Times Square ART: Love is the Answer, We are All in this Together ad nauseum

As the election looms: ‘Love is the Answer; We are all in this together”

Found these bill boards of Mr Brainwash posted at the corner of 7th Ave and 42nd Street for at least the summer months. They were there for a long haul.

Even though the art of Mr Brainwash depicts a message of love – given to the city of New York the message fell on what was certainly NOT a Summer of LOVE as BLM and Antifa looted, burned and destroyed much of the city. BUT NYC patriots are fighting back (Thank G-d) … Thank yous go to Operation Flag Drop and Dion Cini …

Still, NYC is never subtle. Promoting the ridiculous “Don’t Be Afraid of Anyone” (Embrace The Absurd) campaigns that dragged on for a couple of years.(compliments of the progs in-office)

Only recently replaced by another VOTE VOTE VOTE campaign.

This reminded me of the VOTE TWICE message found at the GAP store in Times Square (20o8). A campaign that rolls on and on each election…

A Vote Twice 2008 campaign. (Seen in the jar and on the T-shirt) Guess Obama/ Biden needed the extra help. But, has that duplicitous campaign ended? (Not likely)

As for the Mr Brainwash ads, seems  the premiere was in July –  29th July, 2020.

Thierry Guetta aka Mr. Brainwash art seen on billboards on Ernst & Young headquarters on Times Square in New York, NY  The artist is a French-born and based in nowadays in Los Angeles. [guy hepner] [spectrum news]

 Aug 5, 2020 re Times Sq multiple billboards [@mrbrainwash piece in Times Square] [https://hayko.tv/p/CCR1ItngdKc] 3 months ago.
My pics began in August 2020.

Revisited in Sept 2020

“LOVE is the Answer” simply reduces life in NYC to one big empty cliche. No real solution offered to life’s travails.

And, WHO is Mr. Brainwash. Why did he merit such a prominent intersection, for so long? [pacific press agency]

Thierry Guetta was featured in Banksy documentary “Exit Through the Gift Shop” in SOHO New York City NYC( 06/30/2020)

Never Never Give Up! by Mr. Brainwash

MBW Never Never Give Up! 2017

(photo property of Guy Hepner)

“The work of Mr. Brainwash is rooted in pop art. Mr. Brainwash looks to art and entertainment as the subjects of his work. Mr. Brainwash uses pop art that includes artistic tradition and even prior pop art as the subject of his work.

Mr. Brainwash (MBW) is the pseudonym for the graffiti street artist Thierry Guetta. Mr. Brainwash was born in France in 1966. Rising to prominence due to a heavily hyped exhibition and a Banksy-directed documentary entitled, “Exit Through the Gift Shop,”

Originally a video-grapher, Mr. Brainwash began his career in 1999 documenting the lives and artwork of various graffiti street artists such as Banksy and Shepard Fairey.  Mr. Brainwash’s graffiti-styled art has continued to garner recognition from art collectors and street art enthusiasts alike.

On a visit to France, Guetta filmed his cousin, the street artist Space Invader. The experience changed Guetta’s life, he became fascinated with the role of street art in modern culture.

After dabbling, his first show, “Life is Beautiful,” received positive reviews, although Guetta’s team ended up making key gallery decisions while Guetta played the role of the hype man by calling in favors from Fairey, Banksy and other artists.

Guetta’s restlessness translated into an enormous art show with hundreds of pieces, created by a team of graphic designers under Guetta’s guidance. His work is a cavalcade of styles, themes and subjects, many of them borrowed from other artists.”

So, it would  seem it took a TEAM of designers to borrow and create, yet One Man gets the credit: M. Guetta aka Mr Brainwash. Whatever.

NYC is such a tool, never passing up an opportunity to SPREAD THE LOVE.

And that they did – with no commitment to any real peace and love.

[Pictures where indicated, property of Pamela Hall]


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