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“Jews Say No” protest violates sanctity of 9/11 Museum ( vids & pics)

Jewish allies held “vigil” on Wednesday at 9/11 Memorial Museum to call upon the Museum to edit the six-minute video, “The Rise of Al Qaeda”

What follows are two of their flyers that claim to be ‘honoring’ those murdered by muslim terrorists on 9-11.

“The Jews Against Islamophobia Coalition’s silent vigil at the 9/11 Museum opening.

Jewish Groups urge National September 11th Museum: Don’t Fuel Anti-Muslim Sentiment

Co-sponsored by: Jews Say No!, Jewish Voice for Peace, Jewish Voice for Peace—New York, Jews Against Islamophobia Coalition, Jews for Racial and Economic Justice

This will be a silent vigil to hand out our leaflets to passers-by as they enter the Museum. Signs will be provided.    
The National September 11 Memorial Museum, opening this Wednesday, will play a unique role in educating the public about September 11.”
They continue with:As we honor the memory of those who perished on 9/11, please join us to call upon the Museum to edit a six-minute video, The Rise of Al Qaeda, that contains disturbing terminology linking Islam with terrorism and that fails to contextualize al-Qaeda.”
“We call upon the Museum to take seriously the concerns expressed by its multi-faith advisory council, scholars world-wide, leading Muslim American and Arab American organizations, and community leaders. The video’s current script will reinforce a dangerous falsehood at the heart of a post-September 11 narrative: that all Muslims are responsible for the attacks on September 11.”

They drone on and on with: “The conflation of Islam with the September 11 attackers has helped drive a national anti-Muslim backlash, including actions by government officials.”

“The communities directly impacted by the distortions in this video–Muslims, Arab Americans, Sikhs, and other South Asians–are not asking for special treatment, but fairness and clarity to ensure that the acts of a small group are not attached to an entire world religion.”

The flyers were to promote their ‘silent’ vigil and to demand that the “Rise of Al Qaeda”  video be edited. Handed out by a group of about 40, split evenly between hard-core lefties (of retired age) …. regulars at the anti-Israel protests….

There were hijabbed muslim women with female children (only one niqab that I saw).  And what  seemed to be an absence of husbands and sons.(perhaps not as picture worthy as a hijab)

An offensive protest orchestrated by the irritatingly imperious, Donna Nevel (From her bio : “… a community psychologist and educator &  long-time organizer for equity and racial justice in public education; involved with Palestine/Israel peace and justice work since the 1970’s and groups that challenge Islamophobia and anti-Arab racism.”)
Standing  in front of the Memorial Museum, I overheard one of Nevel’s  minions express SHOCK, shock (!), when the police officer told her the memorial grounds were private.
That ‘debate’  about ownership was worth the price of a ticket. However, since the officer also said the owner was Port Authority, it begs the question, “Wouldn’t that make the museum PUBLIC property?” But, Donna Nevel would have NO quibbling.  No debate. W hen she saw WHO was recording the exchange (moi)… This show was now off-limits . 
Donna Nevel, capo, had a “crisis” to fix.” Media opportunities” might be  lost! (well…maybe not ALL media opportunities) If she could put my camera in chains, she would have done so. Some press is just not equal to others….
Then “Frick and Frick” (George and Friend) slivered out of the crowd to confront me. Insisting I identify myself. Tried intimidation with “telling the world where I lived”. Demanding to know WHY I was taking ‘their’ pictures  (It’s a PUBLIC protest, George) Defeated, George and his friend returned to the herd moaning,” I don’t wanta be in YOUR camera” .

It was all for show. Stand around. Look lost. Dismayed.
” We have these “nice flyers”. Important flyers that the  police won’t let us hand out. “People NEED this information” about the racist, anti-Muslim film being shown inside the Memorial. We must EDUCATE the People.
For about 30 minutes they stood their ground between the entrance to the Memorial and the Memorial Falls. (they do know how to USE the moment) Gathering a crowd, cameras AND ( of course) HANDING OUT THE FLYERS anyway!
This is how close they were to the Memorial Falls. A sacred place. Not a place to hand out flyers accusing the Memorial Museum of anti-muslim bigotry.

Nevel finally gave the order to walk quietly to Greenwich S. To do their protest on the PUBLIC street which borders the Memorial on the East.  However, as soon as they turned towards the street….not yet ON the street…the good little soldiers WHIPPED out their posters and held them high for the salivating photographers.

The photographers who had waited and waited for this IMPORTANT picture opportunity snapped picture after picture
A photo-op that was happening ON the Memorial Grounds with the Falls and Museum in the pictures.
NEVER let ANY media opportunity go to waste.

Once on the street,  across from the Memorial Grounds, more pictures with all the Muslim, hijabbed women and children ‘front and center’
Some of the muslim participants were held signs meant, it would seem, for the Jewish participants of “Jews for Peace” and “Jews say No”.

And those oh-so-important flyers, I usually find a few in the trash. But, for obvious security reasons there was a paucity of trash cans in this area. Their website statements posted up top will have to do. And interviews for the Foreign Press … I caught  most of Todd Fine‘s interview on-camera.
Much more to see in the the slide show:
[gigya src=”″ width=”500″ flashvars=”offsite=true&lang=en-us&page_show_url=/photos/pamelahall/sets/72157644817647652/show/&page_show_back_url=/photos/pamelahall/sets/72157644817647652/&set_id=72157644817647652&jump_to=” allowFullScreen=”true” ]

 In conclusion, the PUBLIC wasn’t very interested in this circus side-show.
Just the sycophant press. Lapping up their fiction. Ignoring the real story.
Almost 3,000 people were murdered on 9-11.
Murdered by muslim Terrorists. Religious muslims, who made sure the world knew they murdered  3,000 infidels because of their religion.



For more on this protest go to Daniel Greenfield at Front Page Magazine






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