JDL Protest outside “Pali” Observer Mission NYC

December 26, 2017 – 4 pm. Outside the Palestinian Observer Mission on East 65th St.

The Truth revealed.

The TRUTH ignored.

The focus of the New JDL NY protest was recognizing JERUSALEM, ISRAEL and exposing the fraudulent demands of  “justice” for terrorist, Ahed Tamimi,

As they stood outside the observer mission  a man from the observer mission hung around to exchange points of view for about 15-20 minutes.

Peacefully, with positions unswerving, NO minds were changed.

Brief slide show


Short video outside the Observer Mission. Didn’t put the camera on the “pali” observer’s face while he spoke, chose to listen instead. These are a few edited remarks.

What follows, an expose of the REAL Ahed …. and her deeds:

From from Israel National News –  assaults on Israel ENCOURAGED.

A child’s guide to rock throwing

Fatah publishes children’s guide detailing how to effectively stone Jewish passersby.

“In order to hit the target, there are three conditions:

1. Stand stable and balance your legs, arms, and body well

2. Focus your gaze on the center of the target, and do not look at anything else

3. Keep the desired balance between your body and your weapon; you are the one that controls the weapon, and not the other way around

If you did not understand this, read it again, and if you still have not understood, here is a pictorial example for you.”

لإصابة الهدف هناكشروط ثلاث
١. قِف بثبات، ووازن جيداً بين قدميك ويديك وجسمك
٢. ثبّت نظرك في مركز الهدف، لا تلتفت الا الى اليه
٣. احفظ التوازن المطلوب بين جسمك وسلاحك، انت من يسيطر على السلاح لا العكس
اذا لم تفهم الدرس أعِد قراءته مرة اخرى، واذا لم يتبسر لك الفهم اليك صورة تفصيلية pic.twitter.com/vjtcDAydKP

— حركة فتح (@fatehorg) December 16, 2017

Rocks hurled at moving vehicles have caused hundreds of injuries and many deaths, including infants killed by stones thrown at their family’s cars.

Yehuda Haim Shoham, aged 5-months; Yonatan Palmer aged 12-months (his father Asher was also killed); Adele Biton aged 3l, were killed by rocks thrown at their cars by Palestinian Arab terrorists.

The 5 terrorists convicted of murdering Adele were all teen-aged.

PMW called on UNICEF to issue a stern condemnation of Fatah’s recruiting children to commit acts of terror, since according to PMW, “Recruiting children to attempt to kill others and to endanger their own lives is clear child abuse.”

PMW has exposed similar posts by Fatah calling for violence. In one post on Facebook, Fatah urged Palestinians to “strap on your weapon,” while in others the movement called for “rage,” and to “continue the intifada.”

Palestinian Authority (PA) textbooks contain incitement against Israel and Jews, and the PA itself has said that terrorism is “part of the culture.”

Back to the facts and a trailer from a new documentary made by Pierre Rehov : UNVEILING JERUSALEM

Quotes from Pamela Geller’s fabulous bestseller, ” FATWA”

The protests continue …. promoting the anti-Israel LIES.

Like the “P is for “Palestine” book” of LIES-  exposed but still promoted by the LEFT:

The “Palis” are NEVER, EVER able to address this ONE request:

Judea and Samaria (Gaza and the West Bank) it’s  a MESS of misinformation created by the LIES of Yasser ARAFAT:

The TRUTH, for those who missed it, from UN Ambassador Nikki Haley:

[Pictures and Video (where indicated) property of Pamela Hall]

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