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“Yalies” chanting Kava-NOPE outside NYC Yale Club: It’s FU America

October 1, 2018- NY Protest: Yale Alumni Say NO to Kavanaugh – led by  NYC Democratic Socialists of America

Millennials for Revolution- sick – ( see Flickr slide show) Crazed “Believe Survivors” who now BELIEVE Kavanaugh to be an alcoholic – note their obscene clown.

As we await the final vote around 3: 30 pm today (Oct 6th) remember these PROGS will never relent; determined to take Trump down; to destroy any- ALL- conservative voices in Congress, as well as the Supreme Court.  This IS war!

The future that William Ayers and the Obama Commies nurtured, bred an America electorate – dumbed down. A generation that does not know what they are losing. Led by these Marxist malcontents.

And it may to late to stop them.

This is what we saw on October 4th. Outside the Yale Club.

Older, but smarmy. snarky. An arrogant bunch of  “Yalies” there to oppose all things Trump.

It’s not about Kavanaugh. No, it’s TRUMP. And we need to pray that G-d saves Judge Kavanaugh, as they congratulate themselves on their lies, lies and more lies.”

“Thank you to the organizers of today’s #YalekavaNo rally … your quick work is appreciated! Ethics matter! Lying to the senate is a crime! Treating women well matters!#nokavanaugh!

Note two Kavanaugh protestors, proud of themselves, Richard Ulger (Yale 1987- Delta Kappa Epsilon) and father Harlow Ulger (Yale 1953 ( or ’57) . Commissioner US Army. Yale Men’s Letter.”

They gleefully included his employer, Harvard, as the next cog in the anti-Kavanaugh Juggernaut (See Harvard UPDATE)

“Hundreds of alumni signed a letter calling on law school Dean John Manning to “rescind” Kavanaugh’s position as lecturer and prohibit him from teaching a three-week class titled “The Supreme Court Since 2005” this winter.

“We believe that Judge Kavanaugh’s appointment as an HLS lecturer sends a message to law students, and in particular female students, that powerful men are above the law, and that obstructive, inappropriate behavior will be rewarded,” says the letter, which the newspaper said is available online. “Judge Kavanaugh is not leadership material, and he is not lectureship material. HLS would be tarnished to have him on campus in any position of authority.”

The Crimson reported that the letter had 700 signatures by Monday, including alumni who graduated from as far back as 1959.” [NY Post]

And an UPDATE after the Yalie protest: Grassley says: No damaging new information in Kavanaugh FBI check  AND [from] Sen Susan Collins’, her long but very important fact-filled speech; after which she confirmed she would vote YES. And now we  can add  #51 … Manchin Will Vote to Confirm Kavanaugh to SCOTUS.]  We are hopeful. 

Her awesomely unexpected well thought-out and fact-based speech sent the “progs” into an apoplectic fit, led by that well known women’s advocate (bizarre, but so she claims) : Linda Sarsour.

“Women’s March leader Linda Sarsour on Friday launched a racial attack against Sen. Susan Collins, saying the Maine Republican was guilty of espousing “white supremacy” with her decision to support the Supreme Court nomination of Judge Brett Kavanaugh.

Ms. Sarsour, a prominent Palestinian-American activist, blasted Ms. Collins on Twitter as a “white woman” and the “mother & grandmother of white women in America who gave us a Donald Trump presidency.” [Washington Times]

Slander vs the HONEST Truth: [Breitbart] “Annabelle Rutledge of the conservative Christian group “Concerned Women for America” came to Sen. Susan Collins’s (R-ME) ( saying) …. “I also know something else. And that’s that we can’t take the pain that we have from each of these experiences and put it on one man.”

The night before, an obscenely large crowd gathered outside the Yale Club to also protest this good man’s nomination to the U.S. Supreme Court. “Barely Informed With Elad” has a great video, chatting up the “Hate and Destroy” Kavanaugh crowd.

The DELUDED Youth-on-Parade; the sad future of America.

Finishing up with Monday afternoon. As I approached the Yale club, I noticed flyers – surely from the night before – stuck to the side doors of Grand Central. We know it’s about WHITE men. Do not delude yourself otherwise.

FIGHT BACK. With new signs like this that support the truth. It’s a good start:

REMEMBER: “This investigation found no hint of misconduct and the same is true of the six prior FBI background investigations conducted during Judge Kavanaugh’s 25 years of public service,” the Senate Judiciary Committee chair said. [NY Post]

And more in DEFENSE of Judge Kavanaugh:

” ….listening to the Senators speak on the floor of the Senate, prior to the Kavanaugh vote and the Dems, one after another, start off talking about Christine Blasey Ford and “women who are survivors need to be listened to and believed”, etc and invariably they end up with a litany of issues about which they are concerned regarding the Supreme Court if/when he is confirmed. Some of them actually tried to discuss with Kavanaugh prior to the vote (that doesn’t mean he gave an answer, as that was not indicated). One Senator from Ohio said we need a Supreme court that will uphold the Affordable Care Act and guarantee comprehensive coverage for all citizens, who will guarantee women’s reproductive rights, and who will side with workers over corporations in labor issues. Let there be no doubt: THIS is what it was about. It was NEVER about Christine Blasey Ford and whether she was assaulted or whether other women who might have been assaulted are “listened to”. It is POLITICAL through and through.” [face book]

Judge Brett Kavanaugh. Everyman for the American Way. If he loses. We ALL lose. G-d help us.

[Where indicated, pictures and video property of Pamela Hall]


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