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UPDATE on the Hosing Down & Part 3-Day 20-Marxists Occupy Wall Street

October 13, 2011. Day 27. 7 PM.

Just returned from three hours observing the Shanty Town at Zuccotti and the natives are very upset. (heh-heh) Much complaining and dissent within the community. They are pissed about Bloomberg’s decision to hose the park down tomorrow and angry that their General Assembly (G.A.) has agreed to co-operate. I have video and pictures.

The place is a MESS. So much worse since Day 22.  And the damage to the flower beds is criminal. I will be posting as much of this as I can by morning of Day 27…before the hosing down….

Side Note: Eventually I’ll post some Day 22 pictures (October 8th). I’ve posted video of Day 22 so the comparative growth of the “occupation” and the accumulating filth and damage to the park has been reported. It remains disgusting.

Meanwhile, these are a few pictures of the oddities of daily life in Zuccotti-ville.  It was Day 20, October 6, 2011.

And the police presence and their overtime? It’s in the millions…. and it  continues….

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Some info re the the remaining pictures of Day 20:

1. Crowd shots from the Burger King, always like to get some of those pics.

2. In those crowd shots (in blue) is a homeless fellow. I’m familiar with him, he’s not a protestor, but he is living and sleeping in the Shanty-Town. At one point he decided to dance to the never ending drums, drums, drums. He was quite happy and then I noticed that he seems to have wet his pants.  (one of those oops moments)

3. There is an altar that continues to grow (and they ask that WE respect their space?)

This is an “altar” to everything under-the-sun heathenism…and…today (the13th of October) they had to take it apart because of the planned hosing. (Can’t say I wasn’t enjoying some of that)

4. A girl with her pet squirrel….

5. More of the  Daily Life Routine in the encampment. Previously I recorded a masseuse and now they have a barber!

6. The smoking ‘room. Gotta admit I do wonder what is in that can….

7. And, the Drums, Drums, Drums continue with those sexy, playful hula-hoop girls.

8. This day they had an unusual drummer who has stunted arms. He played well but his appearance and the hula-hoops & the dancing homeless-man made this eem more like a “Side Show of Eccentrics” not a Political Movement. Whatever…

It was all “Peace and Love, Baby.” (that’s a stub of something that she’s smoking)

The Slide show has a few more pics from Day 20 (October 6th)

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UP NEXT- Day 27 ” Before the Hosing of the Park”  ( we hope )

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