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Close The Camps, Extinction Rebellion, Trump 2020 clash in Washington Sq

October 10, 2019. Washington Square.As I arrived, I noticed Extinction Rebellion had set up booths for the week of rebellion.

However, this was a 3-part protest; three diverse groups. Are we really BEYOND Politics?

Under the arch, we found the Silent Protest lead by Rise and Resist: “No Raids! Close The Camps.

In the middle, by the fountain, we had the Trump 2020 Patriots SURROUNDED by the usual leftists who hang in Washington Square). It’s all about politics.

Side note, I saw a Sukkot (sukkah) booth being erected during all of this madness, free of any harassment.

Part 1 video – Found the silent vigil for Close the Camps under the arch. Turned to see the the Trump 2020’s flag, surrounded by Washington Square Lefties. As usual, there was profanity from the left as they harassed the buoyant Trumpers. Of course, the leftists did not like the Trump 2020 flag. After some “playful” exchanges, the Bob Avakian REVOLUTION Marxists joined the circle around the Trumpers – and then an electric scooter and skateboards – round and round they went. While the police just watched. No harm. No foul, so the silliness rolled on.

Part 2 video : From the Close the Camps vigil back to the Trump 2020′s. Trump Trump Trump and F-Trump’s back and forth as the anti-Trumper  skateboards jumped into the circle. Then a familiar Black Trumper took on an obnoxious lefty and the black skateboarders with a calm verbal exchange. As always he is solid!

Flickr slide show

Close the Camps, Trump 2020 and Extinction Rebellion. Lots of activity, but the most disruptive seems to be Extinction Rebellion. While covering the more tame event in Washington Square, I missed their Times Square chaos. [Facebook]

Extinction Rebellion NYC blocked traffic for nearly two hours in Manhattan’s Times Square, resulting in 62 arrests for civil disobedience. A boat dropped in Times Sq. at the intersection of 44th and Broadway. Rebels surrounded the boat and super-glued themselves on, including 16 year old Nathaniel standing on top with his feet glued. We say no more business as usual. This is a CLIMATE EMERGENCY!  []

It seems …. NO good … will come from these climate anarchists. A comment below illuminates the conflicting issues:

Climate change which started as global freezing was an invention of the old Soviet Union. We are seeing a number of damaging things such as political correctness (also a communist invention from the old Frankfurt School in pre WWII Germany) and of course the complete communist takeover of education in both europe and north America. [] [Geller Report]

The Marxists will not relent, as this declaration of  intent makes clear:

 “We are going to force the government to act, and if we don’t, if they don’t we will bring them down and create a democracy fit for purpose, and yes, some may die in the process,” the movement’s leader says. This is eco-fascism. “Excuse me?” Watson asks, “At what point did Extinction Rebellion go full Manson Family cult?” [Western Free Press]

Rise and Resist started the day, but the Extinction Rebellion (those Marxist Loons) made the larger imprint. Climate insurrectionists deconstructing our culture. our lives. our world. Silence is not the answer. We too must EDUCATE. Fight Back!

[Where indicated, pictures and videos property of Pamela Hall]

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