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William Ayers terrorist and ‘Friend of BHO’…we should care who is advisors are!!

From American Thinker: According to Rasmussen Reports public opinion polling, 50% of voters believe that the “Ayers issue” has hurt the McCain campaign. According to the report, 57% say it is not an important voting consideration. And finally, 59% of all voters believe Ayers will have hardly any or no influence over the policies of a potential Obama administration. These numbers particularly disturbing.

Ayers is on the board of the Miranda International Center think tank in Venezuela. The group calls Ayers “the leader of the revolutionary and anti-imperialist group . . . [who has] developed courses around the urban reform of schools, problems of capitalist education, and investigation.”

In a 2006 speech at the World Education Forum in Venezuela, Ayers said, “We share the belief that education is the motor-force of revolution . . . I look forward to seeing how he and all of you continue to overcome the failings of capitalist education.”

Sol Stern observes that Ayers “still boasts about working full-time to bring down American capitalism . . . Ayers now works to indoctrinate America’s future teachers in the revolutionary cause, urging them to pass on the lessons to their public school students.” In the Ayers social justice model of teaching, “knowledge-based and politically neutral curriculum” is gone.

To read the entire article: Getting The Ayer’s Issue Straight” go here>>
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