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You Tube Flags Tommy Robinson, Pamela Geller 2012 videos as HATE Speech … in 2019!

UPDATE November 2019: The banning continues. Tommy Robinson video BANNED by YOU TUBE in 2018 and VIMEO in 2019. As hateful. Offensive. Against their standards, so we will post it here …. you can see for yourselves – scroll down.

++ September 11, 2012, SEVEN YEARS ago, the SION World Congress For Freedom met to” Stop Islamization of Nations”.

A video of Tommy Robinson and Pamela Geller from that conference has now been flagged as offensive by You Tube. In 2019 it has been flagged and restricted as “hate speech”. WHAT took them so long!

YOU TUBE: “Certain features have been disabled for this video. In response to user reports, we have disabled some features, such as comments, sharing, and suggested videos, because this video contains content that may be inappropriate or offensive to some audiences.

The “scary” warning (2 screen shots):

Two email notices came to me back-to-back on April 26. Then another a few days later. (Just in case I missed the warnings)

The “offending video” has Pamela Geller introducing Tommy Robinson [formerly of the English Defence League (EDL)]. Listen to Pamela. Listen to Tommy. WHERE in the video do they preach HATE or VIOLENCE? Yet, this VIDEO was flagged by You Tube as “offensive to some”. (video can now also be found on Vimeo)

Despite the care with which he spoke, Tommy continues to be harassed and arrested on trumped up charges. In the U.K. he is denied basic freedoms based on lies and propaganda; treated in a manner that no citizen of the free west should suffer by his own government.

Next VIDEO: Opening comments from  Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer (at 3:48) established WHY this conference was necessary, 11 years after the murders on 911. Islamization vs the Civilized Man grown worse. It was war against the Civilized Man.  (It still is.) No HATE was spoken here.

AFDI (American Freedom Defense Initiative) and SION (Stop Islamization of Nations) stressed how important these freedoms are:

” …  freedom of speech – as opposed to Islamic prohibitions of “blasphemy” and “slander,” which are used effectively to quash honest discussion of jihad and Islamic supremacism;

…. freedom of conscience – as opposed to the Islamic death penalty for apostasy;

 …. equality of rights of all people before the law – as opposed to Sharia’s institutionalized discrimination against women and non-Muslims … ”

Important then. Important NOW.

3rd VIDEO – Tommy’s  cousin Kevin Carroll previously of the English Defence League (EDL) and British Freedom Party candidate for Police Commissioner was also introduced by Pamela Geller. All spoke eloquently and from the heart.

Seven years later, across the United States and the U.K. the situation has grown more threatening towards the civilized man, warnings ignored by too many in the West.

Look at the foolishness that NYC preaches to passersby every day: DON’T BE AFRAID of ANYONE.

Stealth Jihad. It’s real. It’s here. But, THEY ARE AFRAID of GELLER. SPENCER and ROBINSON. Not the sharia war machine. Sharia violence and intimidation go unchallenged. Why is You Tube afraid of Tommy Robinson?

Their focus should be on the deaths, threats, fear and harassment perpetrated by Islamists against the “infidels” and aided by media and governments who bow to Sharia.

Read Tommy’s book (Enemy of the State). Listen to him. Demonized. Imprisoned. His family terrorized for his daring to speak truths about Sharia and Islam. He speaks the truth that has been challenged, smeared and smothered by You Tube.

2019: And now, as Tommy Robinson announced his candidacy for the European Parliament — the Left flew predictably into apoplectic rage.

How many of those House members, one wonders, are so ignorant of Tommy Robinson’s actual views, which he has expressed in hours and hours of interviews that can be readily viewed online, that they actually believe him to be xenophobic, homophobic, and racist? How many, by contrast, are fully aware that these charges are absolute lies but are willing and eager to spread them as part of the effort by both the Tory and Labour establishment to stifle honest criticism of Islam? Then there is the most important question of all: how long will the British electorate continue to return these pusillanimous snobs to office? If Tommy can actually get himself elected to the European Parliament, it will be a real sign that the Westminster elite’s days are numbers. (Front Page Mag)

Remembering , as we watch the demise of Europe, that the good ol’ U S of A may not be far behind but for the courage of our warriors like Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer. TRUTH is a terrible thing to waste. We must put it to good use.

[Pictures and Videos property of Pamela Hall]

Recap LINK to 2012 Conference  FLICKR slide show

Follow link to video play list of all the 2012 conference speakers: [LINK]

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UPDATE May 14, 2019:  From Pamela Geller, the outrageous treatment of Tommy Robinson continues : “A High Court judges ruled today that Tommy Robinson will face retrial. Tommy Robinson’s crime? Reporting on a Muslim child rape/trafficking gang trial. Thousands of supporters booed and chanted “shame on you” after the decision High Court ruling was announced. The UK clownocracy is making a free speech martyr out of Robinson.”

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