Tag Archives: times sqaure

BLM Declares “The Blueprint: It’s WAR!” June 7, 2020

June 7, 2020. Noon. TIMES SQUARE

“This is not a rally… this is a call of ACTION! We shut down Time Square to present our Black agenda! Protest without strategy is an empty threat…. revealing our black agenda …. presenting NYC with demands & legislation. This is what? A revolution!!”

However, the NYPD made Times Square, between 47th and 42nd, OFF LIMITS. The anarchists were forced to gather at 42nd and Bdwy. (They were NOT happy) They were pissed that “the mayor” had shut down Times Sq.

When you announce that  you are declaring WAR against the NYPD. What can you expect? An invitation?

Black Lives Matter leader has declared war on the police and plans to release a blueprint for change that involves Black Panther style armed ‘patrols’ monitoring the behavior of officers on the streets, DailyMailTV can reveal.

Hawk Newsome, Chairman of BLM’s Greater New York chapter, says the black rights group is ‘mobilizing’ its base and aims to develop a highly-trained ‘military’ arm to challenge police brutality head on. [https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8384065/Black-Lives-Matter-leader-declares-war-police.html]

FYI: The Black Lives Matter leader declared war on police and is ‘training our people’ to defend our communities’ in Black Panther style armed ‘patrols’.

Flickr Slide show:


 “Are you ready NYC?! The time is now for liberation!”

Can anything good come from these anarchists “REPEALING 50-A” and de-funding the police? From the point of view of the NY citizenry: NOT.

A full repeal of 50-a will increase the transparency of police misconduct and allow communities timely access to important misconduct and discipline records across the state. Repeal of 50-a is a key priority of the. Read more about Letter to Gov. [https://www.changethenypd.org/topic/repeal-50]

At this point, things have gone from bad to worse for these brave civil servants in the NYPD. Made most evident by the clutter of ads and signs through out Times Square – supporting the BLM anarchy. Everyone is running SCARED of these THUGS who today declared WAR against the NYPD.

“The NYPD are being pelted with concrete-filled tennis balls during George Floyd protests, the NYPD warned its members Sunday. During these violent times cops can’t relax for a minute because they are sitting ducks out there,” one Manhattan cop told The Post.” [https://nypost.com/2020/06/07/cops-need-to-lookout-for-concrete-filled-tennis-balls-nypd-says/]

Of course – TRUMP is responsible – for everything. (in case you forgot)

This is insurrection is NOT GOOD for anyone.

[Pictures property of Pamela Hall]

Commie RED Hypocrites Confront Corruption, Demand Democracy in Times Sq.

July 18, 2018. NYC (Father)Duffy Square
47th and Broadway. 8- 10 pm.







Duffy Square was filled with COMMIE protestors riding the wave of Trump COLLUSION with the RUSSIANS.

These hypocrites, the Commie REDS, DEMAND a corrupt free DEMOCRACY.

 “Before November 2016 Democrats never met a Communist or a Russian they didn’t want to embrace …. the left-wingers’ love affair with Russia. NOW the Left doesn’t want to talk about (it).” (click to enlarge picture)

“During the Cold War, CPUSA members swore an oath to the Soviet Union, to a ‘Soviet America,’ and to the triumph of Soviet power in the United States.” [Front Page Mag]

Now anti-Trumpers, Soc/Commie/Prog/Fascisti, gathered to “expose” the Trump Presidency — using favorite buzz-words: FASCIST. IMPEACH.

Trump’s “COLLUSION” with Russia, the meme, hoping to sucker the ill-informed passers-by.

Meanwhile, dedicated anti-Trump communists. Disappointed tourists . None could access the photo-op friendly RED steps.

Thanks to representatives of “The People” the NYPD roped of the Red steps. (screen shots from video)

One of the Commie leaders, Jay W. Walker, New York chapter of REFUSE FASCISM. a front group for the Revolutionary Communist Party, was in the crowd. His sash says: VOTE – REFUSE FASCISM.

“Comrade Jay” mixed with the crowd of the truly compassionate WHITE middle class, educated elite.

Pathetic youth in lock step with their leaders.

Arrogance, de rigueur.

The T-shirt below touts the new – confused- “democrat” socialist, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez ...”

In a video with fellow left-wing darling Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., Ocasio made what appeared to be a gaffe. “Hello, everybody! So excited to be here on Sen. Sanders’ account and we’re here in Kansas City to rally for Brent Welder,” Cortez said to the camera. “We’re gonna flip this seat red in November.” … some commentators noted that red is the traditional color for socialism — a label Ocasio-Cortez has not shied away from.”  Can we say CONFUSED [Fox News.com]

As for the Red/Blue debate

“In the beginning, blue was red and red was blue and they changed back and forth from election to election and network to network in what appears, in hindsight, to be a flight of whimsy. The notion that there were “red states” and “blue states”—and that the former were Republican and the latter Democratic—wasn’t cemented on the national psyche until the year 2000. Before the epic election of 2000, there was no uniformity in the maps that television stations, newspapers or magazines used to illustrate presidential elections.” [Smithsonian Mag

The Working Families Party, linked to many radical groups, nurtured Letitia “Tish” James as New York’s next Attorney General. The RED State says it’s all about DEMOCRACY, but this BLUE state mania, is it anti-Communist? or PRO. Make up your minds!

Up is Down. Left is Right. White Silence Violent. Communism the REAL Democracy.

The People have spoken. March For Truth:  Bring your own candle (or candle app)… wear something white … this event is a grassroots, rapid-response event that will not feature speeches or amplified sound.” Just ” Songs in the Key of F*You.

“At 9 PM we will have a moment of silence- a moment of solemnity to contemplate the scale of the problems we face as a country and a moment to collect our resolve to face them.”

Short Flickr Slide show:


Short Video – A Taste of “Red” Square.

The Reds & Socialists, now they FEAR Russia?

DUMP TRUMP. IMPEACH the Poodle. The “Democrat” SOCIALISTS …. Communism … to form a more perfect DEMOCRACY.

G-d help us.

[Pictures and video property of Pamela Hall]



Hijab & Niqabs in Times Sq 2013

Today is September 5, 2013. WW3 , our worst nightmare, is perhaps upon us. Insanity rules. But, it never had to happen. Obama did NOT have to be re-elected after the failure of his first term. Reason, however, took a rain-check.


So I took another look at the growth of Islam in America as the Obamacracy continues to deconstruct America. The proliferation of the veiled oppression of Muslim females stares back at those willing to see that all is NOT quiet on the Western Front.

What you see, may not be an example of Friendly Tourism.  Assimilation, we are told,  is not desired by these families. We are expected to accommodate them;  Islam. So, it begs the question, “Are they Friend or Foe?”

Muslim tourism is booming with lots of niqabs, burquas and hijabs. Are they passing thru or planning to stay?

The Marriott Marquis at 46th and 7th seems to be a popular destination. Maybe offering a great deal to their families. It’s not just couples traveling to Times Square. It’s the whole ‘fam’ taking the ‘vaca’.

Fast food halal is always available, but McD’s and Shake Shack are also quite popular. So …halal is not always on the menu….

And eating that ice cream cone under the niqab veil, is such an unfortunate challenge.

Taking pictures of themselves ‘On Broadway’ includes the ubiquitous cartoon characters that hit the tourist up for $5 a picture (so I hear). The colorful family-friendly characters busking-for-$$.

Last year I spent many more days observing and taking pics of hijabs. It was a tighter window this year around Ramadama-ding-dong. I saw niqabs, yes, but maybe not as many as in 2012.

Yet, there are no shortage of  hijabs on-the-street.

And new styles. There’s a ‘hat’-hijab that many are wearing this year, instead of the wrapped/pinned scarf.

Perhaps to seem less Muslim? More Western?

So, How Goes It America? Will We Submit? As the Islamic family-friendly infiltration continues, will we see more Reverts to Islam?

Are we ready to suffer under Islam for another 1000 years?

Islam. It’s our  RIGHT to criticize, to REJECT Sharia Law; Sharia Finance.

  • Freedom of Speech in America: Use it or LOSE IT.
  • Reject. Expose the Jihadis and their sympathizers.
  • Support the Civilized Man.

israel-620x217 crop

Obama has weakened America. Weakened our military. The Pretender-in-Chief  leads us into WW3 while Russian warships head to Syria.

Al Qaeda is emboldened. Their murderous ranks growing, killing Christians, Jews, Hindus, even Muslims all across the Middle East, Europe and Africa.

TERRORIST TRAFFIC-JAM: Jaw dropping display of Jabhat Al’ Nusra (al Qaeda) moving their men and some weapons in hundreds of vehicles to murder Shi’ite muslims  in Nobul, Zahara and Aleppo

Our schools. Colleges. Textbooks. Media refuse to mention al-Qaeda. Refuse to expose the enemy within. All programmed to promote Islam. Not to criticize or warn. A culture/ideology that has restricted women, females in general, gays and non-Muslims as well as Muslims. Denied them their individualism. FORCED them to be Muslims or DIE. 

We are sitting ducks. Our country is naive. Vulnerable. The Islamists know it. I fear for America. Our future. Ignorant by design. THEIR design. We no longer understand what it means to defend ourselves from a terror that wants to destroy all we hold dear.

Jihadis in the U.S. support Hamas, Hezballah, Fakestine, Afghani Iraqi, Syrian and Saudi militants. Without fear of reprisal. Eagerly preparing for the next wave, the next attack on America.

HEADS UP AMERICA. Ground Zero Press Conference on 9-11-2013

For those who know better, who will NOT remain Silent, please join us on 9-11 (2013) at Ground Zero for a press conference hosted by AFDI’s Executive Director, Pamela Geller, and Associate Director, Robert Spencer, along with featured speakers.


A Memorial as well as Press Conference where they will address the non-patriotic theme of the National September 11 Memorial and Museum, including the absence of American flags on the site (there is only one flag at the site and that one was originally put up by construction workers and then moved to the edge of the site where it can barely be seen at all)…the rejection of the iconic flag-raising photo in the Museum was because it was “too rah-rah American.”

Press conference speakers will also note the fact that the photos of the 9/11 jihad terrorists, plus their martyrdom quotes, will be prominently displayed in the Museum while information on the victims will be in a kiosk much less prominently displayed. The victims’ photos will be twelve feet above the floor on one wall (3,000-plus photos) while those of the 19 jihadis will have their own wall with their murderous statements and artifacts at eye level.

And in a stunning development re 9-11, 2013.

9-11 is a day Obama declared to be a Day of SERVICE, not a day in memorium of those murdered. The outrage grows as we learn that CONGRESS will be meeting to VOTE ON GOING TO WAR WITH SYRIA (and her belligerent friends)

“Are we so far gone ( as a Nation)  that our elected officials would vote to authorize military action in support of Al Qaeda on the twelfth anniversary of the day al Qaeda declared war on American and slaughtered 3,000 or our sisters and brothers?”


I’m enraged and confused by the silence of Free Men.


Part 1 Slide Show (2o13)

[gigya src=”http://www.flickr.com/apps/slideshow/show.swf?v=71649″ width=”500″ flashvars=”offsite=true&lang=en-us&page_show_url=/photos/pamelahall/sets/72157635050566238/show/&page_show_back_url=/photos/pamelahall/sets/72157635050566238/&set_id=72157635050566238&jump_to=” allowFullScreen=”true” ]

Part 2 Slide Show (2013)

[gigya src=”http://www.flickr.com/apps/slideshow/show.swf?v=71649″ width=”500″ flashvars=”offsite=true&lang=en-us&page_show_url=/photos/pamelahall/sets/72157635236875988/show/&page_show_back_url=/photos/pamelahall/sets/72157635236875988/&set_id=72157635236875988&jump_to=” allowFullScreen=”true” ]


And please follow link for a look back at 2012 Hijabs and Niqabs in Times Square
