INTERNATIONAL WOMEN’S STRIKE NYC Caravan Day of Action –  Nov, 25, 3018  (2 PM – 4 PM) New York Public Library [Hosted by International Women’s Strike NYC/ Paro Internacional de Mujeres NYC

 The National Day of Action, in solidarity with the Central American refugee caravan, “The refugee caravan, and the women and queer people within it, are exposed to the violence of Mexican authorities, of drug cartels, of border patrol and of the army Trump deployed along the border.”

As activists working around migration rights, they rallied at the New York Public Library with a simple message, “Violence against women is not only domestic and interpersonal violence, it is also the violence of borders, police, and army.”

Patriots gathered in support of President Trump and LEGAL immigration. [Flickr slide show – Part 1] While waiting for socialists to arrive, New York was unique as always (see pictures). Then, the patriots arrived followed by the socialists.  Soon the steps of the library were filled with socialists demanding: don’t be MEAN, support OPEN BORDERS.


[Lloyd Marcus] “Today, a powerful leftist (Democrats, Hollywood, and Fake news) weapon to overrule common-sense and further their anti-America agenda is the word “mean.” Far too many Republicans and conservatives regard being declared mean by leftists an immediate stop sign, preventing the enforcement of our laws and blocking the implementation of common-sense solutions good for America. Fully supported by American leftists, illegals are saying, “screw you America.

Americans have always eventually done the right thing – freed the slaves, gave women the right to vote, and so on. While we are an extremely compassionate people, throughout our history we have made adult common-sense decisions to preserve our homeland and act as good stewards of God’s gift of America.”  [Lloyd Marcus]

Flickr Part 2 – The socialists blocked steps to Fifth avenue library. Then blocked the city sidewalks marching to Mexican consulate and finally blocked the sidewalk at consulate, as well.


Statement from “The International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women” […] “Hundreds of thousands of women around the world will mobilize and march … to protest the systematic femicides in the areas of the Mexican maquilladoras; the rape, torture and killing of women refugees in Lybian detention camp; rampant domestic violence and abuse in Europe; the rise of the far-right and its attacks on women’s and queer people’s liberties and safety in Brazil, Poland, Italy, the United States.”

Become UnGovernable! Smash ICE. Workers Revolt!

Hot topics of protest included Trump, the caravan, illegal migration, border patrol, ICE, the wall and yes — even Palestine …

Most importantly, while stirring their fellow socialists to action, one speaker reminded “We may not see success in our lifetime, but it will happen. Socialism will never give up.

They repeat often, We stand in solidarity with the caravan, with its women and queer people.

Solidarity is Our Weapon!#feminism4the99

“U.S. Customs and Border Protection closed a section of the southern border with Mexico and fired tear gas at a group of migrants that tried to breach a fence separating the two countries. “Video footage show hundreds of migrants rushing toward the U.S. border. CNN reported that road and pedestrian bridge access at the San Ysidro port had been closed.”  [NY Post]

Marching south on Fifth Avenue, the socialists finally stopped outside the Mexican Consulate. (Not happy with Mexico either)

America, know thy enemy: MEChA, Atzlan. La Raza.  Sanctuary Cities nurtured by Open Border anarchists. Taking America down one city, one State at a time.

As Paris burns,  “At least 412 people were arrested and 133 injured. Six buildings were set ablaze and nearly 190 fires were put out. Protesters scaled the Arc de Triomphe in central Paris …” (Anarchy. It’s global.)

Where socialism invades, violence follows. “(Violence) has nothing to do with the peaceful expression of a legitimate anger” and “no cause justifies” attacks on police or pillaging stores and burning buildings …” [Washington Times]

[World Socialist web site, protests labels] “Whether they are labeled … “ultra-left” or neo-Nazis … they are under the broad umbrella of socialism …  The movement was totally absorbed by extreme left militants. One could hear the words ‘Death to capitalism!’ ”

Meanwhile socialists in the States are managing to elect their insurgents to Congress. Avoiding riots in the streets. (For now) Stealth is seductive, winning over the elites who then elect them to power. (Remember, Don’t Be Mean!)

Patience, decades of patience, as socialism marches freedom to the ovens.

Pictures and Videos property of Pamela Hall (VSB)

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