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Ground Zero Bus Ads Hit NYC Streets!!

FROM ATLAS SHRUGS: ” After successfully fighting and winning against the embargo on 911 images enforced by a sharia happy MTA (under Bloomberg), the FDI/SIOA Ground Zero bus campaign finally hit the streets, after a month of wrangling. It asks the essential question, “Why there?”

The banning of 911 images deserves serious examination. The whitewashing of history to “spare the feelings of those directly affected by 911″ (weren’t we all?) flies in the face of these very same people who advocate for a Ground Zero mosque on the site of a building partially destroyed by the attack.”

Seen in Brooklyn today 🙂 (Thanks to Dave jr.)


Backstory: SIOA Lawsuit against NYC: Bloomberg’s MTA Refuses to Allow 911 Images: Bans Ground Zero Bus Campaign

WPIX: “what’s more insulting and offensive — that image of truth, or a 15 story mega-mosque looking down on the sacred ground of Ground Zero?”


NOW whatever happened to the taxi ads…bought and paid for yet have NOT been seen!!

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