Central Park on a Sunday afternoon …

A quiet stroll through Central Park on July 5, 2009

You might think people were just hanging out at the big fountain…

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There were buskers doing gymnastics to the rhythm of hip-hop.
(They’re surrounded by the crowd)

But, others were enjoying the fountain…

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Bethesda Fountain/Civil War Monument

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And many were enjoying the lake.

Some in gondolas…

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And others, brought out their toy-boats…

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(okay…. it’s radio-controlled, so maybe it deserves an upgrade from ‘toy’)

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And of course, all were sharing the lake with the ubiquitous rowboats.

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Then… on to the solitude of “The Rambles.” Created with that in mind… solitude as you walk the meandering paths that never go where you think they will. A good place to get lost (for real) and very, VERY quiet. And we STOPPED taking pictures! Til we saw the Oak Bridge:

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And as the city looms ahead … hovering over the lake…

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We know we’re finally  “out-of-the woods”! Cause there’s the top of the Natural History Museum as it peeks over the trees …

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We’re back! To the hustle, the bustle…. the noise of the city…

Click thumbnail for a few more pictures:
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