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Anti-Israel Protests & LIES vs PRO-Israel Rallies

November 15, 16 and 18th. This was a very busy week checking out  the protests against Israel and demanding that she not defend herself. There were also Support Israel rallies at the same time. Happening daily and culminating in  with an Israel-Has -a Right-To-Defend herself Press Conference  that barely preceded the infamous ‘cease-fire”.

First in the string of hostile-to-Israel protests was on Thursday, November 15th, where the usual propaganda and hatred for Israel and the Jews was chanted outside the Israeli Consulate. Lies AGAINST Israel that go unchallenged meant to destroy the only democracy in the Middle East.

“Come to protest Israeli crimes in Gaza as Israel continues to attack Gaza, killing innocent people and destroying infrastructure.”

Of course, RT (Russian Today) was on hand to cover only the “fakestinian”  lies. Found  Lamis Deek and the RT reporter. Lamis, and eventually the reporter, went ballistic when they saw me filming them (at a public protest); both were  nasty, abusive and VERY entitled.

Lamis, while continuing to talk to the R.T. reporter, used her nice bag to block my camera…

This is “Eddie”, “Eddie Pages”, another of Lamis’ cohorts.  He’s not just a ‘fakestinian”,  he was also a facilitator with the OWS bunch.

“Eddie” loves to get in front of the camera and not move. His entitlement?  Denying First Amendment rights to anyone who opposes “fakestine”. Oh Eddie…what big EYES you have…..

Other Leftist groups gathered each day. Groups like the Answer Coalition, World Can’t Wait and many Socialist Parties under many names…

Al-Awda, whose sole purpose is to  support TERRORISM …

Does the media actually believe these LIES? That with some odd faux “Justice” & “Peace” will come from Hamas??

Hostility towards American “Imperialism” as well as Zionism.

Lori Arbeiter brought her Jewish traitor-signs to grab the media attention…

The media loves their BDS signs…

They shamefully walked back and forth on the sidewalk…pushing for a boycott of Israel…. Causing as much confusion with the passers-by as do the Neteuri Karta.

Another reporter tried to interview them. Even though she was press, she did not support the protest, so she was told to move-along.

And a brave Pro-Israel sign-walker attempted to walk the same public sidewalk as the  leftists.….

Police told her she had to leave….

Slide show of the anti-Israel faction on the 15th.

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Video of the anti-Israel tirades on 15th. On camera, the RT reporter chases after me and offers a ‘challenge to “Pam” Geller:

That same night, the 15th, there was an enthusiastic Pro-Israel rally gathered at the corner 42nd and 2nd ave.

Slideshow of the Pro-Israel Rally on the 15th:

[gigya src=”″ width=”500″ flashvars=”offsite=true&lang=en-us&page_show_url=/photos/pamelahall/sets/72157632073069741/show/&page_show_back_url=/photos/pamelahall/sets/72157632073069741/&set_id=72157632073069741&jump_to=” allowFullScreen=”true” ]

The SUPPORT for Israel Rally should have appealed to the media, in the interest of a ‘fair and balance’ story …should have…

But, the media showed more interest in the Lies-of-Hamas.

They just can’t handle the truth… it was there…across the street at the  Pro-Israel Rally (video)


NEXT evening, on FRIDAY, November 16, 2012. I returned to the Israeli consulate. As Hamas continued to rain rockets on Israel and while Israel continued to defend herself, the ‘fakestinians’ and their Marxist-Leftist-Socialist friends (even the OWS loons joined them) spewing hatred for all things  ISRAELI.

The Israelis are the victims of Hamas, but you’d never know it. Sadly, the public is bombarded by  relentless hate-propaganda like chants of “Judaism Yes, Zionism No” and promises of a peace that Hamas will never honor.

The media continued to ignore those who support the only democracy in the Middle East: Israel. They much prefer the hate-propaganda. They too are products of our college Marxists and “Middle East” programs. They want the story they’ve been force-fed for years.

Anti-Israel Video on the 16th

The video  from the 16th includes my on-camera harassment because I am known to support Israel. “Dima of ‘Fakestine’ ” and her Marxist ‘chum’, Bill Doar, told the police I couldn’t film their PUBLIC protest because I didn’t support Fakestine. But, I wasn’t there as a protestor, I was reporting on the protest.

What followed was a sad case of  the “weak-knees” syndrome from the NYC police. They bowed to the decrees of the Marxists. However, I refused to be banished from the public sidewalk, so a ridiculous rule was imposed on me…because (in my heart) I oppose Hamas and Fakestine.  I was told,” As I film, I must keep walking. I cannot stop to take pictures … Do not pass Go…”

A one-sided rule that the frauds and commies don’t have to abide by. They stopped all over the PUBLIC sidewalks while handing out propaganda and chatting-up unsuspecting passers-by.

As I dared to pause at one point,  one of the Commie ‘sidewalk police’ hurried over to block my camera: Caleb Maupin .

Caleb, like “Eddie Pages”, Lamis Deek and the RT reporter from the night before, finds it most amusing to block cameras. They enjoy denying First Amendment Rights to others. Workers Rights for All!  (we have our colleges to thank for these tools)

Next a short slideshow of both sides, the pro and anti events on the 16th.

[gigya src=”″ width=”500″ flashvars=”offsite=true&lang=en-us&page_show_url=/photos/pamelahall/sets/72157632074615817/show/&page_show_back_url=/photos/pamelahall/sets/72157632074615817/&set_id=72157632074615817&jump_to=” allowFullScreen=”true” ]

One nice bright spot on this night, I saw CBS interviewing one of the supporters of Israel.

It was a small gathering at the corner of 42nd and 2nd ave because it was shabbos, but they did not lack in enthusiasm. No video of the Pro-Israel  his evening… sorry…


Finally, November 18, 2012. There were two big gatherings, a rally and a protest in mid-town; from Duffy Square to 42nd St and 7th Avenue. It all started with the PRO-Israel Rally at Duffy Square.

Later they went  to 42nd st to counter the anti-Israel protest.

A wonderful turn-out in the heart of Manhattan.

PRO-Israel VIDEO-18th


At 2:30, I checked out the anti-Israel protest at 42nd St.  I also found our young patriots at 41 st.

Today there many Leftists in the Times Square crowd who brought new signs. Signs that were pointed at Obama and Bloomberg…even the NY Slimes!

Not happy with the Big Zero, but you know they voted for him anyway (probably 3 or 4 times)

So, these fools and tools, they’re thinking they have a future with Morsi, the Muslim Bro, A’jhad and company?

The usual Marxists, like Bill Doar and Andy Pollack, and the offensive Neteuri Karta were screaming for Death to Israel . There were moments where it seemed the public wasn’t buying.

Familiars like Fascisti, Ann Shirazi joined the crowd. Ann loves to screech to the police that I’m a ‘Zionist-NAZI‘.  She’s tiny and standing next to the very dated World Can’t Wait “Drive Out the Bush Regime” Poster.

Noticed this woman passing out a “Democracy Now” flyer.

Met-up with “Donald” the Stalker when he stopped me in the middle of 42nd street . Donald laughingly told me they all know where I live.

What’s your point, ” I asked. “Are you threatening me?”, which “Donald” denied, then he laughingly repeated his veiled threat.

Middle East propagandists like “Dima of Fakestine” . Caught Dima in her best Lamis Deek tough-broad-pose. No coffee, but she does have her “Lamis Deek cigarette” at hand…

They are LOUD. Very LOUD. Marxist, Bill Doar, spoke forcefully every time they needed to energize the “workers”.

Same speakers. Same speeches. Same Propaganda. All practiced at the art of crowd-incitement as they shout their vile lies at the tourists passing-by.

The Israel Supporters had plenty of lung-power, too.

Had some fun watching our-side give it right back to the “fakestinians”.

Guess the police got tired of all the shouting cause in the blink of an eye….every one was shoved wa-a-a-y back from each other…

It must be difficult for our young patriots to deal with the constant pressure and harassment in our colleges, demanding that they must accept these lies as fact.

I admire these kids and their parents who have nurtured their courage to hold-fast to what is right and good when assaulted daily by the mind-police.

Video of those who Support Hamas in two parts….

Part 1

Part 2.

On this day, the 18th of November, the Neteuri Karta ripped and burned the Israeli flag during a particularly long , offensive and relentless rant.

I filmed a young man’s arrest that, I’m guessing, may have been connected to the N.K. tirade…..or … was he goaded into over-reacting by Andy Pollack?

Andy and his chum Bill Doar , two dedicated Marxists who are practiced at manipulating crowd behavior at these rallies. They lo-o-o-ve to get inexperienced supporters of freedom and democracy to slip-up…to get in trouble with the police by over-reacting to their Alinskyite tactics.

It seemed to work against this poor fellow.

Slide-Show of the anti-Israel crowd on the 18th.  Insurgents using their propaganda to discredit Israel AND the United States.

[gigya src=”″ width=”500″ flashvars=”offsite=true&lang=en-us&page_show_url=/photos/pamelahall/sets/72157632094543788/show/&page_show_back_url=/photos/pamelahall/sets/72157632094543788/&set_id=72157632094543788&jump_to=” allowFullScreen=”true” ]

Slideshow of pro-Israel crowd18th

[gigya src=”″ width=”500″ flashvars=”offsite=true&lang=en-us&page_show_url=/photos/pamelahall/sets/72157632090370275/show/&page_show_back_url=/photos/pamelahall/sets/72157632090370275/&set_id=72157632090370275&jump_to=” allowFullScreen=”true” ]


In conclusion:  By Tuesday, the 20th of November, the very Leftist NY City Council and other Democrat politicians were actually speaking out in support of Israel. LOTS of press was on-hand, but predictably the story never “got legs”.

The focus remained on ‘fakestine’ and their claims of victim-hood which was followed by another  coerced ‘cease-fire’. A ‘cease-fire’ that HRC and BHO were all-to-keen on using to promote themselves as “great mediators”. ( link to press Conference)

A faux peace by faux-kestinians, that was all the press wanted to hear.

FACT: The rockets continued to rain on Israel. But, if you are a member of the MSM, the directive must have ‘gone-out’, “Do NOT talk about rockets or bombs falling on Israel.”  It’ll spoil the illusion of “Peace’.

Hard Times for those who love Freedom.

If only the media cared to report the Truth…If only….

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