Tag Archives: never forget


A Day of Remembrance. A Day of Mourning.

“It’s a day the left would rather we ignore. It’s a day that Islamic supremacists secretly and not so secretly celebrate. It’s a day the elites call a day of service. In service to whom? The attackers? The simpering soft selling and apologetics is a deliberate distraction and a diversion from discussing the enemy and their ideology. September 11th is national day of mourning. Period.” [Pamela Geller]

A Day that lives in Infamy.

View from World Trade Center pit- 2006

Survivors Stairway

I don’t remember what year I took this video, it was possibly 2010 or earlier. What caught my eye, as I got closer, was the Jewish bagpiper playing “Amazing Grace”, with the tower blue lights shining heaven ward, reminding us that This is NOT a Day of Service, Obama.

This is a Day of Remembrance. A Day of Mourning.

Never, Never, NEVER FORGET!

[Where indicated, Pictures and Video property of Pamela Hall]

Sadly, in 2017 the truth is silenced and the enemy grows bolder making “Can’t We Talk About This” an important tool in the fight against Islamic Terrorism. Never Give In.

Armenian Holocaust Remembrance Day – Never Forget- NYC (4-26-15)

We are at WAR.
In a world gone mad. Evil metastasizes. Destroying Cities. Countries. Generations.
A War between the
civilized man and the savage.
Whole cultures … like the Armenians …. denied their history, their future, by the genocidal followers of Mohammed.
Murdered by ISLAM. The Turkish massacre of an estimated 1.5 million Armenians was genocide. 
The Armenian Genocide began in 1914-15

(what a way to start the 20th century)

Genocide:a term coined by Polish writer and attorney, Raphael Lemkin, in 1941.

As defined by the UN in 1948, GENOCIDE means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnic, racial or religious group, including: