CAIR Rally Against “Islamophobia” Times Square

[face book]

After covering the poorly attended Kirsten Gillibrand’s “I’m running for President” Rally, headed to Times Square (47 th st and Bdway) and the very predictable CAIR “Rally Against ISLAMOPHOBIA”. This too was not the attendance expected, but definitely better than Gillibrand’s big fail.

The Muslim signs, and the speeches, were laden with Hate, Racism and Victim Mania. Pretending to be anything but what they actually were: racists masquerading as victims. The big lie of the day, CAIR is LOVE. White America is HATE!

The Racism and Xenophobia Rally was hosted by “Majlis Ash-Shura, Islamic Leadership Council of New York, Muslim American Society – New York (MAS-NY), Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA), Muslim Ummah of North America (MUNA), Muslim Alliance in North America (MANA), Turkish American National Steering Committee (TASC), Arab American Federation (AAF), and the Council on American-Islamic Relations, New York (CAIR-NY).”

They claimed that this  rally and march “showcased the solidarity of New Yorkers against the ideology of hatred” most recently manifested in the New Zealand terror attacks that left 50 fatalities. There was a recruitment call for “action and unity” to push back against growing Islamophobia, white supremacy and anti-immigrant bigotry in America …  and around the world.”

Once again they claimed that the people gathering at AIPAC (The American Israel Public Affairs Committee) represented the worst in humanity, not the best. In speech after speech, we were told that Muslims and their supporters are the BEST of humanity.

Muslim Rally – Slide show


Patriot Protest- Slide show


Video 1:AIPAC, Zionism Times Sq CAIR sponsored “Islamophobia” Protest”- 2 male speakers this video – excerpted. (They think the MEDIA is their enemy)

First male Speaker ranted on and on about victims and the so-called war on terror, Islamophobia, anti-black and brown racism and ZIONISM … massacres … Guided missiles fired by racists. the Victims in New Zealand no different than the victims of the Gaza Freedom March of Return. And before that the 10s of thousands of people of Palestine. The million plus people in Iraq. The 100s of thousands in Afghanistan. All victims of this system of oppression and injustice…we must call out those who commit the crimes AND the powers behind them. The AIPAC conference … from Palestine to Mexico all the walls have got to go.

Second male Speaker: …. 300 million dollars a year to Israel to build walls against Palestinians …. if you support this you are not in solidarity with the Muslim community. … We are not coming here as peaceful Muslims, we are coming here as Muslims who demand justice. We demand our rights. We demand our god given rights ….. the Constitution … all the oppressed people of the world. We cannot cower. we cannot hide our identity. the people who have spread this bigotry. who are complicit. From the media, CNN. NY Times. who propagate hate.

Video 2:  Muslim Prayer  Times Sq CAIR Rally against Islamophobia

We hear a Muslim prayer to allah, with a look at the crowd and signs; with lots of takbir (allah is greater) – allah akbar (allah is greater) inshallah (if allah wills to happen) and Jalla jalālahu (his glory be glorified) and WE WANT JUSTICE. WE WANT PEACE.

Dawah Brochure and flyers handed to passersby:



Video 3 – White Supremacy’s Got to go racist CHANTS

The Chant Leader

Video 4 – White Supremacy, Muslim censorship & David Weprin
            [50 Muslims were killed simply for being alive. It’s not okay.]

“White supremacy  and Islamophobia is an enemy we cannot see.  It is something very subtle that happens in our interactions every single day.  You have to remember the enemy is the White Man with a gun it is also the institutions that uplifted and empowered that man. It is the media. To allow him a voice. He published before hand what he was going to do, but of course censorship only happens when MUSLIMS want to raise their voices.

The 24th Assemblyman, David Weprin (looking lost in Muslim Prayers- Oct 19, 2018)  She says, “Allies (like Weprin) are important”

Weprin: ” I have the largest mosque in NYC – the Jamaica Muslim Center  in my district. I was there after the New Zealand tragedy in solidarity, identifying with my Muslim brothers and sisters. Albany declared yesterday Pakistan Day in the State of NY. He and Jon Liu have the religious garb bill they expect to get past the Senate this year; prohibits discrimination against hijabs employment, promotion, in PRIVATE. For wearing religious garbs  like HIJABS. It’s very important to our sisters in the Muslim community. Discrimination for wearing hijabs is very subtle. Employers with uniforms can discriminate against our sisters in the Muslim community. And that’s outrageous! I’m optimistic that the bill will pass for the first time …and become law.”

Video 4 – Rise and Resist Comrade, Travis Morales of Refuse Fascism (and Bob Avakian apostle) in Aug 2017 holding mic:

Morales: “They’re the sickness. They’re sick people. There’s a sickness going on. There’s a group of people that are very sick.” That is what Trump said about Muslims. He gave an O.K. to that murder. Trump said he would very closely look at the closing of mosques in this country. That was an okay to this murder in New Zealand. The Blood is on his hands. On this whole system of Capitalism and Imperialism. He has blood on his hands. …whether Democrat or Republican who supports Israel. This country was founded on slavery and genocide. They put black people in this country in chains. What kind of system does this? It’s a system that cannot be reformed. A system that must be over thrown. 

WE ARE REVOLUTION.  The Communist party. We have the strategy and the leadership for a REAL revolution.  If you’re not down for revolution, we still gotta come together. We have to unite to drive out this Trump-Pence regime. we have a strategy. To start with thousands of people in the major cities…growing every day … growing to hundreds of thousands and  millions til our demands are met: The Trump /Pence regime must go. In the name of humanity we refuse to accept a Fascist America. Driving out this regime as soon as possible.”

Video 5 & 6 – Speaker 1, a Jeanine Piro tirade, brotherhood demands change the Constitution .

“A salaam alaikum. We want to send a message to the powers that be …. to understand … that we are ONE Brotherhood. Whatever hurts any of us brothers anywhere on the planet hurts all of us. Want to read something that took place on Fox News, a statement by Jeanine Piro attacking Congresswoman Omar for wearing hijab. She said, “Think about it …  hijab.  Is this indicative of her adherence to the sharia law … which is unethical to the United States Constitution.”

This is pure bigotry for wearing of the hijab. It’s not a contradiction to the Constitution. It is something the women do out of purity. If purity is against the Constitution, then maybe we need to talk about changing the Constitution. (cheers/whistles)

I want to demand that this woman never be allowed to be on Fox News again. (cheers) And if the President of the United States backs what she said, then he’s a bigot too. We gotta a lot of work to do. We must stand together. We must be resolved. We must be strong in our resistance. May Allah give us the strength … inshallah …. a salaam alaikum”

Speaker 2 – CAIR NY Exe Dir, Afaf Nasher begins at 2:31

“(we see in studies) that 268 right wing extremists prosecuted in Fed Court,  not under the terrorist law that should have applied to them, but under other laws. No surprise, because 80% of narratives in the media that portray Muslims, is a negative portrayal. Do we understand …  the systemic racism that we see. (click pic to enlarge)

Malcolm X warned us. He told us to be careful. He told us the newspapers will have you hating the people that are being oppressed, and have you loving the people who are doing the oppression. These relentless messages of dehumanization and hatred that creates this animosity; that emboldens the extremists with hatred and attacks and murders and massacres. And these Islamophobes keep pedaling the idea that terrorism is by one people.
But we know… that terrorism has no religion. We understand that terrorism is antithetical to faith, antithetical to god’s mercy; antithetical to god’s love. It is antithetical to god’s peace. It is antithetical to compassion and justice.  Together, if we stand shoulder to shoulder we can defeat the racism and the hatred that is sweeping through our country and the world. (cheers)  We have the responsibility to challenge the media; to challenge racism To challenge Islamophobia, xenophobia, white supremacy. I am hopeful that we can  illuminate the very darkest corners of hate. Hopeful, that if we stand together, we can shut down those politicians who spew hate with our votes. Hopeful that we can shutdown the mega corporations who use their platforms to spew hate … Hopeful that as citizens, as friends, as neighbors we can create our own narrative,  a TRUTHFUL narrative.  One that recognizes and affirms the dignity of every single human being. We together, as New Yorkers and as family in this world of humanity, hopeful that if we have this responsibility, that we can shoulder with success and LOVE and dignity. That we can protect one another and create a legacy that is rooted in a common cause for justice, equality, compassion for all. That is you and me together. Now let me hear you. Can we do it? (cheers) Do we love one another? (yes) Will we shut down hate? (yes) Will we take our dollars else where when somebody seeks to profit through division? (yes) Will we VOTE and get those politicians OUT who want to divide us? (yes) Are we committed? (yes)  Are we dedicated? (yes) Will we show up day after day (yes) My brothers and my sisters …  I feed off your determination … we will bring it to the next generation. Inshallah.”

The JDL-NY was there. They managed (against the amplification) to speak the truth over the din.

They managed to balance the message.

Even though the police weren’t all that helpful (see video)

Video 7 –  Because JDL yelled, police claim “combative”

JDL-NY, while marching around the AMPLIFIED protest, was informed by a NYPD legal rep (it’s difficult to HEAR him because the amplified “Say it Loud, Say it Clear” was SO LOUD) that they could not yell. JDL agreed, “They stay in their area, we stay right here.” Not good enough. The NYPD legal accuses them of being combative because they were yelling [unamplified]. He said, the sidewalks would be closed, the JDL moved, if they continued to yell. And then, a very loudly amplified prayer was heard for blocks.

BTW- off camera I mentioned to the officer that the NYPD failed to follow through on these rules at our #CancelSarsour Protest/Rally on May 25, 2017. [Listen to the videos – says it all] Of course, since he claims to have not been there, he can’t address our claim. However, when you look at this picture from May 25, 2017, sure looks like the same officer. Obviously, the rules change depending on who is in charge.

crowd 1

IN CONCLUSION: The media will be praising Gillibrand and defending CAIR as victims of “Islamophobia”. Even our NYPD legal guy, put on the street to control potential confrontations, is snookered. Clearly the LEFT/Muslim factions are coddled. WE are not. EXAMPLE FOLLOWS:

Patriots marching on the sidewalks with signs with unamplified voices. It’s allowed. In NYC, these are the rules:  Keep moving. Nothing amplified (FYI- musical instruments, drums, whistles are not amplified). The Left, whenever countering patriots, knows these rules and always marches round and round,  chanting and blowing whistles (sometimes not even marching. Just standing still) .We have suffered these offensive actions by the Commies and friends when they wish to rain on our rallies. AND the police LET them. We used to accept being separated by blocks from the rallies on the Left. No more. We, too, now march around. Keep moving and using our unamplified voices to respond to what we see and hear. But, this day we were put ON NOTICE. Our voices were COMBATIVE. If we spoke up, the NYPD would close the sidewalks. If we did not march  silently, they would remove us.  BECAUSE the CAIR rally had the permit which included not just the street but BOTH public sidewalks. For comparison: see our Geller/Spencer protest against Linda Sarsour . The NYPD did NOTHING to remove the leftists from our staging area. The NYPD – whom we support- sadly, they do not support us.

[Pictures and Videos where indicated Property of Pamela Hall]

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