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America Speaks!! NO to “Health Care” Friday- July 17, 2009

Be sure to choose HQ on the video and then check out all the pictures in the AAR Report! (Part 1 at about 5:30 is the lockdown at Chuckie’s)

Friday, July 17, 2009 : Americans nationwide rose-up and said NO MORE to the threat of the Hussein-Obama ‘Health-Care” insanity.

In one day, Long Islanders took on five of their stuck-on-stupid pols…

Each destination should have been a point-of-interest to everyone who cares about freedom but, as usual, “everyone” doesn’t seem to include the MSM. (Even so, the citizens made sure there was coverage!)

Groups such as the Gathering of Eagles-NY, Individuals United For Freedom, Conservative Society For Action (CSA-1776) and Amac (Assoc of Mature American Citizens) came out on a gorgeous Friday.

Old Glories were flying beautifully in the brisk breeze …

And there was one awesome sign after another: They were “Mad as Hell and not going to take it anymore!”

“No More Taxes” Tea Parties. Taxed Enough Already.

The Right to Bear Arms and Immigration? Come to America but come here LEGALLY.

Protect our Freedom of Speech and Freedom of Assembly.

ENOUGH with with the threat of the ‘un-fairness doctrine and demand the RIGHT to CHOOSE and pay for our OWN health insurance!

Stop the Madness!

Get angry! DO something! Don’t just think about it let’s FIRE the tyrants sitting in Congress!

The Patriots started out at Rep. Carolyn McCarthy‘s office in Garden City

And then even more Patriots gathered at Chuckie Schumer’s office in Melville.

Of course, in each location the respectful assembly of Patriots were told they had to leave by worried Security…

Starting with the Security in Roosevelt Mall as we unloaded our cars across from McCarthy’s office…

Security at McCarthy’s really, REALLY thought he was going to make the Patriots  leave….

But, the Patriots were ‘permitted’ to stay (guess the Police have heard of the First Amendment thingy)

There was an easy delivery of a letter that demands a NO vote for the ‘health’ care plans of BHO and company to the office of Rep. Carolyn McCarthy.

John Dorsey of Individuals United For Freedom on the way to Rep McCarthy’s office:

After that, things were a bit more complicated at Chuckie  Schumer’s…

In Melville, only two of the patriots were ‘permitted’ to go to THEIR own Senator’s office to deliver a petition (but without any cameras.) No freedom of press at Chuckie’s office.

The crowd had grown to approximately 300 at this point and from Schumer’s office they moved on to the next ELECTED official; a short walk for the Patriots to Kristin Gillibrand’s office (also in Melville).

Those elected seem to have FORGOTTEN that they work for US. We pay their salaries and WE are DEMANDING accountability to the PEOPLE.

The crowd was spirited as their petition that everyone had signed was read…

It was a great day for America! But, MSM is not going to report on the power of the American citizen. No Way. No How!

More on that subject in an excerpt from Bill O’Reilly, “… sneaky media stuff is harming America, and it must be unmasked.

With Barack Obama in the White House, the country is facing profound change. America is already on the verge of bankruptcy, and federal intrusion into private business, health care and the environment is unprecedented. The far left aims to create a huge federal apparatus that will promote income redistribution and “social justice.” They also see a major opportunity to knock out Judeo-Christian traditions, replacing them with a secular philosophy. Americans need to wake up and smell the corruption. If crazy ideologues have infiltrated the news business, we need to know about it. And now you do.”

The Red Flags of Socialism are flapping loudly in the Winds of War. Obama-Hussein intends to control the InterNet.

He is “… seeking to control, among other things, the health care industry, the energy industry, and the amount of money that business executives are paid by their employers.

And now it appears that the President who ran the most successful, web-savvy political campaign in world history, wants to curtail what other people can do online.” It’s up to to the citizens, America: Spread the Word.

We Must Not Be Silent!

More pictures are posted here (in 4 parts) Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4

There is a clear indication that our movement is growing and getting stronger. Join Us!!

Let’s Take Back America. One Day At a Time!

For the Future…

For Our Children…

FYI: After Gillabrand there were two more Tea Party visits on the agenda for Rep. Steve Israel and Rep. Tim Bishop but, unfortunately, we were not able to continue with the caravan.
We hope to find links to those last two Tea Party events of the day.

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