW of pictures (to access place cursor on picture)



Noon was looking a tad disappointing. The lethargic press (looking for ANYTHING to cover) came alive with the beat of the drums. Hoping for the perfect photo to take back to the boss.

But, a slow trickle was too calm and love just doesn’t “do it”.
What does the media really HOPE for? The fake ‘aggressive’ Trump protestors ‘assaulting’ those “calm” anti-trump protestors, of course. (Insurgent plants make a much better story)

Wisconsin: “You touched my chest” – the faked uproar from the ‘victim’ (Alex Drake) and perhaps – the intentional pepper spray. Watched many videos and the guy in red hat slyly positions himself,  just before the punch. (Me-thinks he KNEW it was coming) It was ALL too well planned (rehearsed) yet that gets played over and over…as though it were spontaneous. (It sells)

NOT this meek little gathering. The banner unfurled. The ubiquitous drum, drum, drumming filling the air. The press was looking at a short day.
Some Commie-handlers were observed – walking back and forth from the park- entrance to the circle protestors… hovering in the background…
This usually means they are co-ordinating something. Waiting. Watching (it turned out) for the missing hoards.  And then … it was time….
Some of the missing protestors (still not 5,000) had finally marched over from Fifth Avenue.
It was TIME for the mini- ‘PARADE” to make the short-hop across Central Park West.

Obediently they marched with signs and banners across CPW to the Central Park entrance. [and the press went “wild”]  Pressing, pushing through the small crowd. Once again, HOPING for that perfect picture.
In the Park:
We now had a crowd, thick with press, and protestors.
And colors. Lots of colors. Green (Anti-fas).
Yellow (Socialists).
Red (Commies)
With the usual Black (BIG A-anarchists)
“fakestinian” kuffeyas.
and BLM (Black Lives Matter) sentiments, scattered throughout the protest.

A fairly solid example of an everyday college campus.

Barking profane chants and carrying hand made signs that went from childish sex jokes to racist cracks to … “LOVE”….
THEY kept telling us THEY own the franchise on LOVE. (observe, please, the Spit-Queen of Love)

Slideshow of pictures (to access place cursor on picture)



There were speakers (using a small megaphone) with the “students” packed hard against the ‘staging area’. This always makes the crowd look bigger and is good for photo-ops.

Video playlist

Muslim-speakers were there.  Linda Sarsour, in particular, who has long been in-training to be Brooklyn Burrough President (it’s on her bucket-list)
She was joined by more distaff speakers, 20-somethings, who wore “american” flag-type hijabs. [one female, who spoke, wore a BLACK-starred flag]
Once the protest began it’s march back to the Fifth Avenue Trump Towers, I spotted a dancing Pinocchio-nosed Trump (with snarky signs)

And more smack-down Fascism signs.Immigration banners on the fountain steps. (they also stretched one across CPW) Illegal Immigrants, SI! But, No Walls. No way. Throughout my two hours (before they marched east to Fifth Avenue) nothing NEW seemed to happen. But, still— not great— when you see the press (particularly the foreign press) so eager to see America fall apart.

French. German. Spanish. Saw them all interviewing the pro-America “No OPEN Borders” counter-protestors. But, finding a pro- America report post protest- that’s a search that too often ends in vain. Sometimes you might find a one-line quote, here and there, supporting America. (maybe)

BUT, that is so NOT what this crowd was looking for. Chaos. Confusion. Revolution.
https://metrouk2.files.wordpress.com/2016/03/ad_201274908.jpg?quality=80&strip=all&resize=472%2C265 Another dose of anarchy – sadly – in Belgium -and these fools and tools in Columbus Circle are grinning (winning?)
G-d save us all from the do-gooders, anarchists and their Community Organizers.

One Final Thought.  What, might you ask, are they PROTESTING?

What do the radicals claim to want? (Many of the main groups endorsing Democracy Spring are FUNDED by billionaire Soros and supported by groups like the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) and as usual the AFL-CIO)

THIS GROUP complains that “American elections are dominated by billionaires and big money interests who can spend unlimited sums of money on political campaigns to protect their special interests at the general expense…The American people deserve free and fair elections, not billionaire auctions.”

So, if you are moved to join your fellow anarchists at Democracy Spring, for the 10 Day March, all you have to do is contact your friendly New York Community organizer.

in NEW YORK : Lisa Caswell
Phone Number (646-267-7244)

From Philadelphia, Democracy Spring marchers are planning protest stops in Wilmington and Newark in Delaware; Perryville, Joppa, Baltimore, Elkridge, and Beltsville in Maryland ( 0n their way to D.C.) and then encamping in Columbus Circle at 11 AM Eastern on April 11: a day of National encampments….

Screen Shot 2016-04-01 at 1.33.03 PM100 people have confirmed that they will participate in the full march, with activists hailing from 33 states across country. Those protesters signed an option on the coalition’s website explicitly stating, “I pledge to be one among thousands who will risk arrest to save democracy in DC between April 11 – 16.

And remember, (promising only 2,000 this time), they’ll be back at Columbus  Circle, April 11, 2016 at 11:00 AM.

“Left-Wing Activists Plot 10-Day March from Philadelphia’s Liberty Bell to D.C. In Civil Disobedience Bid.”

It only takes a FEW to create Chaos. Not thousands nor hundreds.

MARCH: APRIL 2-11, 2016
SIT IN: APRIL 11-18, 2016

We have been warned.

From Twitter search:

Democracy Spring, a coalition of far-left groups plotting mass civil disobedience with thousands pledging to risk arrest, is set to kick off its nationwide activism on Saturday at the Liberty Bell in Philadelphia’s Independence Mall.

OWS. The Arab “spring’ it was just the beginning of their downhill run. Right before our eyes- under our noses- they feed the foolish with their agit-prop. Deconstruct the system. And what they choose to destroy- to abhor- they CLAIM to protect. NOW they wish to SAVE “democracy”.

                                                       Game on.


NY-ICE Patriots vs “Crush Trump” Anarchists – Columbus Circle (3-19-16) vids/pics

I begin the “Crush Trump” Protest, organized by the Cosmopolitan Antifascists, with a report on the NY-ICE counter protest. There will be more posts of the soc/commie/anarchists, pictures and some video.

Noon. Columbus Circle. March 19, 2016


I arrived at about 11:30. The gathering of the anti-Trump brigades was slow. This one-man flag waver for Socialism was leading the way…alone….it was so slow starting that, for quite awhile, the press outnumbered the protestors. DSC_8859 This was looking to be a slow day for a protest.DSC_8881Though things did pick up once they all crossed Central Park West to the park entrance. There was even OPEN Borders banner blocking the street.DSC_8984 More and more of the Bernie-fied anti-Fa’s finally trickled in. GREEN seemed to be the color of the day, as well as yellow arm bands for the avowed socialists.  But, green? Left over from St. Paddy’s Day?? I’m not up on what that signifies (if anything). [Update:ANTI-Fascists “GO GREEN”]DSC_8898NY-ICE – (New Yorkers for Immigration Control) “Saying NO to open Borders. Build the Wall” was also there. DSC_9091The press was interested in statements from NY-ICE and THAT made the already angry anarchists even more bilious.

From France24:

“More and more, people who show their support to Donald Trump are intimidated,” said one among them, Jim MacDonald, of NY-ICE.

“We are here to show that it is still America for the time being … we have a right to free speech,” he added.

“As frightening as this is, we are going to show that we have the right to show our support to Donald Trump whether it pleases the other side or not.”

The flickr slide show below focuses on NY-ICE and a couple of the soc/commie infiltrators who attempted to end the interviews by stepping in to the discussions (like this red-hatted, “peace-loving” woman)DSC_9217 Her ploy didn’t seem to work as well as it has in the past. [And she left quickly once she was asked to explain why she supported socialism vs free-market capitalism]

(Please place cursor on photo to access slide show)


SO …. the next approach to end the press interviews was to  “scream, curse, and chant-sing” the press into a submission (of sorts) That too didn’t work. DSC_9063For once the press hung in there, as did NY-ICE (they always do)

VIDEO- NY ICE Patriots quietly countering the hatred spewing from the mouths of the vile soc/commie/anarchists.  “F#*k Trump” was the chant of the day.

This clip is longer than I usually post, she ranted for 15 minutes or more [repetition is part of the art of chaos] I edited as best I could, without losing some of the main-points of the opposition to Trump etc.

STARTING at [3:33-6:18] there was a spirited exchange regarding Zionism, Jews, Ben Carson, Israel (apartheid & Walls) and Russia (a FINE example of NO walls) and continues at [7:01-7:38] The protestor was seemingly OKAY with Russia having Borders and Border patrols (go figure)

And there was very open support for BERNIE. NOT Hillary (no surprise)

Obnoxious chants were led by the particularly obscene “Spit-Queen”- her intentional spittle flew at 2:12 – aimed at NY-ICE.  Yet she continued to preach that she was all about Love. TRUMP was Hate. They were LOVE.

Side Note: The spit-queen has a history of spitting as a tool-of-protest. And she ALWAYS screams and curses like a sailor!

VIDEO – NY ICE and some of their interaction with the press. I was able to catch brief interview quotes from the NY-ICE Patriots, particularly NY-ICE member, Jim, who was being interviewed starting at 1:57.

The Commie-handlers always walk the perimeter of the protests. I happened to spot Andy Pollack, who loves to bully and threaten the opposition. But, today, he seemed to be on quiet-patrol. DSC_9067Once Pollack had observed NY-ICE a few times is when the spit-queen took her position down-front – next to the NY-ICE press interviews- No accident. For sure.

I am guessing the police let a lot slide earlier while I was observing at the park entrance. They usually make groups like NY-ICE stand away from the protestors. DSC_9230Not sure that mixing was all that much fun, annoying, but the police (watching and waiting) were saving their energy for the MARCH. (I guess) DSC_9125 copyNEXT will be my pics etc as I look at the Wild Side. Reports came out later (after I left around 2 pm) that the March to Trump Tower, just a couple of blocks East, is when the anarchists and loons finally took to the streets.  Chaos, NOT LOVE, is their goal. (Always.) Challenging Law and Order. (I understand there were some arrests and pepper spraying)

Mission Accomplished.
