Author Archives: Pamela Hall

Brandon Straka’s Walkaway “Culture War” Town Hall – NYC

Saturday, June 24, 2023.
Brandon Straka and The Walkaway Movement
held  a Culture War Town Hall
at the Metropolitan Republican Club, in NYC.

Guest speakers include Brandon Straka, Mike Harlow, Marcus Dib, Melissa Vitelli and Rachel Magay.

Since the Walkaway Movement was founded over 500,000 former leftists have joined their ranks and walked away from the Democrat Party.

“The modern LGBTQIA+ “community” does not represent us. Many LGBT people are choosing to #WalkAway from the alphabet cult “

“Many LGBT people are tired of being told by our own “community” what we can and can not think, what we can and can not do, and which causes and people we can and can not believe in and support. We want a truly liberated LGBT movement.” [LINK]

Flickr slide show – The crowd was enthusiastic and supportive. No protestors. Hearing the reactions of those in the gay community, to the leftist LGBTQ+ mania was very encouraging.

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As for my videos: Unfortunately, I shot without my tripod. The panel was engaging.  Great interviews and responses. But, using my monopod was occasionally a problem. The audio is fine, the video shake comes and goes. Mea Culpa.

VIDEO Playlist (11 short videos) I broke it up by topics.

Part 1: Opening remarks from Brandon Straka; Part 2: Introductions, meeting the guests; Part 3: Is PRIDE necessary anymore- and what it used to be; Part 4: re TRUMP and BIDEN, who is best for the LGBTQ community; Part 5A/5B: First up: they discussed PRONOUNS and gender identities (B) Discussion continues re non-binary/gender bending; transitioning and briefly about how the left tried to take Walk Away down.

Part 6 LGBTQ school indoctrination and Story Hour grooming kids; Part 7: SHOULD the LGB separate from the T; Part 8: Is there a place for GAY PEOPLE in the LGBT community;Part 9 are people getting exhausted by the constant LGBT politics- the discussion include a broad array of how people are reacting ;Part 10 LGBT an ideology/ a religious cult, an industry, and more on gender dysphoria.

”Many LGBT people are tired of being told by our own “community” what we can and can not think, what we can and can not do, and which causes and people we can and can not believe in and support. We want a truly liberated LGBT movement. Join #WalkAway Founder Brandon Straka, Mike Harlow, Melissa Vitale, and Marcus Dib for the #WalkAway LGBT Culture War Town Hall. The #WalkAway Campaign is a true grassroots movement, founded by former liberal, Brandon Straka, dedicated to providing a place to share #WalkAway testimonials and personal journeys to freedom.The #WalkAway Campaign is a movement of Patriots from all walks of life – men, women, black, brown, white, straight, LGBTQ, religious, and non-believers – who share something very important in common. WE ARE ALL AMERICANS, and we will not surrender our country.” [LINK]

[Where indicated pictures and videos property of Pamela Hall-VSB]

Gays against Groomers : “Drag is not for Kids” protest in Queens, NY

 7/28/23 – 3 pm -outside library – Jackson Heights, NY.
G.O.D. (Guardians Of Divinity) and G.A.G. (Gays Against Groomers)

A peaceful protest in Queens NY: Stop the Drag Queen Story Hours From Grooming the Children.

 HOWEVER, the usual hard-core Leftists DEFENDED Drag Story ‘Dress up”

Lefties claim they are protecting the children from “nazi bigots”.

The Guardians of Divinity flyers reveal the real  BIGOTS:

Click photos for readable enlargement of fliers

And Gays Against Groomers had a News letter (click pic to enlarge)

Part 1 Flickr slide show of  Guardians of Divinity and Gays Against Groomers outside the library

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Part 2 Flicker slide show, the Soc/Commie/Progs LOVE DRAG STORY

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It was a peaceful protest but the Lefties were obnoxiously LOUD (as usual). They love to bang clappers, beat on drums and metal pipes and …. blow cute little bubbles ….Pretty Bubbles in the Air.

But perhaps all of that chaos MIGHT be  just a little bit scary for the kids, all that NOISE. And the poster politics, compliments of the socialists, like the kids care.

VIDEO – a look at both sides

Thanks to LUKE2Freedom-L2FTV for these two short IG video interviews in the one video posted below :

“Two opposing groups clashed over a drag queen story hour event at the Jackson Heights public library in Queens, New York. I managed to interview a representative from each group. Here is what they had to say.” (Luke2Freedom)

ONE is an obvious old-school commie who supports  “drag for kids” … cause it’s just dress up!

  And the OTHER, Rachel Magay from NY Gays against Groomers, who is OPPOSED to drag for kids.

Drag is a dress up as woman-face. And then the books they’re reading are all about gender ideology and sexualities. That’s what the grooming is, not the “dress up”.

A twitter journalista, Talia Jane Ben Oro posts obsessively on the Guardians of Divinity (and often isn’t present) as was the case at this protest. Even so, she felt the need to report ( incorrectly) that the protestors who gathered in opposition to the Drag Story Hour Grooming were profane and threatening.

NOPE. Did not happen and I WAS Present.



[Where indicated, pictures and videos property of Pamela Hall-VSB]


Guardians of Divinity Expose Human Trafficking at Port Authority NYC

July 14, 2023 – 4 pm -NYC

The Guardians of Divinity held signs

Handed out flyers (click to enlarge)

Even Port Authority agrees: Human Trafficking must be exposed and stopped.

.The public responded with lots of thumbs up.

 Later, however, the Port Authority cops became difficult.

Perhaps the Port Authority was EMBARRASSED, when looking at the sex trafficking ON THEIR WATCH.

“3 men, including a Greyhound mechanic arrested for sex trafficking ring at Port Authority Bus Terminal” ….a highly co-ordinated operation, with three men conspiring to target a vulnerable woman with nowhere to stay and using brutal force to force her to perform sexual acts,” [

Flickr Slide Show. The Guardians of Divinity protest began outside Port Authority …. joined by lefty twitter-reporter, Talia Jane, as she filmed and questioned their motives. (Guess she had a free afternoon)


Talia followed the protestors “like a cockroach”. When her “twitter report” finally went up, she impugned the character and motives of the Guardians (the extent of her reporting skills)

Video 1: The Guardians of Divinity handed flyers to passersby, held their signs exposing sex trafficking and promoting the film, Sound of Freedom. Talia Jane – in the green jacket- for over an hour, hovered and pretended to be interested in sex trafficking.

.Video 2: Jonathan David Rinaldi (who is running for NYC Councilman) asked “Talia Jane”: Would she be willing to “cross the aisle” to END Child Trafficking. Hard to get all her words (2023 and she’s STILL MASKED) He asked her many times would she be willing to put aside their differences. Rinaldi was persistent, never rude or threatening. “I came to offer my hand. Can’t we work together to end sex trafficking?” (crickets from Talia)

. She was rude, Rinaldi was not. She claimed he was threatening: He was NOT. Why do leftists resist putting an end to child trafficking? Seeing flyers like this, they should CARE.

After asking lame questions of the protestors, all Talia could manage was a mis-characterization of the group with “QAnon.QAnon.QAnon“. (Dis-info is her middle-name.)

Some fun with “Quotes from Talia Jane”

“What is being critiqued is QAnon’s well-established habit of exploiting to develop, supplement, and justify far right propaganda and extremism. They’re not combatting trafficking.

I was doing a little live-stream explaining how this group operates, how they contort reality, etc. and mentioned that because they’re so weird about me(Talia) , leaving would either make them bored or cause them to try escalating.”

[Who knew she was that important.]
Meanwhile, her dis-info slander grew.

“While this group is largely very unserious people, following whatever outrage is trending on Telegram, they have become more volatile as a group over time, produce propagandic content, & are affiliated with/openly collaborate with, extremists. They’d like to be influencers.

They weren’t protesting. Just being a nuisance that assumed Port Authority would suffer fools.”

“They accused me (Talia) of being pro-sex trafficking, macing people … 

‘I spoke with a Port Authority cop whose job is monitoring for trafficking. He described it as a person connects with a minor online, encourages them to come into the city. Often a kid facing family problems. Person picks kid up, houses them, feeds them, cares-

Then after a few months, that person begins expecting things of them, abusing them, etc. The cop said they look out for specific flags – a kid traveling alone, often malnourished, searching eye contact. They approach the kid and from there, investigate the would-be trafficker.’

“The conspiracy theorists, however, sought to find evidence by way of searching for (and claiming to have seen) suspicious adults, “suspects” and “weirdos.”

(Guardian D.N. did catch two odd characters – Talia and a comrade – lurking)

(Talia continues) “One conspiracist held a sign listing various hotel chains that have been sued. I asked him what they were sued for (his sign told her) and where I could read more. His response? “DuckDuckGo.”

Something I keep coming across in QAnon/antivax disinfo spaces is people urging others to use @DuckDuckGo as their search engine instead of Google.”

(SO, Duck Duck Go is the DISINFO Search engine- NOT Google?]

“It’s doubtful their actions will be what inspires QAnoners elsewhere to engage in similar activity, but that they did indicates others elsewhere are inclined to do the same. They directly cited Sound Of Freedom as cause to show up to Port Authority.” (which Talia finds ridiculous)

Later, as the Guardians of Divinity went inside the terminal to hand out flyers, is when the Port Authority cops became difficult, FORCING the peaceful Guardians of Divinity to leave a public building .

And, arrested one of their group for … what  …  trespassing? In a PUBLIC facility?

Talia Jane filmed the arrest of a Guardian for peacefully holding a sign.

I watched the PA Cop walk on his sign – intentionally- before he picked it up.
This is a public space. Same as Grand Central and Penn Station.

So why did they also prohibit holding the American flag?

.I’ve covered many protests led by the Commie Left in public facilities. They are NEVER removed, even when they BLOCK commuters and entrances. Check out 2020 and 2021 in Grand Central: NO ONE was removed.

The Port Authority shutting down an OUTREACH to STOP Sex Trafficking is an outrage making the “Sound of Freedomeven more timely and important.

.“Sound of Freedom” is based on a true story: James Caviezel plays Tim Ballard, a U.S. Department of Homeland Security agent who investigated pedophiles.

Some critics say the film appeals to the QAnon movement, which posits a false conspiracy theory accusing progressive elites of pedophilia. Neal Harmon, Angel’s chief executive, said: “Anybody who watches this film knows that this film is not about conspiracy theories,” adding, “it’s not about politics.”

The producer of “Sound of Freedom,” Eduardo Verástegui, acknowledged the polarization around the film. He hoped political differences could be shelved in favor of the movie’s anti-trafficking message.

The film does not mention specific QAnon tenets. It depicts trafficking and related problems, like child sexual abuse imagery, as stark and growing and suggests that the international wealthy are among its consumers. The filmmakers hope “Sound of Freedom” will be “the ‘Uncle Tom’s Cabin’ of 21st century slavery.”

He adds, “We believe this movie has the power to be a huge step forward toward ending child trafficking.” [NY Times]

“There has been some progress ,The New York State Senate voted Wednesday to end the statute of limitations for reporting sex trafficking crimes.”

For survivors of sex trafficking, it can take years to overcome the trauma, physical and psychological, as well as that added factor of their personal safety when they’ve been controlled by either organized crime syndicate or individual traffickers and pimps,” []

Thanks to Michael Anthony for posting this ABC clip of the late Officer Collins  and his Youth Services Unit in 2015.

= In 2021, James Caviezel spoke in Las Vegas where he mentioned the need to fight child sex trafficking, Satan and liberal values. He claimed that “the storm is upon us”, echoing the belief in a final battle against evil and repeated the battle cry of William Wallace in Braveheart urging the audience to “[send] Lucifer and his henchmen straight back to hell where they belong.” [wiki]


[Where indicated, pictures and videos property of Pamela Hall-VSB]

An addendum to the post (7/20/23): President Trump attended a screening of Sounds of Freedom. LOVE our President Trump! (video – cameronmoore1)

“Trump was the only POTUS that signed a EO to end child n human trafficking when he was president. We need Trump to bring our country back to what it once was to put families first American families.”

“The pedo-elite absolutely hate @timballard89 and his movie! They hate being exposed! They hate that what they do in the dark is being brought into the light!  BUT THEY CANT STOP IT!  JUDGEMENT DAY IS COMING! [davidiharrisjr ]


 June 12, 2023, 5 pm. Activists from The Jewish Leadership Project, Yad Yamin-NY and SAFE CUNY challenged the JCRC donors and leadership as they arrived for their Gala inside the NY Historical Society: “Why is the JCRC honoring Bill Thompson when Jews are under attack at CUNY. ”

Flickr slideshow


Part of the JCRC platform is the safety of the Jewish community. Yet, while anti-Semitic attacks are rising in the city along with the hostile atmosphere for Jews at CUNY the JCRC-NY was giving an award this night to the Honorable William C. Thompson Jr, the chairperson of the board of trustees at CUNY.

Outrageous: The CUNY Law Dean applauds student’s ‘hate speech’ against Israel, NYPD, and military []

CUNY brass … finally slammed her speech as unacceptable “hate speech” unfitting for a commencement — after much outcry. “Commencement speeches are supposed to be aspirational and inspirational. They are not supposed to be hateful tirades….,” said Joseph Postasnik of the New York Board of Rabbis. CUNY has to rethink its commencement exercises.”

Anti-semitism at CUNY must be addressed not honored.

.It was a small, but effective protest. The heart-felt questions demanded  more effective responses from the JCRC addressing anti-Semitism at CUNY.

Some attendees were willing to talk to the protestors, some simply starred at the signs and mobile billboards as they walked in to the gala.

The messages were clear.

END Jew Hatred.
End anti-Semitism at CUNY.
It must be not honored!

. Stunning audio and video of an exchange between former JCRC -NY President, Ron Weiner, [] who seemed to be sitting on a fence when challenged by Jeff Lax, founder of S.A.F.E. (Students and Faculty for Equality).

“(Weiner) was so outraged at being gently questioned. This means @SAFECUNY is on the right track.

Former JCRC Pres. Ron Wiener confronts and curses at SAFECUNY co-founder Professor Jeffrey Lax.

Weak Jewish leaders need to be confronted about their continual failure to strongly oppose new contemporary forms of anti-Ziosemitism. Ron Wiener’s reaction shows that this pressure works.

… this guy is a leader?? “Effective from the top down…” Cursing at Lax, invoking Second Temple disunity. All the while avoiding saying anything of substance.”

  • Where is the leadership from JCRC-NY? American Jews are under assault, our institutions are under siege and our leaders are failing to protect the community.
  • Why is JCRC-NY honoring CUNY which has normalized Jew-hatred & permits graduation speakers to target Jews? Stop BDS on Campus. End Jew Hatred.
  • JCRC NY leadership must be held accountable for their failures.

END [Anti-Zionism on Campus: The University, Free Speech, and BDS]

[Pictures and video where indicated property of Pamela Hall-VSB]

Protests Continue “Stop Drag Queen Story Hours” NYC 53rd St Library

May 1, 2023 – 53rd St Library. 4 pm

On a chilly afternoon,  a small group of hard core”Drag Story” DEFENDERS gathered in front of the library to make noise and block the entrance.

What books are read is never revealed, and by not letting the Guardians of Divinity enter the library ( even after the story hour)  they must be HIDING something. Popular books:  This Book is Gay; Gender Queer; Beyond Magenta; Jacobs New Dress; Drag Dictionary and OUT!(How to be your Authentic Self).

These books are found in the libraries and in our schools, clearly setting the stage for easy grooming.

Meanwhile, the so called ‘DEFENDERS” bang on anything metal, slap rattles and shake tambourines, noise pollution for alll who pass by while “giving the bird” to the Guardians of Divinity…. for the kids to see and hear.

Across 53rd, the Guardians of Divinity defend the innocence of the children with signs like  “Let the Kids be Kids” and “Save the Children” from groomers.

And they welcomed explaining the issues to passersby. Many stopped to chat.

Except for one F-You guy who angrily shouted as he passed by the Guardians.

.As for the police, seemed like too many for the noisy protestors. They were tasked with standing on both sides of the street AND only BLOCKED the Guardians of Divinity from entering the library. (Noisy Lefties were welcomed)

Flicker slide show Part 1 – A look at both sides of the protest.  A small group of pro “drag story hour” lefties gathered in front of the library, challenged by the Guardians of Divinity with great signs and chants

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Flicker slide show Part 2- More of both sides, the police and the fake Fox reporter.

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a few short videos next:

Part 1 (2:32) Had a lot of short clips of both sides. The usual profanity came from the Leftists (plus they love to flip off everyone)And their mascot, “CrackHead Barney”. The children’s drag show “defenders” LOVE her. “Barney” is loud and obscene. Sometimes half-naked (sometimes  … her breasts are exposed) as she performs in a smelly, obscene costume. Ending with a few nannies and their very young charges leaving the Drag Story hour.

Part 2 –  Gay Activist,  Jay Walker did his usual blah-blah-blah. And  the Guardians Mascot Brad was front and center on the  metal barricade.

.Part 3 – The Guardians of Divinity continued to protest the grooming of children whiles fake reporter, Walter Masterson –a wanna-be actor who crashes protests , today pretended to be a FOX reporter. It seemed to fool the leftards, but he fooled  no one on the Guardians side.

.Last video is Talia Ben Ora, Last video is Talia Ben Ora, a lefty ‘journalist’ hanger-on ,who promotes the library drag story hours while working the police with supposed intel.  She also promotes herself on patreon as a ‘journo” who needs MONEY.

Oddly , the police seem to have willingly been snookered by her.  (she has said as much on Twitter)

Talia schmoozes the lead cops. Hangs wherever she chooses. And proudly encourages the censorship of those she label Right Wing Fascists. A VERY obnoxious woman who amused while performing for the camera.

.Update: Happy to have observed , starting with the BLM/Jordan Neeley riots, that Talia’s “Junior G-Man” badge seems to have expired.



The NYPD is no longer welcoming her ‘guidance” ((amusing exchange with police/she’s NOT happy)

With this latest leftist rabble assaulting the police and reporters, blocking streets and public transportation, The police might become impatient with the ACAB (all cops are bastards) / DEFUND the Police insurgents. It was time…

.Guess we found out. Lots of arrests on May 9th

Wanting NO Replay of the 2020 riots, the police were finally pro-active.

(Sorry Talia!) LOL


[Where indicated, pictures and videos property of Pamela Hall- VSB]

Protest Progressive Caucus: We demand to be safe. Enough is Enough!

Feb 16, 2023. Noon.
Steps of NY City Hall

“Silent No More”
We demand to be safe.
Enough is Enough!

A protest against the Socialist Agenda of the Progressive Caucus
Hosted by @saferstreetsny ;@UnsafeStreetsUS ;@WomenSafeNYC

Nicole Palame [@womensafenyc] led the rally against  the Progressive Caucus , the radical politicians forcing a Socialist Agenda on the city.

The Rally Against the Socialist Agenda was also hosted by @westsideco_org;@RachelBrad33;@nycpix;
@susanleenyc;@NYCDriversunite;@VickieforNYC;@votebrian; @Maria4Dist6;@AFineBlogger;@voteshekar;@ImpunityCity;

Flickr Slide Show:

During the presser, those progressive politicos who tried to ignore the presser: Lincoln Restler, Tiffany Caban and Shekar Krishnan, were outed and heckled are they passed by.

While Councilman Erik Bottcher and NY 1’s Errol Louis set a bad example for these journalism students from  @newmarkjschool journalism.

 Showing no interest in a presser on the steps of City Hall. Their backs to the crowd. the reporters. the speakers.

Is this the future of journalism?

“Love taking @newmarkjschool journalism students on our annual visit to City Hall.(that’s them swarming @JimGennaro ) Thanks to @NYCSpeakerAdams for chatting with us.” []

Meanwhile, some playful shenanigans from that crazy bunch of Progs inside City Hall, as  they posted a “New look,” in the rotunda.

“New and improved.” “We got a face lift!”
(SILLY council members having fun)

Some background on the NYC PROGRESSIVE CAUCUS (@NYCProgressives)

“In 2020… leaders of the City Council’s Progressive Caucus decided they needed to establish a litmus test: a “statement of principles” that called for a commitment to a lengthy agenda including universal early childhood education, affordable housing and, most controversially, a reduction in the Police Department at a time when major crime rose by 22 percent last year. The Progressive Caucus was founded in 2010  … It gradually grew in numbers and stature, peaking at 35 members this year — and clearly appeared ready to reshape the 51-member Council.

But, leaders of the leftist movement demanded loyalty and a pledge to a new statement of principles. (a “statement of principles”) calling for a reduction in “the size and scope” of the Police Department. That’s when the trouble erupted. The 35-member caucus was divided by the demand: 15 members quit the group rather than signing, with several saying that such a rigid approach, especially on policing, left progressives out of step with real-life concerns.”

+ ” But recent mayoral victories  in Chicago and  Los Angeles against more conservative “tough on crime” candidates has created momentum for the progressive platform.” []

Encouraging even more ludicrous progressive principles:

▪ “Full civil rights for all New Yorkers regardless of race, gender, ethnicity, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, or physical disability. This includes a commitment to the safety and well-being of LGBTQIA New Yorkers, but especially Black and brown trans-women, reproductive rights for women and other people who can become pregnant, full municipal privileges and responsibilities regardless of immigration status or criminal record.” []

[Excerpted] “We should be PRAISING our Law Enforcement. However (they) are being disrespected on a daily basis. We have a body of elected officials; they’re not  public servants. They are socialist activists infiltrating our democrat party and bringing chaos in to our city. This is unacceptable. If anything, give our Law Enforcement a RAISE. Support our Law Enforcement. We all have to stand together and vote these people out. How dare you laugh and smile and smirk at us…it’s time for you to get out of office. We do NOT support SOCIALISM. I stand with Law Enforcement. Get RID of the Progressive Caucus. We’re not safe… but THEY got their security. Defund THEM and I will always Back The Blue.” (3:11)

Part 3- Madeline Brame, Chairwoman Victims Rights Reform Council. Mother of homicide victim , Army veteran Hason Correa.  (8:53)

  (Excerpted with short Nicole Palame intro)The Progressive Caucus wasn’t in the courtroom. They didn’t support her.” Madeline Brame (begins)  “You’re FIRED! Exactly what are we paying you for. We are taxed to the max to pay these salaries. … Not another dime of our tax dollar to the failed initiatives. They do everything but lift the black and brown community out of poverty. If Rikers is that bad, why do people keep committing crimes. Some would rather (be in Rikers) than be on the streets with no jobs…. NYC is out of control. People grandstanding , telling us what they think we want to hear. They get a little position and they turn their nose up in the air. They don’t even like black people. They’re black themselves and they don’t even like black people. They think they’re better. But election after election after election, for decades, we continue to go out and vote the same way. … (but) when they see life-long democrats beginning to walk away from the plantation of the democrat party and changing their political affiliation …  If you don’t like the word Republican, become a Conservative. Most black and brown people were raised with conservative values. If you wanta eat, you work. You gotta go to school and bring that high school diploma. There was no layin’ around. After graduation you either work, you go to college or you go to the military. And there was no other alternative. Those are good, strong, American values. Conservative values. God. Number One. Family. Number Two. And Country. Number Three. Everybody can agree with that. Everybody has those same values. How we turned from it and let all this chaos and confusion happen around us, I have no idea. But, until we get back to the structure of the nuclear family, in my community, things will continue on a downward spiral. Repeal Bail Reform. …  Send that garbage through a shredder and start over from the beginning and make some real investments in our communities. Billions of dollars. We don’t need more basketballs. We don’t need no more damn hula hoops. No more recreation centers. The newest appeasement is Roller Skates.We don’t need that. Fix the dilapidated housing. Get those mothers some parenting classes. Fix those failing schools. Give our boys some skills, some training. Instead of pickin’ up a gun, … let them put on a uniform. Let them  … train to use it properly and get paid to shoot the bad guy. You wanta die. Die a Hero. And not a zero.”(8:53)

Part 4- Raul Rivera – TLC Driver Advocate, a native New Yorker. (2:00).

[Excerpted]  “….we’re getting killed, we’re getting robbed, we’re getting shot …It is very important that we get these WOKE D.A.s out of office. We say “Hell No” to Alvin Bragg. We don’t give up. We don’t surrender. We don’t retreat. Today. Tomorrow. Forever.”  (2:00).

Part 5 – Amy Tse, Community Activist from Queens (2:52)

[Excerpted] “Violence against our seniors; our mothers, fathers and children …. (dying because of) gang violence. It’s heart breaking. Shop owners, Asian Americans have been targeted for robberies and random acts of violence.(…)And if you think this doesn’t affect you, your community, think again…. It affects ALL our communities. Violent and REPEAT offenders affect ALL of us. We deserve safety, instead of being terrorized. Elected officials who signed a pledge to Defund the NYPD do not have our livelihoods, family’s safety or our best interests at heart. We MUST get rid of them. Every election day we can make a difference. VOTE THEM OUT. (2:52)

Part 6 – K-Born Rivers, Founder “I am My Community Inc” from the Bronx (1:52)

.[Excerpted] “I’m not a big major fan of the NYPD, but I am a big major fan of common sense….  You don’t defund the police and not add more security. …. We have ta get these people out. We have ta vote. Let’s hold special elections. Let’s get them outta here.” (1:52)

Part 7 – Tiffany Keriakos, small business owner from Bklyn,Manhattan (2:57)

(Short intro Nicole Palame) “Diversity. Dialogue. We don’t agree on everything, but we are willing  to work together to get things done in this city and make this city livable for everybody.” (Excerpted) Tiffany Keriakos: “We all know small businesses are the beating heart of NYC. Yet the crime wave, especially retail theft, is leaving many businesses fighting for their lives. (she describes the thefts, break-ins and employee assaults at her decades old business) When criminals break in to our store, we’re left to foot the bill of the repairs, the merchandise, and we’re expected to get back -to-business “as usual”. (re insurance)  … Everybody drops you when you have a robbery. ( ….) Only big names corporations will be left to monopolize our retail environment. Instead, we should be supporting small businesses that are the back-bone of our communities. (… ) Who is going to make these criminals stop. Otherwise we’re not going to have small businesses anymore and New York will never be the same.”(2:57)

Part 8 – Maria Danzilo- Exec. Dir.”One City Rising”. Former candidate NY State Senate (Manhattan Westside) (3:39)

[Excerpted]  .”.. the way this “Regressive” Caucus is behaving…. we actually have SPIRALING crime due to years of very bad policies.  We have Catch and Release Bail Reform; Decriminalizing EVERYTHING. Our District Attorney isn’t prosecuting crime. … This is a moment when we really shouldn’t be talking about Defunding the Police. In this environment… we have this completely OUT OF TOUCH group of electives trying to DEFUND the police… They don’t seem to care. They’re in another world; another reality. Instead of giving us public safety…they’re giving us : a PURITY Test.  They want everybody in their  caucus to agree to this radical and extreme purity test or they’re OUT. Thank you for that test. The people who are in that caucus and those who left, we know where you stand now: completely divorced from reality. They seek to divide. At war with our mayor. … We are not about abolishing police.  … They just want money and power. ” (3:39)

Part 9 – Gene de Francis, veteran and community leader from the Bronx (4:11)

[Excerpted] The Right was right. Republicans were right; still are right. Ever since COVID happened. The shutdowns. The mandates. The masks. The defunding the police. The pushing away of the police. But, we work well with Democrats, despite what you see on the media. We will not work with Socialists. And we don’t call them “Progressives”. … They are REgressive. … When you centralize power, that is not American; that is Socialism. This country is run by moderates. …  Regressives try to label Republicans as extremists. … Capitalism is not an evil word. Educate your kids and don’t ever fight Free Speech. We need different opinions. … Keep these freedoms and pass it onto our next generation.”(4:11)

Part 10 -Nicole Palame – (4:48) During the final comments a couple of progressive council members tried to ignore the presser, but were called out  with VOTE THEM OUT as they passed by.  (Lincoln Restler (0:58), Shekar Krishnan (2:35)…”there’s another socialist” (while in the back ground also ignoring the presser, Councilman Erik Bottcher) 

Part 10 -Nicole Palame –  closing comments (4:48)

(Excerpted)”These majority of New Yorkers do not want to defund the police …  they want good change. We demand to be safe. We (challenge) the city council: Join Our Caucus. The Caucus of Unity and Community. And then lets have a dialogue about how we make progress in this city once and for all.  [she introduced those present who are running against the city council members and name those council members] [re those who left the Progressive Caucus she asked] “… these people left the caucus in the final hour. Did they leave it because they’re a little afraid they have a challenger? Or did they leave it because they realized they were in the wrong caucus. WE gotta call them out. We gotta tell them to debate. We wanta know the truth. We deserve to know the truth. … Any elected official who is advocating for the abolition or even defunding of the police is out of touch with reality. …. Pledge to serve your community and meet the needs of the community today and prevent crime from happening.”( 4:48)

+There were many fine, impassioned speakers. A genuinely diverse group.

However, the extent of the coverage from Errol Louis at NY1 was sadly lacking. ( Errol is  standing in separate group lower right of photo)

“A fine day at City Hall. This “Enough is Enough” coalition includes several candidates for City Council. The group denounced the Defund movement and loudly booed some members of the Progressive Caucus as they walked in. ” [Errol Louis @errollouis]

 Guess he was more interested in chatting up the “very charming” Councilman Bottcher. []

+Two months later, the Democrat’s  – again -ignored the victims of violent crime at a field hearing of the House Judiciary Committee. (photo HJ

The focus was meant to be on Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s “pro-crime, anti-victim” policies.

Madeline Brame, who chairs the nonprofit Victims Rights Reform Council, told committee members that Bragg’s mishandling of her son Hason Correa’s 2018 killing began a few months after the district attorney took office last year.

DA Bragg has demonstrated over and over again that he has no regard or concern for human life or victims of crime,” Brame testified. [NY Daily News]

(very short clip from cops4freedom)

.As she spoke, Madeline Brame was disrespected, even sneered at by the Democrats. There was no apology for their lack of empathy. Trump was their focus, their boogey-man.

“When Alvin Bragg came into office, he was handed a strong, trial-ready murder case and gang assault case against all four of these individuals,” she said, before recounting how “the case immediately began to unravel.”

“He dismissed — completely dismissed — gang assault and murder indictments against two of the defendants clearly on video participating in the brutal, savage slaughter of my son,” Brame went on. “Hason was kicked, punched, stomped and stabbed nine times by four individuals whom he did not know, nor had he done them any harm.”

Four siblings — Christopher, James and Mary Saunders, and another brother, Travis Stewart — attacked the 35-year-old married father of three outside a Harlem apartment building.

James Saunders pled guilty to gang assault and second-degree murder and was sentenced to 20 years to life in prison, below the maximum of 25 years to life — along with Christopher Saunders who was also convicted of gang assault and sentenced to 20 years to life.

Travis Stewart also pled guilty to gang assault but was sentenced to just seven years in prison. Mary Saunders was released from prison last May on time served after having spent 14 months at Rikers Island.

“Travis will be out in the next 18 months,” Brame said. “Mary Saunders — this savage is currently walking the streets of Harlem like she didn’t just participate in the brutal slaughter of another human being — home with her family, home with her children.

“If that’s not a threat to public safety, I don’t know what is,” she added. “And as far as the Manhattan district attorney’s office, if he’s receiving one penny of federal dollars, you need to pull that funding until he starts doing his damn job and prosecuting crime.

Audience members broke into applause several times during Brame’s testimony, prompting Jordan to remind spectators of the hearing’s rules of decorum.  [NY POST]

+And when New York City’s Mayor Adams responded, he did so with shameful ignorance:

“Mayor Adams slammed Rep. Jim Jordan and other House Republicans on Monday morning for pulling a “political stunt” and “hypocrisy” for the hearing they held later in the day to examine the crime policies of Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg. [NY Daily News]

SOCIALISM is destroying America.
The One Party Machine.
BLUE States. BLUE Cities.

Can we turn the tide?

“Silent No More”
We demand to be safe.
Enough is Enough!

Or, is it too late to rout the enemy?

[Where indicated, pictures and videos property of Pamela Hall-VSB]

International Gift Of Life Walk opposed by Pro-Abortion LGBTQ Marxists

March 25, 2023. 11 AM
The International Gift of Life Walk in Lower Manhattan.

The Gift Of Life Walk gathered a block away from Foley Square because SPIDERMAN was filming on the steps of the Court House.

In a rain that often got heavier, the Pro Life Rally and the very NOISY pro abortion LGBTQ Leftists converged, separated by the NYPD (or so they tried).

Part 1 Flickr Slide show is mainly of the Gift of Life participants

At the relocated Gift Of Life Walk Rally, the NYPD tried to control the vile, rude, and just plain nasty Leftists who manage to go wherever they want.

Watched a creepy leftist drag a tattered America flag across the rain soaked pavement.

Seems the Defund the Police lefties confidently ignore the police.
Part 2 Flickr Slideshow focuses on the pro-abortion creeps.

Part 1 video – The Gift Of Life Rally gathered a block away from Foley Square because of SPIDERMAN was filming. Found the Pro Life Rally  and very NOISY pro abortion LGBTQ lefties as Students from the St. Louis de Montfort Academy joined the walk.

Part 2 video – In a steady rain, the LGBTQ PRO Abortion creeps protested loudly the Gift Of Life Rally. The NYPD tried to control these rude pro abortionists, whose favorite chant was, “Stop Church Pedophilia’. At 1:40, in the background, a creepy leftist can be seen dragging a tattered America flag through the rain soaked pavement.

Students from the St. Louis de Montfort Academy ( in Penn) joined the walk. But first they stood in the rain and played hymns and patriotic music while the nasty LGBTQ brigade banged on lots metal … if it’s metal HIT IT!

This “DEFUND the Police” creep yelled YELLED to SHUT the F**k UP! at the school kids.

Final video of Academy students and protestors (video is posted at Flickr because you tube goes insane over music.)

[Where indicated pictures and videos property of Pamela Hall-VSB]

Waiting for President Trump Indictment- Collect Pond Park NYC

April 4, 2023 . Outside NYC Courthouse 10:30 AM.

Followed by a NOISE ACTION ALERT from the anti-Trumpers

Video 1- the WHISTLES never stopped. Part 1 of 2 . Outside NYC Courthouse It was insane.With more media than protestors, the anti-Trumpers (who fear free speech) whistled ad nauseum. An assortment of both sides (pro and anti-Trump) co-mingled …. on the PRO-Trump side only and the press – so much press.

Flickr slide show (Part 3) More media than protestors. An assortment of both sides (pro and anti-Trump) co-mingling … and the press – which ridiculously outnumbered the participants gathered for the rally/protest.

. Video, Part 2 of 2. It was insane.The anti-Trumpers (who fear free speech) whistled ad nauseum as the police placed both sides on opposite sides of a Great Divide– And across from the courthouse,  so much press waiting to catch a glimpse of MTG and President Trump. Heard a black anti-Trumper loving the indictment mania AND THE WHISTLES – on and on – from the anti-free speech, anti-Trumpers.

Flickr slide show (Part 1 of 3) is a look at the Pro-Trump Rally signs and people.

A look at the lefty a**hats.  [The MORAN sign I thought was a typo -nope]

.Flickr slide show (part 2)

.Re Juliet Germanotta and the “Trump LIES All The Time”Banner escapade.

There was a lot of confusion as to who she is, and why she was going after the Rise and Resist anti-Trump banner. So much that was printed about Juliet’s identity was way off.

As for the sticker on her phone, Juliet says she likes the occult. OK. whatever. Juliet has a complicated history (that I have chronicled over the years) but  what is pertinent to this event is that Juliet Germanotta has been aligned with the RIGHT (Trump) for the few years that I have followed her. She is NOT from the Left.

Unfortunately, the newbies on the Right think everyone they don’t know is a paid protestor from the Left. Not even close.

The two Rise and Resist leaders that were arguing with Juliet, Lisa Fithian and Laurie Arbeiter, are not cohorts of Juliet’s. THEY are hard core leftist leaders.  Lisa Fithian, an anarchist trainer/ streetwise radical  makes a living creating unrest and riots.

The anti-Trumpers tried to place their Trump Lies All the Time banner in the front of the court house.

. If you listen to the video, Juliet was EVICTING the leftist banner from the RIGHT (Trump) side. Listen to Juliet—-she says it more than once—-you are on the WRONG side.

Video from []

By the time I got there the anti-Trumpers were back on the LEFT (anti-Trump) side where they belonged. Unfortunately, Juliet was mislabeled and mis-characterized by the newbies from her own side.

UPDATE: And now, as President Trump returned for another deposition, he made the claim – again- that Tish James is a RACIST.


Former President Donald Trump repeated his claim that Albany’s top prosecutor is “racist” — and that her lawsuit against him is “ridiculous” — before being deposed in connection with a $250 million civil case Thursday morning

He is correct:Tish James IS a racist. As she revealed in Jan 2017, proudly, her prejudice against those white males who are TOO MALE , TOO PALE and TOO STALE.  Tish James has led many anti-Trump protests exposing the pact made with NYC’s hard core leftist politicians and union shills. Just the type of Attorney General George Soros wants to destroy our cities. 

More info on this Tish James event found at previous posts



[Where indicated pictures and videos property of Pamela Hall-VSB]

LINKS to more ARTICLES on the Collect Park protest:



Kirk Cameron Brave Story Hour OUTSIDE NYC Main Library

March 31, 2023. It was a lovely presentation. Books were read. The children listened and there were even jugglers practicing while the children waited for the story hour to begin.

The Guardians of Divinity were in the crowd, of adults and children, enjoying and supporting this lovely story time

.Shamefully, the liberals in the NY Public Library System were afraid to give equal time to. the Brave Story Hour.

As You Grow

Video of excerpted reading OUTSIDE the Main Library on Fifth Avenue

Maybe because the leftards were out celebrating anything anti-Trump, there was no rude opposition to the As You Grow Story Time.

It was small gathering, but very sweet. And from what I saw, the books are really nice, published by Brave Books.

Shame,Shame on the lefties in the NY Public Library System for censoring the Brave Story Hour.

Let The Children IN. (Photo by Kerry J Byrne , Fox News Digital)

[Where indicated, Pictures and Video Property of Pamela Hall-VSB]

Links to two articles : DC EnQuirer; Fox News Digital

NYC supported Drag Queen Story Hour Continues at 20th St Library

March 4, 2023.
Andrew Heiskell Library For the Blind-NYC

Another inappropriate Drag Queen Story Hour at 11 AM was protested by the Guardians of Divinity who continue to oppose this misuse of public funds.

Councilman Erik Bottcher and State Sen, Brad Holyman (both gay activists) were on-site, defending these Story Hours as harmless, while accusing the protesters of being “Faces of HATE”.

The Antifa aggressors along with the Rise and Resist leftists assembled claim to protecting the children from the” Save The Children” protestors. But, as usual, they are the aggressors,  physically assaulting the Guardians.

The Guardians continue to ask, “WHY is a grown man dressed as a woman, reading LGBTQ books c to CHILDREN?”

The high dudgeon exhibited by the leftists begs the question, “Would Christians be allowed to read their books with the same support from the city …. like the Drag Queens?”

FLICKR Slide Shows – Part 1 . Guardians of Divinity gathered to Save The Children and to Let Kids Be Kids. The Councilman slandered them as Faces Of Hate: even though their signs are not filled with hate, but concern for the children.

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Part 2 Around 10:30 am. Rise and resist/ antifa thugs blocked the sidewalks and assaulted a Guardian who had arrived early to protest. The cops were in a van so they saw the assault and stopped the Antifas as soon as it started. ( no arrests) and of course the lefties still hung around like they owned the street.

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Part 3 The Rise and Resist Lefties and their Antifa aggressors gathered  mostly in front of the library, but always spill across the street; keeping the NYPD busy attempting to keep them under control.Joining them was the bared chested Crackhead Barney(dressed in religious garb as she had come from the early morning PRO Abortion rally) And Councilman Bottcher and State Sen Holyman, continued the lie that the  protestors were “Faces of HATE”.

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Part 4 So many police on the street and NYPD on scooters. The only issues requiring the police  were recreated by the Antifas, and were handled quickly by the police. But, Councilman Bottcher must have needed the photo-op, cause the amount of police made no sense. Mayor Adams could use the NYPD presence better to curb the growing street crime around the city. Also, working the police as usual, was reporter Talia, who pressures the police with her demands and works to have any press she doesn’t approve of, shut down. Always  busy walking back and forth, like a pit boss. AND, of course, Councilman Bottcher can be observed watching and talking to his friendly media about his “Faces of Hate”

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.Four short Videos-  Part 1 –  Drag Queen Story Hour returned to the Andrew Heiskell Library for the Blind.  In this clip,the Rise and Resit/ Antifa’s blocked the sidewalks and assaulted a Guardian who had arrived early. I saw the assault but camera wasn’t on. The police were sitting in a van at the corner, so as soon as the antifas struck, the cops put an end to the confrontation (though the lefties continued to block the sidewalk)

Part 2  The Guardians gathered to Save The Children and to Let Kids Be Kids, escorted by the NYPD … to keep the Antifas from assaulting them. Unfortunately, the Councilman continues to slander them as Faces Of Hate. But, their signs are not filled with hate. It is concern for the children.

Part 3 – The Guardians of Divinity gathered across from the Andrew Heiskell Library .Their signs were not filled with hate. TTheir signs: “Save The Children” and “Let Kids Be Kids”. and ”Stop Confusing the Kids” The Councilman continues to mislabel them as Faces Of Hate when their signs are not filled with hate. It is concern for the children.

.Part 4 –   Stop Drag Queen Story Hour because it is inappropriate for children. That was why they chanted ” Shut It Down” . Though accused of being “Faces of Hate” by the local Councilman, their signs show otherwise. They say it is about concern for the children.

And coming up next is a NYC supported 4 Part MARATHON of Drag Queens reading to children . On Sunday, March 19th- From 11 am to 3 pm. Supported not only by NY’s local politicians but even (shamefully) Letitia James, NY Attorney General (taking a break from harassing President Trump)

Eve though Drag queen story hours for kids have been held at public libraries across the city since 2017, the events have recently drawn backlash and violent protests. The outrage in this NY Post article is encouraging:

New York Attorney General Letitia James is set to host a “Drag Story Hour” for children in Manhattan this weekend — and the event is sparking outrage over the use of taxpayer money for the already controversial event.

James and a string of fellow elected Democratic city and state leaders plan to attend Sunday’s event in the West Village where “families with children” are invited to watch drag performers read books over a four-hour stretch.

The AG’s March 19 event is co-sponsored by Drag Story Hour NYC — a nonprofit that has been showered in taxpayers funds, which has enabled them to send drag performers into public schools and libraries to interact with children as young as 3.

“My office is proud to host a Drag Story Hour read-a-thon,” James wrote on Instagram as she promoted the event. “We’re inviting families to join us at the @lgbtcenternyc with @dragstoryhour, drag storytellers, community leaders, and elected officials.”

News of the event sparked immediate backlash on Twitter, with some claiming New Yorkers’ tax dollars were “hard at work grooming kids.”

Why?? Why???? What is the purpose of government funded drag queens for children? To teach tolerance? BS,” Matt Antar, the New York Young Republican Club’s finance chairman, tweeted.

“Drag is a profession, not a “type of person.” A profession where adult men do exaggerated female impersonations often scantily clad with sexual themes… This is not the way.”

Conservative influencer Ashley St. Clair also chimed in, tweeting: “The “family-friendly” event will take place at the ‘Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender Community Center.’ Your tax dollars are hard at work grooming kids!”

Steve Cortes, a former spokesman for President Trump’s campaign, added: “This kind of explicit targeting of children is just evil.”

“Grownups want to dress in drag? More power to them. But what is this fascination with wanting people to bring their kids to your drag show?” TV personality Judge Alex Ferrer tweeted.


[Where indicated Pictures and Videos property of Pamela Hall-VSB]