Help Save the Children- the Babies- of NYC – Educate the Parents -Times Sq Protest

July 6, 2022.  Times Square. 42nd st. A new vax-hub set-up to vaccinate, to JAB our babies and toddlers. It is open for business.

Anti-mandate activists pleaded with parents to NOT give their kids, their babies, this experimental jab.

This is one of the locations  NYC where parents are encouraged to bring their BABIES and toddlers to be vaxxed.


.After a few mothers and fathers brought their BABIES to the hub, a street theatre mom (who was actually with the protestors) pretended to change her mind and did not enter. (fun)

An odd homeless fellow hung around, stripped off his shirt, even took the time to PONDER his cig as he played to the cameras.

Many inside appear to be Chinese, causing an unsubstantiated reaction that the Chinese are running the hub. [Odd? Or just a coincidence?] Whatever, they were no longer welcoming exposure from the street…SO… the windows were papered over. Now no one can see inside. (this  happened after the first protest)

What was revealed, once inside, was a VERY empty facility, with lots of staff at the ready. Perhaps the low attendance means the parents are protecting their babies from this experimental “vaccine”.

But, doctors are questioning the SCIENCE. (They have from the beginning)

…Perhaps the educating of the parents is working. (we can hope)


.Meanwhile, as long as the government is promoting anxiety filled ads, the protests continue. On this day (July 6th) there were about around 20 people who protested babies getting the jab. Pleading with the parents and passersby to  SAVE the Children.

.Police and protestors at one point fought over the use of barricades.

While inside, the staff hid from the protestors behind a black curtained barrier.

Ashamed maybe?

..RUMBLE  – 3 videos – As Mayor Adams opened a midtown/Times Square Vax Hub for babies (6 mo to 5 yrs of age). Protest in front of  NYC’s V@XX Hub for children on w. 42nd st.. 

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

.Flickr slide show The complaint from the protestors: “The cops protect these demons and then state they are just doing they job . So clearly their job is to not save children from evil organizations but instead to keep the organization safe to tamper with children, from parents who actually care.”

IMG_7314 copy

“..  the WEF invites viewers to “take a peek at the future”. And it is BLEAK. It is all about making COVID life permanent.”

#8 Pills That Contain Microchips

The Top 10 Creepiest and Most Dystopian Things Pushed by the World Economic Forum (WEF)

“It seems criminal that we put out the recommendation to give mRNA COVID vaccines to babies without good data. We really don’t know what the risks are yet. So why push it so hard?” a CDC physician added. A high-level FDA official felt the same way: “The public has no idea how bad this data really is. It would not pass muster for any other authorization.”

And yet, the FDA and the CDC pushed it through. That slap in the face of science may explain why only 2% of parents of children under age five have chosen to get the COVID vaccine, and 40% of parents in rural areas say their pediatricians did not recommend the COVID vaccine for their child.”

.Silencing physicians is not “following the science.” Less absolutism and more humility by the men and women running our public health agencies would go a long way in rebuilding public trust

[Where indicated, pictures and videos property of Pamela Hall-VSB]



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