Aug 9- AGAIN (Anti-Israel) Columbus Circle & media “bias” (vids & pics)

The Ignorance of the Gullible Masses. Sickens the Eye. The Heart. (The SOUL) G-d Save us from this Madness. PLEASE.

Stand Up and Speak Out. TODAY- SUNDAY – August 17 – Union Square.  NYC. Stop the Lies! Support the Living! Support Israel!


The August 7 protest of the very REAL Media Bias against Israel (on August 7) was  a success. Positive. Up-lifting.

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Two days later, there was an attempt by the LEFT to repeat this media bias complaint.  August 9, 2014. Columbus Circle. NYC.

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But this was a  Leftists “bizarro twist” on the TRUTH.

FACT: “Palestine” is not a nation, now or ever. It is the flag of jihad. Israel is Palestine, which jihadists wish to destroy —

Lefties and Muslims insist that CNN is BIASED… in favor of Israel… (who knew?)   Hamas’ never ending attacks against Israel are twisted, making Hamas the ‘victim’.

FACT: The greatest obstacle to peace between Israelis and Palestinians is quite simply a virulent jihadist hatred of Jews and the Jewish state. It cannot be appeased.

Facts be damned. Plastered on face book and in their press outreach was a drubbing of the media, to which the media flocked and hovered for hours.

aug 9

A biased, agenda-driven protest filled will the usual posters and banners :

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The media should be reporting with less bias in favor of ‘fakestine’; countering this agitprop would be a huge step forward.

VIDEO Part 1

 Expose the LIES of the LEFT. The SLANDER. 

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That is why I decided to publish these publish this report. WE must forget what THEY are doing to keep the anti-Isarel agenda going.

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Death. Death. Death.

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Picture after picture.

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Horrid claims that Israel is murdering children.

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The Left and the Islamists hammer Israel with lie after lie … a sea of ‘pallywoods”. The dead. Bodies blown apart. Children. Pictures manipulated to impress the media.

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While the speaker complains about CNN being PRO-Israel! Cars were honking in support of the ‘bloody’ hands waving back at them. Racist Cornel West and his chum, Chris Hedges wave back in support of the hate and lies.

west bloddy hands

[ BTW- Police seem to be getting weary of these hate-fests messing up Times Square. Moving them to Columbus Circle is happening more often.]

VIDEO Part 2

LIES to fire-up young Muslims in the crowd. Every Marxist tool in the city, like Sara Flounders of the International Action Center, set these events up and then FIRE-up the crowd with their anarchistic rhetoric. BTW- there were plenty of anarchists represented Jewish/Muslim …white, black and Hispanic…I know this because I have the pictures to validate them ( since they where their anarchy proudly on their t-shirts and banners)

VIDEO Part 3

Pulling the heart strings of the gullible is also the work of these UWS Leftists (mostly Jews) .

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A Muslim GIRL carries the Green Flag of Hamas Terrorism … as though it represents “peace”.

hamas flag 1

VIDEO Part 4

…the anti-Israel SPIN rolls on… Save the families. Save the children.

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Don’t think. Thinking is NOT allowed. Just… FEEL…the family that feels together…won’t question anything (except the truth)

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(NOTE to Neteuri Karta: you could have stayed home.) You were barely noticed at this protest

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Death to Israel means Death to the Jews (which they deny)

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Words. Words. Words. “I’m so sick of words” and these pictures.

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Suddenly….the UN and CNN are PRO-Israel. Pro-USA?

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(When the LIE suits the moment…they will run with it…) Sympathy abounds for some.

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Jews. Christians. Kufirs Need NOT apply. Your dead means nothing to these anarchists.

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More reportage that dares to tell the TRUTH about the murdering of the children ( Jewish/Christian and even Muslim) by Muslims/Terrorists/Islamists.

And more on the very real meaning of the word genocide, The TRUTH about Genocide


 Slideshow of many more pictures:

[gigya src=”″ width=”500″ flashvars=”offsite=true&lang=en-us&page_show_url=/photos/pamelahall/sets/72157646342950054/show/&page_show_back_url=/photos/pamelahall/sets/72157646342950054/&set_id=72157646342950054&jump_to=” allowFullScreen=”true” ]


Stand Up and Speak Out. TODAY- SUNDAY – August 17 – Union Square.  NYC. Stop the Lies! Support the Living! Support Israel!




2 responses to “Aug 9- AGAIN (Anti-Israel) Columbus Circle & media “bias” (vids & pics)

  1. Here I want to briefly look at passages from two recent articles about President Obama that will illustrate this point in a crystal clear manner. The first short passage is from an article by Jonathan Chait in New York magazine in April, 2014. The second is from one by Elizabeth Drew in the most recent edition of The New York Review of Books. First the Chait article – here’s the passage:

  2. Very often Democrats throw Republicans hug, fat softballs right over the heart of the plate – and Republicans fail to hit the home run. They have forgotten how to punch hard – not necessarily in ads, but in doing mano a mano. Here are just three examples from the last several years of how Republicans have blown tremendous opportunities that were virtually handed to them gift-wrapped by various agents of the Democrat Party:

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