Tag Archives: times square

al-Quds” 2016 Times Sq [7-1-16] a month of jihad-hell

I begin this post two weeks after al Quds Day. July 14 – Bastille Day- 2016 . July has been a horrid month for the world-wide jihad. A terrorism that knows no end. These orthodox Muslims plot endlessly to kill the infidels, yet we never see it coming. https://i0.wp.com/d.ibtimes.co.uk/en/full/1533480/nice-attack.jpg?resize=454%2C309&ssl=1
Photo – EricGaillard/Reuters

Domestic Terrorism. BLM. New Black Panthers. CAIR. Muslim Brotherhood, anything Fakestinian and all groups Socialist and Communist. Creating chaos whether HERE or in Europe, the Middle East….or…in Israel. Death to the Infidel. Revolution of the worst kind is their goal.

Whose side are you on?israel-620x217 crop
Al Quds Day, 2016. Late afternoon, July 1.

Times Square. The arrogant “al-Quds” protestors have returned. Mostly Muslim with the usual Communist facilitators amongst the crowd.
They demand the END of the State of Israel. Masquerading as peaceful Muslims  while screaming “From the River to the Sea“. That is genocide, against the JEWS,  and there is NOTHING peaceful about genocide.
Their LIES
are many.
To begin with, there never was a Palestinian people. They have no history yet they claim the Holy Land belongs to Islam. Not just Jerusalem (al-quds), but also the hill country of Samaria and Judea“. It is NOT the West Bank.  But, facts are inconvenient as they accuse Israel (and the Jews) of murdering the hapless “Palestinian” Muslims.
And with the fraudulent “Nakba” meme 
They nurture a powerful anti-Israel and anti-Jewish animus with this LIE.
They usurp the  history of others.  A violent fraud supported by the Leftists and their comrades in the media and academe. The TRUTH is an inconvenient impediment. Destroy the State of Israel by any means.

BDS (Boycott, Divest and Sanction) , another of their LIES supports an Israeli economic boycott. They claim that Israel, the only democracy in the Middle East,  is “greedy, cruel and violent”.  Ignoring peaceful gestures , whether from a single Israeli citizen or the whole country. They are NOT interested in PEACE.

When I first arrived, everyone was setting up. The “Palis” and their Commie friends and the Pro-Israel supporters across avenue.
While taking pictures, I was approached by an older Muslim man. He asked my opinion on Jerusalem – aka al-Quds. He did NOT like my answer. Storming away angry telling me that “the JEWS have no claim. They came from Egypt.”  [They CAME from Egypt?]

Then Cyrus Mc Goldrick, former head of CAIR-NY, approached me with a very friendly “hello”. (he likes to do that)
I returned the pleasantries, asking if he was still living in Florida. Nope. He’s now in TURKEY. Istanbul. “Really?”, said I, as he replied, “It’s not as bad as you might think. Its quite nice.” And he moved on.

As for this protest, it was not a large protest by the usual al-Quds standards. But, loud. Of, course. They are always LOUD.
The ubiquitous genocidal chants [From the River to the Sea] AND the usual Commie facilitators: Bill Doares (Workers World) and Sarah Flounders of IAC (International Action Center). All, when not chanting, making VERY loud speeches.

[Video] a view from the al-Quds side of the avenue

The Pro-Israel side was on the west side of Seventh Ave. Lead by the very vocal ADL.

And their co-host, Congressional Candidate, Dr. Phillip  Rosenthal. 

Video of the Pro Israel side of the avenue

After about an hour, it started to rain, so I packed up my gear. But, as I left, I heard Doares and Flounders speaking(finally). Over an hour in to the protest,  NOW they start speaking….in the RAIN….. So, I used my smart phone voice-recorder. Not the best audio (due to rain and traffic) but enough that I was able to transcribe excerpts from their Communist RANTS. Angry, anti-U.S. and anti-Israel LIES. Agitprop they could spew in a coma. If you have never listened to them, Doares and Flounders, they are like a BAD movie, that needs to be heard.
We should never forget how hostile they are to everything that has made America and Israel great.

There was also a young Muslima poet and Cyrus McGoldrick, all the way from Turkey, just to M.C. al-Quds Day.

And the Neturei Karta who always confuse the passersby. That was it. Both sides shouting back and forth. And one fellow, from the Israeli side, Robert K., who spontaneously sprinted across the avenue to shake hands. To make a peaceful gesture. (apparently the officer said – NOT TODAY) as  he was ushered back to the west side of 7th. (ah well…at least he tried) Israel. Jerusalem. The Middle East. The LIES:  al-Quds (Jerusalem), al-Aqsa (aka the Temple Mount!), the Nakba (day of “catasrophe”)  Innocents die at the hands of the Islamic Terrorists emboldened by media support. Commie support. And the “good-will of fools”.  Will Truth ever prevail?

The audio transcripts – excerpted follow next.

Sara Flounders
(IAC)  (Excerpted to the end)

“…. the State of Israel that exists because of the support and defense and military aide of U.S. Imperialism. Life without it, Israel could not exist a day, not a minute without U.S. Imperialism, Zionism  would be a racist, rotten dream but not in fact, a …. State. 

Every country that stands for independent force, they want to destroy. And yet, they are failing. They’re failing on a world scale. The Boycott, Divest and Sanction movement shows that people all over the world are finding a way to shut down Zionist quotas, Zionist economy and it has huge support that has grown so strong that now they want to pass laws against it in violation of the U.S. Constitution, by the way. 

  So Gov. Cuomo and Gov. Christie and all these Zionist supporters, they want to make it illegal to support the BDS Movement. I tell ya, it’s gonna make the BDS movement stronger politically.

And the terrorists across the street, the Jewish Defense League, this is a terrorist organization. They for decades in Brooklyn, and in the West Bank and Israel… they are the racist forces that come right out of Brooklyn. They made war on the Black Community and on the Palestinian Community. (cheers from crowd) They want to shut down this movement and they’re the ones that are being shut down all over the world by our unity, by our strength, by our determination.

And why? Because the Palestinian people have shown resistance,  generation after generation, under the most damnable conditions. Under starvation. Under sanctions. They have resisted with every form of resistance, from the youngest to the oldest. So when we salute Palestine, we are giving a vote of confidence to the future. We are saluting resistance of all humanity. And together, together we will win. (cheers)”

 Bill Doares -Workers World Party and IAC (amongst many other Commie linked organizations)
[He SHOUTS everything]

“(July 1- NYC)  …  those were the words of Muhammad Ali,   who passed away a  few weeks ago, because he, like Malcolm X  and Nelson Mandela ( the U.N.) : Zionism is Racism. And that’s why it’s so good to see so many of these people, so many diverse communities of New York City, like around the world, coming out  on a holiday week end … in the rain… to stand with the people  of  Palestine, because Palestine means diversity. Just like New York City means diversity. 

those Nazis across the street, they’re from a group called the Jewish Defense League that was originally formed to  keep Black People out of Flatbush and these Black and Latino people out of the jury system and, to keep Black People from moving in to Forest Hills. They are Nazis. Today is a day of al- Quds Jerusalem. An International Day when  people around the word stand with the people of Palestine. Stand against Terrorism and Racism and Bigotry.

The State of Israel will mean nothing without the end(less) of flow of tax dollars [?stolen] from our communities, our schools, our hospitals and transportation system to pay for it. It’s in the hands of the giant U.S. Military Industrial Complex and the bankers of Wall Street, Zionists mostly. It is no wonder they support Donald Trump .

None of the racists understand Israel … not just because racists love racists and bigots love bigots. Not just because anyone who’s already done all that Donald Trump is promising to do: building walls to keep people out and warning people. Because native people in the land of Palestine, their ethnicity, from a racial pure society, if there can ever be such a thing. That’s because of Israel, the racist State of Israel and the giant military plan.

Stand with the people of Palestine [Crowds CHEERS]”

Muslima Poet –  this is an excerpt to the end (1:43)
“…Take each others hands. Let’s be smarter than the divide and conquer. For humanity we stand together. We stand stronger. And from the threats … dividing our strength and unity. So, let’s raise our fists to the sky. Where there’s no more pain to see.  Until the skies no longer bleed. In resistance we shall live, each of us stronger on our beliefs. And if in resistance we should die, our (souls) shall last for eternity. Our dreams be kept alive and the truth become plain for all to see.

One day our children will not die, and their blood will not spill upon the street. One day our mothers will not cry. When their sons and daughter will be free. One day the dream will be alive. One day we will march in victory.

 One day “Palestine will be Free”  From the River to the sea ( crowd) Palestine will be free. “Palestine will be Free”  From the River to the sea (crowd) Palestine will be free. “Palestine will be Free”  From the River to the sea (crowd) Palestine will be free. (enter Cyrus) FREE FREE Palestine!”

2 slide shows Pro-Israel


An addendum:

July 7,  from Friday July 1, to the next Thursday,  all hell broke loose in Dallas,Texas. A domestic act of terrorism that preceded Bastille Day by a week.

Photo- Maria R. Olivas/Special Contributor

The deadliest day for police since 9/11. I did not cover the massive street action (the Day of Rage protests)  as I have in the past. I’m too familiar with the arrogant hostility unleashed towards whites, sometimes , physically . Something I’ve experienced first-hand (Muslim, Black  and Commie hostilities) So, I decided to not add a white face to the planned chaos. (To be a target)  The police will be busy enough.

Obama and Company has left us  a racially divided country ready to explode. I fear we are too close to the fire.

Just last week I was assaulted by a 60 years old – healthy but small- black woman. She ran at me – like a foot ball player. Slammed her purse (it felt like sandpaper)  across my face. accusing me of getting in her way on the sidewalk. OK. This is NY. The sidewalks are crowded. But, this was a QUIET avenue and I was no where close to causing this woman a problem. She was crazy perhaps but, getting a purse slammed across your face, that is assault. Nasty. She yelled at me. Accusing me of doing something BLOCKING HER on the sidewalk (that was a bizarre accusation)  She remained very aggressive as she walked away, calmly  eating her ice cream sunday. Her ice cream unsullied.

Thanks Obama. Race. Division. Hostilities. Your legacy grows worse every day. BLM. Terrorists-at-large. Unchecked. Abusive. Intimidating. LETHAL. Tearing this country apart. Just as they planned all along. MLK’s dream torn asunder.

Can’t we all get along is NOT in their lexicon.

++ LINKS – some extra reading- ++

“Minneapolis Muslims screaming rampage through neighborhood. tell woman we can kidnap you.” Pamela Geller

France: Fearing jihad massacres, Catholic Church sells off statues of monks beheaded by Muslims

“Dallas and the Leftist/Islamic Alliance. CAIR’s – and the Left’s – chickens come home to roost.” Robert Spencer

Race To The Bottom” a powerful essay from G. Perry

Photo attribution – Protests images are property of Pamela Hall

Eric Gaillard/Reuters [http://blogs.reuters.com/ericgaillard] at http://www.ibtimes.co.uk/attack-nice-shocking-images-capture-scenes-carnage-french-riviera-1570720

Sara Flounders – screen shot from PeoplesVideo <<https://youtu.be/MYU3PJjphbA>&gt;

Maria R. Olivas/Special Contributor – Dallas Morning News –  http://www.dallasnews.com/news/headlines/20160708-this-is-dallas-this-is-our-city-and-we-don-t-let-terrorism-win.ece

Pete Seeger,The “New” Times Sq & EcoFest 2013 (TBT)

As we approach 2016, today I’m in a ‘Throw Back Thursday, State-of-Mind” with a look back at Pete Seeger, the Communist agenda and some pictures from the Times Square “Euro-Transformation” [taken in 2008,09,10, 13 and 14]
[Times Sq 2009]

third jihad and city 001Some love it ….                                                                                 [Times Sq 2009]

675A0591Many don’t (Like bus drivers and taxis)                                   [Times Sq 2009]P1040856I figure those who use the new People-Friendly space for performances and agitprop are in the “Love it” category. Like this event I caught with Pete Seeger performing at EcoFest 2013.

ecofest 2013

What is Eco Fest, you might ask? (or not) ECOFEST is an annual NYC event promoting environmental awareness, healthy alternative lifestyles, recycling of reusable goods, renewable and planet friendly energy sources, cleaner energy vehicles, etc. Produced by the not-for-profit West Side Cultural Center. You can find out more about ECOFEST and the West Side Cultural Center by checking their websites.Pete Seeger was their “man-of-the-hour”. Worshiped by some (the Marxists) Beloved by others (the folk-song friendly general public) A personable sort-a guy. Singing melodic, family-friendly songs. I came across Seeger two and a half years ago, August 25, 2013, singing in Duffy Square. II was intrigued. S, I hung around. Watched the crowd. Took some pictures.The Honoree at EcoFest 2013 was Seeger’s wife, Toshi, a Red Diaper baby (revealing much about the Ecofest State-of-Mind.) Toshi, at 91, had passed on July 9, 2013 and 6 months later, at 94,  Seeger was gone (Jan. 27, 2014).

EcoFest 2014 was then dedicated to Seeger.pete seeger posterMany want to see him as a benign entity. A kindly old uncle. Singing pretty songs shaped (unfortunately) by Seeger’s “All-American Communism”.

In death as in life, Pete Seeger brought Americans together, then divided them into warring ideological camps … There are those, generally on the center-left, who praise Seeger heartily, accenting his stand against the House Un-American Activities Committee, while quietly—if at all—acknowledging his disturbingly durable devotion to Communism.There are those, mostly on the right, who praise Seeger’s less political songs while arguing that his politics sadly tainted the rest of his career.

Toshi Seeger and Pete SeegerThe man I observed in Times Square that day was quite fit for a 93 years old man (turning 94 one month later).  I could see why so many were drawn to him. BUT, he was also a man who believed  Communism to be the answer to his ‘better’ version of America.

Pete Seeger, “America’s Most Successful Communist”

Typically – unlike the rural folk musicians he emulated, Seeger was no naif. His father was a Harvard-educated musicologist and his stepmother a composer, both early folk aficionados; he himself enrolled at Harvard.

As the audience sat near the many booths preaching Eco-climate dogma, Seeger sang and cajoled an eager gathering of adults and children, also entertaining tourists at the TKTS booth.https://i0.wp.com/c1038.r38.cf3.rackcdn.com/group4/building39431/media/rumm_perkins_eastman_tkts_innovation_02.jpg?resize=198%2C158

Did those watching understand the sub-text of these friendly sing-a longs.  Do they care? (Mostly likely not)


Found this Pete Seeger video from the 25th ECOFEST Anniversary

“Seeger was accompanied by David Amram, Spook Handy, The Rivertown Kids, Travis Jeffreys, Mary Poppins, and a spirited sing-along Times Square crowd.

(Please place curser on picture to see Slide show)

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Some CLOSING thoughts as I wrap up my latest installment on the NEW Times Square. Keeping with our ECOfest theme:

Chicken Littles, for whom The Climate Lunacy never ends, hanging in Times Sq (2009)

Stumbled upon something called the INTERNATIONAL DAY OF CLIMATE ACTION in Times Square. They claim that on 24 October (2009) people in 181 countries came together for a day of environmental action … to call for “strong action” and “bold leadership” on the “climate crisis”… (rather amusing to watch and listen to these Chicken-Littles carry on in Times Square about cow farts, etc) And what’s with the number 350? ( http://350.org  )

Seems these 21st Century alchemists actually think 350 is the number that some “scientists” say is the “safe” upper limit for carbon dioxide—measured in “Parts Per Million” in the atmosphere. They drank the kool-aid! They THINK…” 350 PPM—it’s the number humanity needs to get back to as soon as possible to avoid runaway climate change!” (insert LAUGH TRACK !)
                                                                                                       [Times Sq 2009]

350 2 editOf course, the GLOBAL “Climate Change” aka WARMING Mania has continued with the UN Climate Change Conference.  (they just can’t help themselves)

CLIMATE LOONS – Cow farts – whaat everrr…. ) BTW- Looking North
[Times Sq 2013] IMAG2106This is the jam-packed corner where the Times Square Bomber planted his Car Bomb in 2010. (Mayor Bloomberg,”What were you thinking?”)IMAG2101Back to  … (ECOFest2013) … and I QUOTE!

The event also included a 10-foot snowman … “You can definitely see how global warming affected the snowman in Times Square in the middle of August,” a spokeswoman for the festival said.”

The Euro-Transformation continues (Nearness by Cuban artist, Arles del Rio2014)

“…the cutouts represent “the social, political, cultural and personal barriers that keep us away from one another.” The artist “uses space and physical barriers to force visitors to focus on breaking through what is forbidden to achieve what they long for.” (… okay….)

IMG_1693 copyWondering- artistically – WHO is permitted (welcomed) to FILL this Times Sq People Space? From what I’ve observed over these recent years : Climate Loons, Prog/Soc/Commie propaganda – Easily Encouraged.

Think about this – the ‘artistic’ intent – “Capitalism “Works For Me’ -True (157) Or False (164) ”
[Times Sq 2013]

IMG_0229Leading the way – to a NEW America – Just like Pete Seeger (that day in 2013) the grand old lion of the Left” was re-cast in the role of the “wise old compassionate man.”

But, we must not forget the original Pete Seeger … the guy back in the 30s singing the praises of Stalin… literally singing the praises of a blood soaked mass murdering tyrant.

Pete never apologized for that. All his propaganda folk singing and pushing what ever line Moscow wanted was just fine with him even to his dying days.  Look it up.

The man was not just a “leftist”, nor a mere Communist, he was an ardent defender of Stalin and the Terror of the 30s. “Wise old compassionate” Pete Seeger wanted to spread that sort of evil and hell throughout the world.

The whitewashing of history continues while Big Brother is watching YOU
[Times Sq 2010]

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Barack Obama’s White House (in 2015) has set up a website in which citizens could report other citizens for daring to speak critically of Obamacare. Just last week, President Obama’s Organizing for Action group put up a website encouraging Americans to root out “climate deniers” and “call them out.”

If it seems like we are in a more violent age, we just might be. The violent rhetoric of America’s own president suggests it.

Do we really want our next POTUS to be Comrade Bernie Or Madame Rodham-Clinton? Presuming most of America wants to protect the American Dream from their Marxist Nightmare. Remember:

It takes courage to respectfully confront people with whom you disagree.
[Picture Times Sq 2008]

DSCN6822Respect or … NOT… Now is the Time to No Longer Remain SILENT.

Abu Dhabi Tourist Huckstering Tent- Times Sq 2012

As 2015 limps out and we stare into the lion’s maw of 2016, I decided it was time to clean up some old computer files. Always interesting to find old pictures; set aside and never posted. Which brings me to the subject of this post:

The Abu Dhabi Tourista “Hospitality” Tent and a look back at Times Square 2012.

A Reporter’s take on the Taste of Abu Dhabi Tent: ‘Traveller’s Welcome- A Taste of Abu Dhabi’s Hospitality’ (May 17 – 19, 2012) Posted by Suzanna Bowling  (link has gone bad. sorry)

“Inside, guests were shuttled through various stations, treated to platters of dates, tiny cups of strong coffee, henna tattoos, dabs of essential oils like frankincense and sandalwood, and photos of themselves (to be posted online) posing in traditional Arabic garb along with a rather timid-looking falcon.

“The seductive red glow seeping out of a massive white tent at Duffy Square in Times Square drew a steady stream of curious visitors —part of a free, four-day pop-up visitors center, A Taste of Abu Dhabi, set up by the Abu Dhabi Tourism & Culture Authority….
to raise awareness of this United Arab Emirates capital as a beautiful, cultured, cutting-edge travel destination. 
The Abu Dhabi Tourism & Culture Authority wants Times Square and the world to know you are welcome to visit to the Capital of the United Arab Emirates.”
Taking over New York City’s Times Square to show just how friendly Abu Dhabi is and to celebrate the launch of its new US office in New York’s Trump Tower. ” (of all places!)

The 18 x 12m pop-up tent featured five areas – taste, sound, sight, touch and scent. Offering dates, coffee, falcon’s, henna artists, and perfume mixologists.


She continues: “An amazing fact: Agarwood oil, also known as Oud oil, is an extremely rare and precious natural oil obtained from several species of Agarwood (Aquilaria sp.) trees.  Agarwood trees must be infected by a fungi, prior to producing an oleoresin which saturates the wood. With prices of up to $13,000 per pound, this oil is more expensive than gold.  Agarwood is so rare, and so highly valued in Japan and the Middle East (where most of it ends up), it is little known in the West.

At the pop up tent I had a chance to smell this precious commodity.”

“Etihad Airways, also present, welcomed guests with giveaways. Etihad Airlines (in 2012)  operated daily from Abu Dhabi to New York and Chicago, with plans to launch a daily flight to Washington DC in March (of 2013). Abercrombie & Kent, Cox & Kings, Linara Travel, Ritz Tours and Goway Travel also introduced travel packages.

“After visiting the tent you had a feeling of warmth and friendship” 

A final stop featured a promotional video about Abu Dhabi, chock full of images including architectural wonders, wide sandy deserts, beautiful beaches, the iconic YAS Hotel and the world’s largest theme park, Ferrari World Abu Dhabi, with the world’s fastest roller coaster.”

Video footage shows the lure of the art of the Louvre Abu Dhabi, Guggenheim Abu Dhabi and Masdar City – the world’s first carbon-neutral, zero-emissions city.” (Oh My)

“Travelers Welcome”

Vacationing in Abu Dhabi? Today, in 2015,  Abu Dhabi might not be so easily promoted as a SAFE destination, especially for women. (see links to rape, murder & etcetera).

                                           Better think twice
“In 2014, Robert Alan Black, a 70-year-old American, was arrested in the UAE for taking a photograph of a venue that authorities had declared off-limits for photos. In 2013, an American man, Shezanne Cassim, was imprisoned for making a 19-minute video that made fun of teens from Dubai.”

But, there it was. In 2012.

A Taste of Abu Dhabi’s “Hospitality” Tent and … since it was there …. Curiosity got the better of me: I got on line.

I had to see what they were “selling” (as far as tourism goes) in the ‘Taste of Abu Dhabi” Tent ….

It was a bit of a wait. But, once inside, I went through pretty quickly.

However, if you were into the perfumes and henna, I guess you stayed longer.

Slick. Smooth. (Romantic.)

The Desert. The Tent. The Naive Traveler embraced by Perfumes, Oils and Henna-Art.

PRETTY. Oh. So. Pretty ….

Transparency: Not an option. Sharia Law: Never mentioned.  The GLOBAL Islamic War: Unmentioned. (Ignored by some. Unnamed by others)

But – the coup de gras? This embarrassing picture – ME!  With an Arab, the Desert and a Hawk.
AbuDhadi1939_jpg-big copy                                       What was I thinking!

I leave you with my slideshow – taken with my circa 2012 cellphone (that was dying) – A last look at the Abu Dhabi TOURISTA Tent and these Tips for a Traveller:

When in the United Arab Emirates: Travellers  BEWARE  – SHARIA LAW – it’s a KILLER.

Please place mouse on picture to open slide show:

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STOP THE TERROR – JEWISH LIVES MATTER! vs SJP in “Palestine”- 2015 (pics/vids)

October 18, 2015 – NYC – Times Square

Pro-Israel Rally (Stop The Terror) VS  NYC Students for Justice in “Palestine” (Terror is their game).

 STOP THE TERROR :  “Zero Tolerance 4 Terrorism” 

As usual, media coverage of the pro-Israel rally vs the “Pali-Commie” protest was NIL. But, the cost to the city- the public purse- just so our rights to peacefully assemble are not infringed upon, must be a dear expense.

A ‘ton’ of police came out for these two events (mostly attending to  the Lefties, of course) The police were everywhere, including the plain-clothes cops that you could easily spot. The motor cops, too.

With their LOUDDDD sound system in place, on time at 4 pm and supposedly for ONLY an hour (say I with a wink-wink) the Commie/Pali contingent was set-to-go. They claim to have organized their counter-protest in 2 or 3 days ((I have some swamp land for sale if you believe them)

Typical. On the street you could hear – chants chants chants- over and over and over- even the speeches are just decorated CHANTS. Mind-numbing repetition. No one need think. Just rinse and repeat. CHANT CHANT CHANTING away…

That was Part 1 of the counter protest. Next, Part 2:

Once they knew the Pro-Israel rally was starting – it started an hour late, around 6 pm,different groups from the pali-left hit-the-street.

Plan A – the JEWS against Israel lined the block in front of the pro-Israel barricades- un-bothered by the police. Holding up signs – in a line- and handing out flyers.At some point they had a policeman shepherding them (to nowhere) He just followed them back and forth in the one block space.
Street decorum requires that they always pretend to be confused. (from their “How to Protest 101” instruction) Constantly changing direction – so, at best, they keep the cops confused.
All done like they were simpletons. (NOT)

Plan B- the younger contingent starts walking AROUND the Pro Pally barricades. SHOUTING SHOUTING SHOUTTTING their chants. (Mostly “free free “palistine” mixed with “Occupation no More” and “Israel is a Racist State”) Once Plan B caused enough commotion, the police FINALLY closed off the sidewalks. Leaving Troop B to SCREAM at the stage from the cross walk at 47th street (and IN 47th street-blocking the cross town traffic.) They managed to pull that off for awhile, as well. And the police basically, WATCHED.

VIDEOS – Part 1  Jews say no anti-zionists

Part 2 “palis” and Jews say no continue

And now, Part 3 – the coup de grace – the SLOW CRAWL aka MARCH – They pulled this off in a 5 blk square, ending back at their pen on 7th avenue, after ‘walking’ VERRRY slowly.

Blocking south-bound traffic on 7th avenue by bunching up at Broadway (a short block away and going no where ‘fast’, so that the scrunched-up 20-somethings in front of the the pro-Israel rally could SCRREEEAM for 10-15 minutes.

The YOUNGER participants at the PRO Israel/Stop The Terror rally crammed themselves against their barricades facing north – in front of the ANTI- Israel crowd (facing south) and the shouting matches were ON.

I stood a few feet from – Caleb Maupin – who now reports for Iran’s Press TV. He was beaming with PRIDE. After all, chaos, is a requirement of any planned Commie insurgency. Meanwhile Raja Abdulhaq – working so pleasantly WITH the police – was wrangling any stray ‘palis’, nudging them nicely back to their side-of-the-street.

Videos of the “Pali” Commie Crawl- Part 1 the Crawl begins

Part 2 -Dueling sides

Eventually, the slow-crawl picked up speed – so easily- once the screaming was exhausted- and marched (no need to crawl now) to 8th Ave, then 50th, and back to 7th Ave.

Even though a large block away on 50th that huge “Pali” flag and chants were quite visible and audible.

Once back to 7th Ave,  the”Palis” STAYED on. Beaming- Chanting- Jumping around. Basically acting like the LUNATICS they are while insanely screaming their success. A protest that was supposed to last ONLY an hour, ending at 5 pm, went way past 7 pm.

(place cursor on images below to click through the slide shows)

Part 1 (slideshow) the anti- Israel aggressors – nasty bunch

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Part 2 (slideshow) Israel Stop The Terror -vs the Jews say no anti- Zionists

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EXTRA VIDEO from “The Watcher”
Got a real gem of the Paleostinians chanting the Racist “The Jews Are Our Dogs” chant in plain view. Further Arabic Translations Welcome. This group of Palestinians chant (at 1:27) the Racist “Al Yahud Kelabna” (The Jews Are Our Dogs) chant in plain view.

“Notice the brave girl waving the Israeli flag across the street from the anti-Israel protest. The cops tried briefly to get her to leave. No matter, Nancy Mansour thug-in charge, and her fellow thugs from Resistance is Existence – CHASED her from 7th Avenue.”

And Tom D made them observation I had, while watching the Provocateurs in action: “Please NOTE – these Agent Provocateurs  had an unfettered use of the area around the Pro-Israel site. Police simply followed them around.”

Closing Thoughts: In this PR battle for the TRUTH, are minds changed? Can the tide be turned? Is confusion the winner? (The soc.commie.anarchist.’muslim/”pali” chums thrive on confusion)  Cocky. Preening. (nauseating) While the good kids on the pro-Israel side.(G-d Bless them) Hang in there. With HOPE.

Thankful to see them. Proud. Positive. Honest. Confident. They need our support and encouragement for them to succeed. (Nuff said)

Since I covered the Third Intifada Rally more than a week ago,  I came across this article : A Short History of leftist Violence.

For more than a year, there’s been sustained debate about whether the ongoing tensions and fits of violence in Israel, the West Bank, and in particular, Jerusalem, would fully culminate in a third Palestinian uprising.

In recent months, amid failed peace talks, continued fallout from the latest war in Gaza, politically motivated riots and car attacks, deadly rock-throwing and deadly responses to rock-throwing, stabbings, fatal  arson and shootings, clashes at holy sites, the expansion of settlements and price-tag attacks, the rhetorical canceling of both previous peace deals, and the future peace process, the answer seems to increasingly be this: A Third Intifada is here and it doesn’t resemble the previous two.

Final thoughts from AFSI (American For A Safe Israel) Will It Be the “Fire Next Time”?- You Are Needed at the Rallies!!

Show your support for Israel! At this time of great danger to Israel and her citizens we must take to the streets to show our support and show the world that we will not remain silent.

We cannot ignore the terrorTERROR WILL NOT DISAPPEAR IF WE TURN AWAY FROM IT. WE MUST CONFRONT IT. Here, in relative safety where the battlefield is public opinion, that means exposing and opposing it.


American Muslims for Palestine – NY
American Muslims for Palestine (NJ Chapter)
Al-Awda NY: The Palestine Right to Return Coalition
Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network
International Action Center
Existence Is Resistance
Labor for Palestine
NYC Solidarity with Palestine
Muslim American Society – MAS NY
Jews for Palestinian Right of Return
Revolutionary Student Coordinating Committee
International Socialist Organization
CUNY Students without borders
Palestinian youth movement – New York

Jewish Blood Is NOT CHEAP.

The truth must be seen as well as heard. With more and more rallies supporting Israel on-the-streets, perhaps the truth will manage to be seen AND  heard by those willing to listen.

Putting an END to the Third Intifada is our goal.

“Stop Iran Now” Rally- NYC (pics & vids) 7-22-15

From StopIranRally.Org

Our aims:

  1. An end to the farce being perpetrated against the American people with a pending deal which will endanger America and our allies.
  2. A restoration of the ORIGINAL demands – NO nuclear military capability, NO centrifuges and authority for any and all unannounced inspections of all known and any future facilities discovered.

  3. Providing an understanding that a failure to STOP IRAN NOW will necessitate a military response later.
    “Our mission is to educate our countrymen on the dangerous accord being negotiated in Geneva that will soon be put up for a vote in Congress.”

“…as we consider Obama’s Iran deal. The Constitution makes treason a ground for impeachment, but it seems to have been outside Madison’s contemplation that a president would actually be so insidious as to use his foreign-affairs power to give aid and comfort to an enemy of the United States. On that score, note that as soon as Obama’s deal was announced, not only was Iran’s foreign minister vowing to continue funding jihadist terror; the regime’s “supreme leader,” Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, was also extolling the continued Iranian call for “Death to America.”

Some observations from July 22, 2015. The day of “The Rally For Peace Through Strength” includes pictures and two short videos with excerpts from Times Square- NYC.


Around 5 pm, I arrived at the S/E corner of 42nd St and 7th Ave.  I made a decision to carry one camera and no tripod; I could to be more mobile that way in the press ‘box”. But, crammed between 3 cameramen, taller than myself, added to the challenge. (I was missing my ladder and tripod)

Still, I was able to take pictures of the jam-packed crowd that surrounded us.


Across the street. On the sidewalks. Everywhere I could see, there was a crowd of people pressing to get close to the speakers stage.


Part 1 slide show:

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This was no local lightly-attended rally. America took this protest very seriously In NY and other cities across the country, protests have been held in Fort Lauderdale, Phoenix, Winnipeg, Los Angeles and San Diego. Will Senator Schumer “Kill The Deal”? Can the POTUS Treachery be stopped?

America has spoken, ” … the deal with Iran is a danger to the US, to Israel, and to the entire world, and the Obama administration is engaged in an act of desperation bordering on treachery.” (AFSI)

The Rally had many fine speakers lined up but, looking at the list, there was no way this was coming in at two hours and, since it was live-streamed, I focused on pictures and … listening…

VIDEO Part 1 – is mostly the host, Jeffrey Wiesenfeld and Mort Zuckerman (with crowd shots and pleas from the stage to the massive crowd to “keep moving south on 7th Ave”. Everyone was jamming up near the stage.

VIDEO – Part 2- Excerpts include Former NY Governor George Pataki and Alan Dershowitz. as the crowd shouts “Kill This Deal!”

I had to leave at 7:30,hoping Allen West would speak before then. Didn’t happen. But, perhaps they were saving the best for last. No way of knowing. I had to leave. I was going to miss the one speaker I came to hear, former Congressman, Lt. Col (ret) Allen B. West.

It was 7:30 as I headed down 7th avenue to take a look at the 6 blocks of “Stop Iran Now Rally” attendees (10-12,000 according to the police).

There were crowds of people on the side streets as well.



But, due to the original stop time for the rally, the crowds were thinning as I got closer to 38th St. (this is looking towards 39th)

Part 2- Slide show

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38th St. was the location for those who came out to support a nuclear Iran.  An officer told me the opposition started out at 40th street but with the swelling of the Rally they were forced to stand at 38th street. By 7:45 there was just the Neturei Karta. I have seen no reports on these protestors, so maybe this is all there was.

The six smallish sound speakers on the stage (pictured below) projected the sound to the 12,000 easily. It was amazing! DSC_1719 copy2
As I left the Neturei Karta, I realized at about 7:50 – I was hearing very clearly- at 38th st – with no distortion – Allen West’s fabulous speech!

(VIDEO from Jew Tube)

Wish they’d had a video screen for those so far away. (I’ve seen screens used at this location.) But, on a the good side, anyone who had to stand that far from the stage heard all the speeches. Loud and clear.

This was a powerful protest. Kudos to those who put it together. Having organized such events myself, I know it takes a lot of patience and a lot of hours. So my last observation is really a suggestion for the speakers.

“… a diverse group of speakers — experts, dignitaries, and public figures dedicated to preventing a nuclear Iran….

SHORTER SPEECHES Please.  Too often, after the speakers made their most important points, they would ‘start over’ — making a good speech too long (sigh)

24  speakers, with lots to say, even 3 hours wasn’t enough. The pressure to get it all said in so little time is perhaps what we all might be experiencing.

Tough days ahead with little time to make a difference.

So Much Evil. So Little Time.


The speakers (9) I heard in the first two hours:

John Batchelor Radio Host WABC-AM, Monica Crowley Political Commentator, board member Center for Security Policy; Alan Dershowitz, Harvard Law Professor; US Congressman Trent Franks , U.S. Representative for Arizona’s 8th congressional district, Vice-Chair of the Subcommittee on Emerging Threats and Capabilities on the House Armed Services Committee, and a member of the Strategic Forces subcommittee; Caroline Glick , Deputy Managing Editor of The Jerusalem Post; Kevin McCullough , Radio Host from WMCA and 970 The Answer; Robert Morgenthau , Manhattan District Attorney from 1975 to 2009, and of counsel with the law firm of Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen & Katz, George Pataki, Former Three-Term Governor of New York, in office during 9/11 ; Mortimer Zuckerman, Chairman and Editor-in-Chief of U.S. News & World Report and the publisher of the New York Daily News and former Chairman of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations.

The remaining speakers (15) in the last hour after I left (including Allen West, ) : Genevieve Wood, Senior Fellow in Communications and Senior Contributor, “The Daily Signal,” from The Brookings Institute; General Paul Vallely, Former US Army Major General and Chairman of Stand Up America;Richard Kemp, Commander of British Forces in Afghanistan;Tony LoBianco, “The French Connection” Actor and Activist;Herbert I. London,  President London Center for Policy Research, President Emeritus of Hudson Institute and former Dean of New York University; Kasim Hafeez, Founder of “The Israel Campaign” and Christians United for Israel’s Outreach Coordinator;Pete Hoekstra, Former U.S. Congressman and Chair of the House Intelligence Committee;Clare M. Lopez, Former CIA officer, Terrorism and Iran Expert at Center for Security Policy;U.S. Navy Admiral James A. “Ace” Lyons , Former Commander in Chief of the U.S. Pacific Fleet and Senior U.S. Military Representative to the United Nations; James Woolsey, Former Director of the CIA and Chairman of the Foundation for Defense of Democracies;Steven Emerson, Founder of The Investigative Project on Terrorism;Frank Gaffney, Founder of the Center for Security Policy;Anne Bayefsky,Professor and Director of the Touro Institute on Human Rights and the Holocaust and President of Human Rights Voices;David Brog, Executive Director, Christians United for Israel.

In closing: Ambassador Bolton’s 6 things to know about this VERY ROTTEN Deal with Iran.Bolton Crop

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“US president has said he could knock out Iran’s military. We welcome no war, nor do we initiate any war, but…”



   We have been warned









“365 Days” Protest Massacre in Syria Times Sq (8-22-14) pics

August 22, 2014. NYC. The Recruitment Station Island in Times Square.

It has been one year since the chemical massacre in Syria. More than 1,400 confirmed cases of Syrians, mostly civilians, were killed by chemical weapons in the Syrian suburbs of Damascus.

Verified images of children being suffocated by Sarin Gas and slowly dying while their mothers were watching went viral. This is the largest number of casualties during one day and clear evidence of chemical weapons use against civilians.

Even though the majority of the chemical stockpiles in Syria have been destroyed, activists have confirmed approximately 27 separate cases of chemical gas usage since the UN Security Council passed UNSCR 2118, calling for the destruction of all chemical weapons and weapons facilities in Syria.

The following statements were released in April 2014

Western officials believe Syria’s Bashar al-Assad continues to launch chemical attacks […]

Activists said the gas was used during fierce fighting when regime troops appeared to be losing control of the strategic town of Khan Sheikhoun […]

In response to the rebel accusations, Damascus has blamed the al-Qaeda linked Jabhat al-Nusra, claiming it in fact used the gas […]

...reports claim a helicopter dropped the bomb, it seems highly unlikely Jabhat al-Nusra would have been operating a helicopter […]

People died. Children. Muslims. Gassed by Assad.

But, and this is a Big ‘But’, the protestors are ‘propped up’ by the usual Commie contingent. Fomenting turmoil. Confusion. Conflicting messages.

But, what is ‘the real message’. What truths lie buried. Commie Organizers mean “what you see is NOT what you get”.

It was a small protest. I took my pictures. Read the signs (a few, on August 22, of the only murdered/beheaded journo-James Foley. (Sept 14-there are now three journo/aid workers beheaded)

Engage the passersby with timely pics of a murdered American. Blame Assad for everything. Support the Muslim ‘rebels’.

Hands off ? Which group?  The rebels who murdered the American journo?

BUT, this murdered American-journo SUPPORTED the terrorists in Syria. Foley was anti-Assad AND they murdered him anyway



From Pamela Geller on the Islamic State:

“Obama wants to send the Free Syrian Army into combat, with US arms, against the Islamic State. The problem with this is that it has been abundantly documented that the Free Syrian Army is collaborating with the Islamic State. They also have the same goal: a Sunni Sharia state in Syria. So Obama’s policy is futile and incoherent. [snip]

He ( Obama) helped create the Islamic State by withdrawing precipitously from Iraq. Then he gave the “moderates” in Syria weapons, BUT they weren’t moderates and turned over their weapons to the Islamic State […] so the Islamic State has won some of its victories with help from American weaponry.”

 The ‘Tools’ in Times Square (safe  in America bear no consequences. They support Terrorists. Savages. NOT ‘moderate” Muslims. At the behest of their Marxist/Commie handlers….

Putin must be very proud : Confusion creates a void he is ready to fill.

Slide show of pictures

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On this day, the only people talking about the gassing of civilians in Syria are those aligned with Leftists, Commies and the Muslim Brotherhood progeny like CAIR/ISNA/Hamas.  Help them fight Assad.

United in the Big Fight to destroy Israel (A REAL Democracy where people, even Muslims, are Free and Safe.)

They unite to prop-up Muslim Rebels, forgetting, you should be careful what you wish for : Egypt, Iraq, Syria…..

I left on August 22 still looking for the elusive Moderate Muslim.

AFDI San Fran Moderate ad 9-8

BUT, today, September 14, perhaps I will find the Elusive Moderate hiding in the proverbial haystack-on-Madison Ave & 38th street.

I leave now for the 29th Annual United American Muslim Day Parade.


Their theme sure ‘looks’ moderate, ” Islam & America Share Common Values” . Marching As ONE Umma” (so says Google):


One Umma? Allegiances in questions, perhaps. Don’t ask. Don’t Tell.


al quds “day of rage” and LIES – nyc ( 2014) pics & vids

al quds “day of rage” and LIES – 2014- Times Square – nyc.

The media war between Israel and Hamas was on full display on this annual ‘day of rage’

(Please scroll down for the 7 videos and 2 slide shows which will show more)


al quds day creates many photo ops for a hungry media. Signs and fists held high for the cameras. And LIES ….  Hamas and its media allies never worry about their credibility. Only Israel must maintain its credibility.

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 TRUTH is the New Hate Speech

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ANGRY FISTS jabbed in unison – ‘nazi’ fashion in protest-  ‘rage’ against Israel

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 free free pali/from the river to sea /intifada chants cry for Death to Israel.  They do not chant nor jab these fists for peace and love.

fist salute vid 10  copy

Briefly, re the al quds  “day of rage” (and lies)

It was 33 years ago on 16th August 1979, on the first ramadan , after the victory of the islamic revolution. (imam) Khomeini inaugurated al quds day  as a day for solidarity with the oppressed in the world…. in particular the oppressed of Palestine…. a day for the weak and oppressed to confront the “arrogant powers” …  al quds day —a day-of-rage and LIES .

I saw my first shia flag this year at the NYC al quds “day of rage” (and LIES)

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Thanks to D.P and A.B. I got a translation:
 “Yā Qamar Banee Hāshim”
This means “O (full) moon of the Hashim Clan”
This is an honorary title of Abbas, the son of Alī
ISRAEL MUST DEFEND itself in this war between the CIVILIZED man and the SAVAGE


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Bombs. Jihad. Terrorism.
Jihad  is a Death Machine
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The propagandist and the thug work in tandem to destroy Israel.

sign vid 4

al quds day claims to support the oppressed in the world (in particular the fakestinians)

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“Oppression”  “Israel is an apartheid State”  What about Jihad?

anon sign vid 15

a ” dance of joy” ?

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Lies. photo-ops.

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Take a closer look… at the hair ribbon well-placed. The fake baby held by a fake ‘child’ photo-op?

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They are consistent. Israel is EVIL.

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Israel murders children.

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The U.S. is EVIL

sign vid 16

JIHAD is the way. The “peaceful” struggle. The fakestinians claim the Holy Land is Muslim.

Quran (8:12)“I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Therefore strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them”  No reasonable person would interpret this to mean a spiritual struggle.

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But, for the Holy Land to belong to Islam, that requires the destruction of the Jewish people and their history

sign vid 12

Never was there a muslim country called palestine. Never had a king, a president or a culture . The Temple Mount is NOT muslim. It is NOT al aqsa…

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 It is NOT a mosque!

Birds fly over the golden gate walls as the sunrises over the old city of jerusalemTell a LIE often enough….there are those who swear the State of Israel is an apartheid state and it must be eliminated.

qudsday-faq3LIES  from the hard-core Leftist Jews (Socialists and Marxists)

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The Anonymous Anarchists

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‘Comrade” Ramsey Clark from the International Action Center (man of the people) spoke to the crowd…and took the subway home afterwards…

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A Battle for the “EYE and the Heart” lies NOT in Mein Kampf, Das Kapital OR the Quran. We must challenge the Narrative.

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This stalwart fellow met the challenge when he waved the Israeli flag at the protestors.

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A young man walked through the crowd in an Israeli t-shirt

israel vid 8

One guy attempted to challenge an obnoxious ‘palestinian’ on 42nd street just before the march moved eastward  on the sidewalk. The Israeli supporter

pro israel supporter vid

vs the obnoxious ‘pale’ supporter

gaza guy yell 1

Challenge the Lies.

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Speak out when offended. The Neteuri Karta is always on hand to confuse (and offend)

vid sign 17Saw a guy walking his DOG in the al quds protest march (it wasn’t a service dog). Did this not offend the muzzies? Guess not…but  the Israeli flag did, for sure

dog vid 15

Saw a guy dragging the Israeli flag along the street with his foot. (see videos for more)

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BTW- I saw this on-line. This was the fellow who used the Israeli flag to polish his shoes (and then threw it on the street.)

walk on flag.Still002AS WE MEET THE CHALLENGE:  Thanks to AFDI  (American Freedom Defense Initiative) these truthful ads will be soon be on NYC streets — Columbus Circle—-

C O M I N G    T O   N E W   Y O R K   C I T Y
Urban panel IJH
Urban PAnel2 IJH

Urban panel IJH 3

“Israel is NOT a Racist State!”  Stop the Hate.

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Israel and the Free World must prevail. Or be erased forever by the Sword….


Videos – play list – has 7 short videos
  TWO SLIDE SHOWS of pictures
Part 1
[gigya src=”http://www.flickr.com/apps/slideshow/show.swf?v=71649&#8243; width=”500″ flashvars=”offsite=true&lang=en-us&page_show_url=/photos/pamelahall/sets/72157645593291670/show/&page_show_back_url=/photos/pamelahall/sets/72157645593291670/&set_id=72157645593291670&jump_to=” allowFullScreen=”true” ]
Part 2 (screen grabs from my videos)
[gigya src=”http://www.flickr.com/apps/slideshow/show.swf?v=71649&#8243; width=”500″ flashvars=”offsite=true&lang=en-us&page_show_url=/photos/pamelahall/sets/72157645952084556/show/&page_show_back_url=/photos/pamelahall/sets/72157645952084556/&set_id=72157645952084556&jump_to=” allowFullScreen=”true” ]


#NYC Loves Israel Rally-Times Sq (7-20-14) pics & vids

Times Square. July 20th, 2014. (please scroll down for slide shows and videos)

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For a few hours, on Sunday July 20th, Times Square was alive with the JOY of Freedom-Loving People. THOUSANDS filled the streets and sidewalks in support of Israel….and that drives the anti-Semites crazy. There were bomb threats made against this peaceful rally.

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While the many wars of Islam rage in the Middle East, NYC came together in support of Israel….and the Free World…demanding an end to the TERROR.

DSC_3798 copyThe somber realities of the IDF soldiers deaths that was preceded by the deaths of the three murdered teen-agers was ever present….

DSC_3855 copy2That anyone should have to die, so that Israel can live free of terror is a situation forced on Israel. This was NOT a choice. Israel is under attack. Israel supports LIFE!

DSC_3747 copyFreedom from tyranny and terror for everyone, no matter what their faith, is what we all fight for.

DSC_3707 copyWhile under siege, the safety of ISRAEL and her citizens is on everyone’s lips.

DSC_3884 copySafety and Freedom for all….

DSC_3826 copyIslam denies Jewish history by destroying all evidence that the Jews ever existed. And the media blames the Jews of Israel for defending themselves. .

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DSC_3891 copyOne World under Islam, the Umma, is their goal and Death to the Jews (to the Infidels) : It’s in the KORAN.

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HAMAS  knows only WAR, DEATH and TERROR.  They will stop at nothing to rid the world of the Infidel, even killing their own children: It’s IN the KORAN

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I saw a couple of protestors … literally… that was it.  First,there was a “Pali” flag on a far corner (briefly)

DSC_3721 copyAnd this young woman walking towards me (looking very tense) Her sign reads: “Pro-Palestine does NOT mean Anti-Semite

DSC_3904 copyWhat I took home from today’s rally was the JOY. Joy on the faces of the beautiful children and the happy families.

NO ONE was bussed in, like the Latinos and Muslim mothers with young children. Those who dragged to the Muslim / Leftie Protests are look bored and confused. No one looked bored or confused TODAY!

DSC_3792copyForward looking 20-somethings with many great signs held high for all to see;  STRONG and Proud.

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From Pamela Geller , ” I urge you to Stand With Israel today, because if you don’t, the devil will be at your doorstep tomorrow.”


THREE slide shows

Part 1 a view from the stage area

[gigya src=”http://www.flickr.com/apps/slideshow/show.swf?v=71649&#8243; width=”500″ flashvars=”offsite=true&lang=en-us&page_show_url=/photos/pamelahall/sets/72157645436838860/show/&page_show_back_url=/photos/pamelahall/sets72157645436838860//&set_id=72157645436838860&jump_to=” allowFullScreen=”true” ]

Part 2- Out on the street

[gigya src=”http://www.flickr.com/apps/slideshow/show.swf?v=71649&#8243; width=”500″ flashvars=”offsite=true&lang=en-us&page_show_url=/photos/pamelahall/sets/72157645891570743/show/&page_show_back_url=/photos/pamelahall/sets/72157645891570743/&set_id=72157645891570743&jump_to=” allowFullScreen=”true” ]

Part 3 On the sidewalks

[gigya src=”http://www.flickr.com/apps/slideshow/show.swf?v=71649&#8243; width=”500″ flashvars=”offsite=true&lang=en-us&page_show_url=/photos/pamelahall/sets/72157645848731194/show/&page_show_back_url=/photos/pamelahall/sets/72157645848731194/&set_id=72157645848731194&jump_to=” allowFullScreen=”true” ]

THREE videos

Singing lead by Benny Elbaz and Ran Eliran

Speeches and chanting ( from Avi Posnick of Stand With Us)

AND Pamela Geller of Atlas Shrugs

The text of Geller’s speech is included, just in case, as I had a low audio feed…

Stop Jihad against the Jewish State. (cheering)
My Fellow Human Beings, if rockets rained down on New York or Los Angeles or Chicago or Dallas, “What would we do?”
(applause and cheers)

If our soldiers were being kidnapped and killed; if our children were being kidnapped at school bus stops and killed, “What would we do?”

Today Hamas announced they have manufactured a quarter of a million grenades to give to all children in Gaza. Instead of rocks they are going to throw grenades. “What would you do?”

Israel has the right to defend itself.

This is NOT about a Palestinian State, this is about destroying the State of Israel. (Cheers and whistles).

A price must be paid for the killing of women and children.

A price must be paid for the targeting of innocent civilians

In any war between the civilized man and the savage, you support the civilized man. You support Israel. Defeat Jihad. (cheers and horns)

In closing, I urge you to Stand With Israel today, because if you don’t, the devil will be at your doorstep tomorrow. Am Yisrael Chai!

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Day 3- No War with Syria- Times Sq (9-07-13) pics & video

The Soc/Marxist/Progs are not very pleased with Obama & Company. They had such Big Plans, but he didn’t stick with ‘their Pacifist Program’.  Obama is their WORST NIGHTMARE. BHO is a WAR MONGER! (so much for the Nobel Peace Prize)

Seems Obama has been tricked by the American War Machine:

Obama’s “War with Syria” is as unacceptable to them as anything they protested during the “Bush Regime”

Obama has BETRAYED (and confused big-time) the people who elected him.

Isn’t this supposed to be an ANTI-WAR Protest?

Lump your complaints together…..Never let a good protest Go To Waste

Some details on the War within Syria:

“The Assad regime is backed by Iran and other Shias.

The strongest opposition group, Jabhat al-Nusra, is the al Qaeda branch in Syria.

…the conflict in Syria is a “proxy war,” as Iran and Saudi Arabia work against each other to increase their leverage in the region.

Clearly, the stakes in Syria are higher than most of us imagine.”

Who’s to blame?

The Free Syria Army is another insurgent group – backed by Sunnis, including Saudi Arabia, it has been accused of widespread atrocities against Christians in the country…..

From Ryan Crocker, a former U.S. ambassador to Syria:

…the Syrian conflict did not begin with the Arab Spring, but in 1982, when the Assad regime systematically eliminated the Syrian Muslim Brotherhood. The government has been preparing for insurgency ever since. Unlike the regimes in Egypt, Tunisia and Libya, it was ready for this war.

Some video excerpts of the protest from 1-2 PM – Times Square

Who do we support?

“….( Obama’s) policies in Egypt and Libya have led to replacing stable regimes, at peace with Israel and the West and tolerant of their own Christian minorities … with hostility to Israel and murderous attacks on Christians in their own country.

On Tuesday night (Sept 10, 2013) will Obama be able to rekindle the old magic again with his rhetoric? Obama will try to drum up support from the American people whom he has lied to and deceived, time and time again.

The hypocrisy of Obama, the Congress and the protestors in Times Square and their MSM sycophants… is all too familiar….

No cries of RACISM from the media HYPOCRITES when the Marxists made an Obama-Puppet

Demonstrators march after a rally on Times Square September 7, 2013 in New York City. (Ramin Talaie/Getty Images/AFP)

No cries of RACISM from the HYPOCRITES at CAIR when Arab cartoonists mocked Obama

Obama entangled in his own “red lines”

(UAE), August 25, 2013

The leaders of the “No War With Syria Protest” fight in opposition to a strong America. American  Sovereignty makes them ill. No respect nor love for America. To name a few: Brian Becker of the Answer Coalition. Code Pinkos, Media Benjamin. Today’s host, Sara Flounders (in blue) heads up former Attorney General, Ramsey Clark’s Marxist Loving /anti- American org: The International Action Center.

Also present: Workers World Agitator, Bill Doares (in beige hat) 

Green Party Candidates and their support team…

Socialists. Marxists. OWS Anarchists and North Korea shill, Caleb Mopin. Along with the ridiculous and VENOMOUS  ‘Raging Grannies‘ and….even …. Anonymous… ( but he stayed across the street from the main crowd)

Anarchists abhor all things American. The U.S. Constitution offends them. Working 24/7 to deconstruct America AND….to annihilate Israel…

 CHE ….. always present…

The usual LIES….always repeated…over and over.

Blood For Oil…(Oil For Blood)….

 White Men are Racists. Christians hateful. Zionists Greedy.

Fighting For Food stamps. Jobs. Education. OPEN Borders….and NO bombs. It’s not Humanitarian… unless you are a Terrorist …. then it’s understood that the WEST drove them to kill and maim…. in the Name of Humanity.

So many signs. So many causes. So little time…

(sort of) aligned with honest Americans who also oppose the looming Obama- War-with-Syria.

OF COURSE, CNN was there.  Proving once again, that the Fools and Tools of the MSM are incapable of seeing anything that might be in conflict with a Free America. All they see is No War. Good. End of Story.

From VD Hanson

Obama suffers the wages of hypocrisy and this shows in the sinking polls…a serious misstep for a self-described populist on the eve of a complex war.

We also had allies in all three interventions; there are none so far who have pledged military assistance. And all those interventions were prior to the recent massive Pentagon cuts.

Syria sits between Israel, Lebanon, and Turkey. It is hard to imagine a more volatile place… a lame-duck and scandal-ridden Obama is considered no Bush, and weaker even than his earlier incarnation.

In other words, this time around it is more likely that our enemies might try something stupid on the premise that they can take advantage of a tentative and Hamlet-like president.

According to those who represent THE REVOLUTION: The System Has No Future.

Obama’s America, they claim, Backs Brutal Repression….

 Who do we support. Who do we oppose?



There is a Syrian opposition that speaks out against military strike as well.

Rebel groups have voiced their opposition against a possible US-led strike on Syria, arguing that it would only serve American interests.

The Syrian Islamic Front posted a message on its Facebook page cautioning its followers against supporting a strike. The group stated that military intervention would only benefit Washington – not Syrians who are seeking to topple Assad.

Another group condemned the idea of a strike in a YouTube video, saying that “we reject Western military intervention in Syria and consider it a new aggression against Muslims.”

The statements go against the mainstream thinking of the Free Syrian Army, underlining the rift within the Syrian opposition.

The world teeters on the brink of WW 3 and Obama has led us there screaming NO. No War With Syria! NO WAY. No How.

SLIDE SHOW of pictures:

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Anti-U.S. Leftists Protest War with Syria-Times Sq (8-29 and 31, 2013) pics & vids

The anarchists (like Chomsky, Zinn and Ayers) have rewritten our history. Possibly our future. They re-seed their protesting ranks in our government-controlled indoctrination schools.

Do you know what your children are learning in college. In High School? The Left controls that message.  Is it a Message You Approve Of?


Maybe Not.

What you see may not be what you want.

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A Face book complaint felt misled by the World Can’t Wait Action:

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Two days of Anti-War protests, half-truths, propaganda and misdirected animus. Opposing views….Was she even OPEN to a discussion?

August 29, 2013 6 PM.  These anti-War, anti-US (Pro-Assad) protestors called for anti-war people’s assemblies, rallies, and protests against another war.





SLIDE SHOW DAY 1. The slide show has a whole grab-bag of causes that came out to share the spot-light with the anti- War crowd

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The Syrians protesting each other in Times Square, each had it’s own flag. “WHOSE side are we to take?”  Should our brave volunteer troops be forced to take sides in these internecine wars.

Pro Al-Assad (was clearly the Marxist, Maoists and fellow-travelers) With Red and Black (2 star) flag

Anti Al-Assad (read that some of these were Christians) with Red and Black (3 star) flag

The anti-Assad group was much smaller and did not march.

The World Can’t Wait/Answer/Grannie Brigade/Ramsey Clark International Action Center/Commies/Maoists/OWS/ Code Pinkos (and others) who held these Times Square protests on August 29th and 31st (2013) seem to agree with many Americans that this War will not Be the Answer.

They do NOT agree with Obama and Company

They aren’t OK with OBAMA and his foreign Policy

(whatever that is)

AND Bush (they just can’t let him go)

Will OBAMA unilaterally send our troops to fight? No matter the VOTE in Congress. Obama/Kerry/Biden et al, are they protecting America? From Terror. Jihadis. Marxists. Based on the friends they keep.

JF Kerry sups with Hitler (aka Bashar Assad)


“JFK” has now said (from Atlas Shrugs )

“In the last 24 hours, we have learned through samples that were provided to the United States that have now been tested from first responders in east Damascus, and hair samples and blood samples have tested positive for signatures of sarin,” Kerry said.

He offered no proof, however, that Assad set off that sarin.”

Secretary of State, John Kerry, yesterday compared Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad to “Adolf Hitler and Saddam Hussein,” insisting, as a moral authority, that the U.S. must attack Syria. [Up is Down and Down is Up]

These are not ‘Peace & Love” hippies. Kindly intellectuals who just want to ‘make nice’ with the world.

These are anarchists who claim that the U.S. is an empire bent on destroying freedom around the world in pursuit of PROFIT and OIL.



No opposing positions allowed. Harassment is their right. Their duty. (Debra Sweet was on the attack Thursday) Debra and Elaine Brower of World Can’t Wait are very UN-peaceful purveyors of anarchy. (sadly, our colleges welcome these lovely ladies-of-venom with open-arms)

(Debra below in straw hat.)

And ‘dear’ Jenny Heinz of the Granny Brigade. This seething ball-of-hatred (holding ‘no attack’ sign) When she sees someone who does not support her agenda… her Commie/Socialist/Fascist/Maoist empire….Wow, if looks could kill:

Also on hand were some familiar faces. Such as the very un-American shill for Marxism: Larry Holmes (on the right)  of IAC )

There was the bellicose DRONING of Bill Doares of the Workers World Party who walked with the very snide, Sarah Fowler (in blue)  also of IAC

On Saturday, August 31, 2013. Noon. The NYC War Resisters League (and others) encouraged their fellow anarchists, anti-US and pro-Assad protestors to get as close to the entrance of the recruiting station as possible, with signs, banners and leaflets for another day of protesting


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Day 1 Protest video excerpts:

Day 2 Protest video excerpts:


So, it would seem this cabal of Obamacracy has appointed the US to be a the World’s Policeman. But, World Can’t Wait has a different take on Syria; this hotbed of terror and death:

The Assad government has fully cooperated with the weapons inspection teams.
Despite all of this confusion and inconsistency in the claims about this
alleged attack, the U.S. government, along with its corporate allies in Britain and France are openly pushing for an attack on Syria.

And Syria speaks out via the Internet. September 2, 2013,the ‘Syrian Electronic Army’ hacks Marines website

Pro-Assad computer hackers today broke into the Marine Corps recruiting website, redirecting visitors to a screed that called President Barack Obama “a traitor who wants to put your lives in danger to rescue al- Qaida insurgents.”
A Marine Corps spokesman confirmed that the site, marines.com, was tampered with and redirected temporarily, but no information was put at risk.

The message to the Marine Corps was a plea for Americans to fight alongside the Syrian army and not aide the rebels.



President Barack Obama is seeking congressional approval for U.S. military intervention in Syria in response to the suspected August chemical weapons attack on Syrian rebels who are trying to oust Syrian President Bashar Assad from power.

This is a message written by your brothers in the Syrian Army, who have been fighting al-Qaida for the last 3 years. Refuse your orders and concentrate on the real reason every soldier joins their military, to defend their homeland. You’re more than welcome to fight alongside our army rather than against it.

Your brothers, the Syrian army soldiers. A message delivered by the SEA”

America is at a crossroads. Taking a pro or con position regarding WAR, it should be discussed. Openly. No one, politician or average citizen, should be bullied into silence. Obama’s threat of war has now made him the focus of these anti-War Protestors. Good.

But, are these protestors the leaders of a real open-debate… Not bloody likely….
